Please check your date and inform the Academic Office immediately if your name is not included in the list with the subject line "AWS-name omission". In case you are away on the date you are scheduled to speak, please find someone with whom you can change dates. In case you cannot find such an exchange please contact the Academic office (subject line “AWS-date change”) at least 3 weeks in advance and you will be rescheduled to speak in advance of your trip. If you do not hear from the office within a week of sending your email, please meet with Mrs. KS. Vishalakshi in the academic office.
The title and abstract along with the names of your thesis committee members should be submitted one week in advance with the subject line “AWS Abstract-Your Name”. Please inform your thesis committee members about your talk and please try and ensure that they attend as well. It may be a wise idea to try and schedule your TCM meeting around the time of your AWS.
As you know, the total time for each speaker for the AWS is 25 minutes. This means you have 20 minutes for your talk and we must have 5 minutes for discussion. We recommend that you structure your talk as follows:
First 5 minutes: A clear statement of the goals of your project. Give just enough background so that the audience can appreciate the question you are addressing. It should be clear to the listeners where your research will fit into the current body of knowledge.
10-12 minutes: Please give only those findings that you have generated in the last year. You can of course mention older data where it is relevant to what you are saying. It is a good idea to restrict yourself to 15 slides. Synthesize your data and present the main findings. You do not need to talk about every experiment you have done.
Last 3 minutes: Summary and future experiments. This should be in enough detail so that the audience can assess the feasibility of the experiments being planned.
Try and give an impression of the timeline for these experiments.
Lastly and most importantly, we wish to stress the value of the talks at the AWS and the importance of attendance at all sessions. Please ensure that you engage, not only in the talks of people in your own lab but also those of other labs.