BLiSC Animal Care and Resource Center (ACRC) - Inhouse guidelines
All projects requesting the use and services of ACRC facilities should be approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee and by the ACRC Internal Animal Users Committee according to this <Flowchart>.
- All the animal facility users should undergo orientation and training in proper handling of animals as detailed <HERE>.
- Detailed Internal ACRC Users Orientation courses and SOPs can be downloaded from our INTRANET webpage: -
- Animal work can begin only after the IAEC approval of the research project.
- The approved protocol should be strictly followed; any modification in the protocol should be cleared by the IAEC.
- Only authorized people are allowed to enter the animal block with all the protective clothing - apron, cap, facemask and designated sandals.
- Experiments should be performed with due care and humanity.
- All the animal users should follow Russell and Burch’s 3 ‘R’s concept.
Refinement – minimize pain and suffering – use appropriate anesthetics and analgesics.
Reduction – use fewer animals without compromising scientific output,quality of research and animal welfare.
Replacement – use non-sentient materials which replace the use of conscious living vertebrate animals completely or partially or relatively.
The Veterinarian should be kept informed of animal use plans, especially animal orders and breeding requirements, well in advance.