Last updated 4 pm on 04 February 2022.

This website provides information on BLiSC campus responses to COVID-19, coordinated by the medical centre and the BLiSC management. It will be updated frequently with current information and instructions.

Don't panic, and take care to minimize spread. Physical Distancing is the key.

Coronavirus Symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Bodyache
  • Dry Cough
  • Breathlessness
  • Loss of smell or taste

If you have the above symptoms, please contact your local medical centre. If on campus, please immediately wear a mask and contact the medical Centre at X6446 or send email to

Status change/ Exposure report form:

Everyone who has had a change of exposure status, due to illness, travel, or visits to and from possible infected people, MUST fill THIS form to self-report it to the campus Covid monitoring team:


We now have  a rapid contact tracing system in place, coupled with a system of zoning and scheduling boundaries which are accessible on the intranet. All campus personnel should use the BLISC-app(Android and iOS) for QR code logging of entries and exits to improve the accuracy of contact tracing. Details and updates are on the intranet.

Campus research work will continue with the current restricted number of staff and students. In addition, essential work on asset maintenance and COVID response continues. There are continued restrictions on campus entry. An online system for pre-screening health and travel history of visitors as well as campus staff who have been away for over 10 days, has been activated. PIs and reporting officers must log into this link to initiate clearance for return of students/staff, and to bring in visitors as per the procedures.

Flowchart for Positives, Primaries and Saliva test positives

All people should wear a surgical or other approved mask while on campus, and must also maintain distancing of at least 2 metres. This does NOT do away with the need to hand sanitize. Please see Campus Entry Rules. Please also note updated rules for bench work. Use of the QR code logging of entry and exit in the various zones of the campus is compulsory. All personnel should observe the zoning and batch system, and must only be present on campus for the minimum time taken to accomplish their jobs.

General guidelines:


Quarantine guidelines:
  • The Covid Response Team sets and periodically updates quarantine terms, based on medical advisories and his input from the city/state/national medical authorities. These terms are designed to strike a balance between safety and functionality.

  • Reporting your need for quarantine is MANDATORY. Those who do not disclose travel history and symptoms as required may be barred from entering campus for an extended period.

Travel related quarantine

  • If you have travelled internationally or domestically, by AIR or any other means, you must self-quarantine for 14 days.

  • If you are in contact with family/house mates who have travelled, you too will be subject to the same quarantine terms as they are: 14 days both for international and domestic travel outside Bangalore.

  • If you are unsure of the need for quarantine or have a query, you can contact the covid response team by filling out the details at the following link: :

              Access will be through your line manager who will provide a link.

  • After 5 days of quarantine, you have the option to have a covid-19 test done and if the result is negative quarantine can end by day 7, if you have no symptoms. The test will be at your own expense, except for those cases where the travel was for official purposes.
  • If your only place of residence is on the NCBS/inStem campus, quarantine facilities have been arranged on campus (see section 2 below).If you live off campus at a residence that does not allow home quarantine (e.g in rented PG accommodation), you can request quarantine facilities on campus. To do this, please send an e-mail to with a cc to you supervisor at BLISC. Your request will be considered; please do this as far as possible well in advance of this requirement. In all other cases, your quarantine place should be off-campus.

  • At the end of your quarantine period,  please contact the Medical Centre for an appointment at, and follow instructions to schedule a checkup.

  • If, during your quarantine period you experience worsening symptoms, please contact the medical centre or X6446.

  • If you experience breathlessness call the campus emergency number 080 2366 6666 and take the ambulance to the nearest tertiary care hospital (probably: Columbia Asia or Aster CMI). If you live far away from the campus, call 108 for an ambulance, and try to give word to the reception or emergency number about your situation.

  • Symptoms that possibly indicate Coronavirus infection are:

    • Fever

    • Tiredness

    • Dry Cough

    • Breathlessness

    • Loss of smell or taste

  • In case you begin to show such signs while on campus

    • Wear a mask immediately

    • Visit/Contact the medical center for further instructions

Information for students entering home quarantine on campus

The goal of quarantine is to isolate you until it is clear that you were not infected with COVID during your travel, or due to close contact with someone who travelled recently. On-campus quarantine facilities are in Parijata; details are here. We suggest that you mentally prepare for quarantine.

For students in campus housing who are arriving from out of town: It is important that when you arrive in Bangalore, you come to Parijata directly. Do NOT go to your room in Mandara or Sugandhi to collect your belongings; this puts other community members at risk. Instead, ask a friend to collect your things and deliver them to the Parijata caretaker (see details below)

Remember that the social isolation necessary during quarantine will likely incur a degree of anxiety, although we will try our best to make you comfortable. Treat the staff at the quarantine centre with due courtesy and respect; they are after all risking their lives while performing their duties. Be patient, the systems are still being set up. In case of any problems or questions, contact Praveen(9686011982), Deepa (9620081484) or Raj (9686566371).


What will be provided during quarantine

  1. You will be given a clean room with a bed, linen, and towels, and supplies to clean your room during your isolation.

  2. You will be provided regular meals and necessities such as drinking water; and a dinner plate and cutlery that you can wash and reuse during your stay. Please inform staff about any food allergies.

  3. You will be provided with masks and a sanitiser, which you must use when stepping out of your room (briefly) to collect supplies left for you at the door.

What to bring with you while entering quarantine

  1. Personal necessities: clothes, toiletries, any medication that you require regularly.
    External laundry facilities are difficult to provide given the risk of infection; but you can wash and dry clothes inside your room. Please plan accordingly. 

  2. Other necessities such as mosquito repellent and an electrical extension cord, which you probably already have at home. If not, you can request these from the quarantine caretaker.

  3. A small stock of snacks or other foods that you prefer.

  4. Reading material, laptop, other devices.

  5. Please don't delay entering quarantine as you run around to get these. If you're given a deadline to pack, just go. Items can come later.

During the quarantine period

  • It is critical that you avoid ALL direct social contact during your quarantine. You can of course talk to people on the phone, or online. 

  • Please identify a friend who can buy or find any additional material you might need during quarantine. Try to minimize and consolidate such requests. Your friend should coordinate with and deliver the material to the caretaker, who will disinfect the supplies and leave them outside your door. After they leave, you should wear your mask, sanitize your hands, step out quickly and take the material inside.  

  • Double-bag all waste within the room; when the bag is full, close it and call the caretaker to arrange a pickup time. Wear your mask, sanitize your hands, and leave the bag on the table outside your door. After you go inside, the caretaker will come and pick up the material. In general, the only things leaving your room during the quarantine period should be waste; no non-essential things should leave your room. 

  • If you feel unwell, call the medical centre and speak with the duty doctor. If he/she prescribes any new medication, ask the caretaker to arrange to have it delivered to you. 

  • If you feel well, try to stick to a regular work routine. There is always analysis, reading, consultation with PI to be done. 

  • Do try to get in some exercise! Here are some handy resources: 

Instructions for people being home quarantined, on or off campus.

The home quarantined person should:

  • Stay in a well-ventilated single-room preferably with an attached/separate toilet. If another family member needs to stay in the same room, it's advisable to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between the two.
  • Must-stay away from elderly people, pregnant women, children and persons with co-morbidities within the household.
  • Restrict his/her movement within the house.
  • If it is not possible to implement these conditions in a home, the entire family in the flat should be under home quarantine
  • Under no circumstances attend any social/religious gathering e.g. wedding, condolences, etc.

 (S)He should also follow the under mentioned public health measures at all times:

  • Wash hand as often thoroughly with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid sharing household items e.g. dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, bedding, or other items with other people at home
  • Wear a surgical mask at all the time. The mask should be changed every 6-8 hours and disposed off. Disposable masks should never be reused
  • Masks used by patients / care givers/ close contacts during home care should be disinfected using ordinary bleach solution (5%) or sodium hypochlorite solution (1%) and then disposed of either by burning or deep burial
  • Used masks should be considered as potentially infected

Instructions for the family members of persons being home quarantined

  • Only an assigned family member should be tasked with taking care of the such person
  • Avoid shaking soiled linen or direct contact with skin
  • Use disposable gloves when cleaning the surfaces or handling soiled linen
  • Wash hands after removing gloves
  • Visitors should not be allowed

Environmental sanitation

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in the quarantined person's room (e.g. bed frames, tables etc.) daily with 1%Sodium Hypochlorite Solution.
  • Clean and disinfect toilet surfaces daily with regular household bleach solution/phenolic disinfectants
  • Clean the clothes and other linen used by the person separately using common household detergent and dry.
  • At the end of the quarantine period, the room in which the person was quarantined should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using the above measures.



The goal of quarantine is to isolate yourself until it is clear that you were not infected with covid-19 during your travel, due to close contact with someone who travelled recently or any other form of potential exposure to covid-19. This can include visits to hospital, social gatherings (weddings, funerals or other family gatherings). To assess your risk and need for quarantine,  please complete a form at so that the covid response team is aware of your situation and can provide relevant advice.

While you are isolating yourself at home, please ensure that you read the updated quarantine guidelines posted here ( At home, sequester yourself as much as possible, away from in-person social contact. Needless to say, you should NOT go to the campus under any circumstances. Pay careful attention to your health and monitor for any of the symptoms noted in the guidelines.

After your home quarantine period ends (14 days), please follow these steps:
    1. Wait for the medical centre to call you so that you can speak to the doctor. It is possible that the medical centre staff may call a day late; please be patient. Meanwhile, continue your social isolation measures. 
    2. If the doctor advises you to do so, make an appointment to visit the campus medical centre
    3. Wear a mask when you come for your appointment. Do not arrive too early. Enter campus using the gate closest to the medical centre (InStem gate). In case you do not have a mask, ask the security staff at the gate to give you a mask.
    4. You may resume on-campus research activities (in consultation with your PI) ONLY after you receive a fitness certificate from the doctor. Please note, the doctor only provides a certificate of medical fitness.

Campus Entry Rules:
  • Visitors may come only if it is absolutely necessary. The host i.e one of the faculty or section heads of the institute, will need to justify the reason for the visit. Visitors are allowed to enter campus only after online pre-screening initiated by the host. Full details in section below. These rules also apply to Mandara housing campus, and to personal guests of residents. Please ensure that the screening and approval process is completed BEFORE the visitor arrives at the gate. Do NOT initiate it with the visitor standing at the gate.

  • Guidelines for attending the institute based on travel history

    Prior to returning to work, all BLSIC colleagues are required to fill a campus re-entry form. This will be initiated by your supervisor or line manager You will receive a link to a form to gather information about your address, health status and other relevant details. Once you submit this form, it will be screened and if further information/clarification is required, a campus colleague will get in touch with you. Once it is determined that it is safe for you to return to campus, you will receive an approval e-mail; a copy of this will also be sent to your supervisor and security.
    • Movement within the Greater Bangalore Area (includes Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural, Tumkur, Kolar and Ramnagara.
      There is presently a high incidence of covid-19 in the Greater Bangalore Area. Therefore you should take precautions that you do not expose yourself to risk of infection while travelling within the city. If you use public transport, please ensure that you wear an extra layer of clothing while travelling to and from work. Once you reach the BLISC campus, please remove this outer layer and store it in a bag in your sector. You MUST always use a mask while travelling and please hand sanitize after exiting the vehicle.

    • Inter-district movement
      If you undertake inter-district travel, please fill the risk reporting form at the following link. A campus colleague will revert with advice on quarantine advice.

    • Inter-state movement
      If you need to undertake inter-state travel by any means, we will require you to practice home quarantine for a period of 14 days from the date you return to Bangalore.

    • International travel
      In the rare case that you return to campus after international travel, you will need to undertake 14 days of quarantine following the guidelines prescribed for other types of travel above.

    • In all the above cases if your presence is deemed essential, you may be expected to attend work by obtaining a COVID-19 swab test (by RT-PCR) at a designated testing facility outside the BLISC campus in consultation with the Medical Centre, and if the results are negative. For these tests, the sample has to be collected on day 5 or later after the last date of travel.

  • All persons entering the campus will be scanned for fever using a non-contact thermal scanner at the entry gate. This facility will be available at the main NCBS gate, inStem main gate and the NCBS gate adjacent to CCAMP. All other entrances to the campus will be closed.

  • If a higher than normal temperature is detected, the process to be followed is as below:
    (1) All persons with an NCBS, inStem or C-CAMP identity card must visit a doctor at our medical center or elsewhere and return when fever has subsided. This is for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. The medical center does not authorize campus entry.
    (2) All other persons (e.g visitors, vendors, etc) with a fever will not be allowed onto campus.

Visitor entry rules:

  • Definition of visitor: Anyone who does not have a BLISC institution I.D card or one provided by a service contract provider for the campus that is easily recognised by security. It includes visitors to all administrative and academic sections of BLISC institutions.
  • In general, while the epidemic continues, visitors to campus are discouraged unless they are delivering services or items required to keep approved work on campus ongoing.  Individuals who must visit campus  must be pre-screened and cleared prior to the visit. The process for pre-screening is described below. There are only two exceptions to the above rule:
    1. Regular delivers of supplies to the canteen via the housing gate-NCBS
    2. Deliveries to the main stores via the front gate of NCBS.
  • In the above two cases, individuals who arrive to make deliveries (driver + helper) will undergo thermal screening at the gate and their details recorded prior to entry. Those with  fever will not be allowed to enter campus.
  • Pre-screening process: In all other cases, the proposed visitor must supply their medical and travel history via an online form. The host must must initiate the pre-screening via an online form. Online screening can be initiated at the following site ( and the visitor will receive a link at the e-mail address they provide to fill a form with required details. During the pre-screening process, the visitor will receive a link to a form that requests details of their residence, health status and travel history both within Bangalore and beyond. Please fill these details carefully. The answers will be screened to determine if it is safe for the visitor to enter the campus. If the form is incomplete or answers to certain questions require further clarification the visitor will be contacted for further information before a decision is taken. Please be patient if this takes time, typically less than 24 hours. Once approved, the visitor, their host and security will receive an approval e-mail. This should be shown to security at the gate. This approval e-mail will be required by Security staff at the gate to allow visitors onto our campus. This applies to all types of visitors-academic, technical and administrative.
  • During the visit, the visitor must be accompanied at all times by their host until they depart the campus.
  • This visitor approval must be obtained for repeat visits as well.
  • Please contact if you have a visitor that needs to attend campus on multiple days within a week.
Instructions for ALL Campus Members:
  • While on campus, please try to work so that social distance is maintained. The ideal distance is 2metres. This applies in all places including gym, canteen, buses or lab.

  • Encourage work-from-home.

  • Avoid large meetings

  • Keep your hands washed and your work surfaces clean and sanitized

  • Ensure that ALL offices and meeting points on campus have nearby access to hand sanitizer.

  • Keep daily use items clean. These include backpacks, shoes, laptops, cellphone phones, headphones, watch etc.

  • The central stores have a supply of essential hygiene products, below is a list along with their TIIS item codes. Please ensure that your working space is stocked up on these:

    • 3 ply face mask - 900105

    • Sterillium Rub in hand disinfectant - 310144

    • Rectified spirit - 310143

    • Mfold Tissues - 900089

    • Hand gloves - 900120

  • Drinking water point instructions:

    • Before you refill the water bottle please wash your bottle thoroughly and your hands

    • Place the water bottle away from the drinking water outlet for refill. Do NOT touch the mouth of the bottle to the outlet of drinking water.

    • While drinking water directly from the fountain, place your mouth away from the fountain

    • Elbow should be used to operate the water outlet wherever it is possible.

    • Please help and correct if you find anyone around you who is unclear about its proper use.

Instructions for Students:
  • We are required to set up a quarantine space on campus. Based on the space required and proximity to the Medical Centre, Parijata has been identified as the best location. Students currently in Parijata will be assigned rooms in Mandara and Sugandhi. Dr Mukund Thattai will be in touch with first-year students separately about these arrangements.

  • In-person AWS and journal clubs are suspended. These are being conducted via Zoom.

  • In-person courses are suspended. Instructors will be assisted to begin teaching via Zoom.

  • All thesis synopsis seminars and thesis vivas are being conducted online. This will continue for the foreseeable future. The open portion will be live-streamed.

  • Individual labs can decide on their policies for group meetings. However, everyone is encouraged to make use of online meetings, to minimise unnecessary contacts, and work from home to the extent possible.

  • Research and lab activities will continue. Standard precautions should be observed, including maintaining distance, washing hands, staying home if unwell and reporting symptoms immediately to the Medical Centre.

Precautions taken on campus:
  • Quarantine Space has been set up on campus: Parijata Hostel.

  • Telephone helpline has been set up

  • All meeting rooms have been deep cleaned by the staff

  • Transport:

    • Deep cleaning of all the campus vehicles like cabs, TT, buggy, ambulance etc. is already in place.

    • Drivers have been advised to wear face masks

    • Please use the QR code in the vehicle as you enter and exit it.

  • Shuttle Trips, effective 10th April 2020:

    • The NCBS-IISc Mazda trip schedule has been suspended.

    • Additional Mazda trips have been added on the NCBS-Mandara route. The revised schedule is at

    • In view of the pandemic, the number of persons on a vehicle is restricted per trip. 

    • Please note that henceforth passengers will have to alight outside the NCBS gates for temperature screening and washing hands.

  • Ambulance SOP:

    • The ambulance is washed thoroughly and cleaned with rectified spirit every day.

    • Transfer procedure for quarantine / to hospital is as follows:

      • The driver carries N95 masks, gowns and gloves for the patient(s) and himself in the ambulance.

      • The driver keeps these PPE outside the patient's door and then calls the patient announcing his arrival. The driver also keeps the ambulance door open for the patient.

      • The patient then wears the PPE, gets to the ambulance and sits inside.

      • The driver, instructed by the medical centre staff on his destination (hospital / Parijata for quarantine), drives the vehicle, ensuring no contact with the patient. The driver is also wearing his PPE.

    • Post Transfer Procedure:

      • The driver thoroughly cleans ambulance with rectified spirit.

      • The driver goes to the medical centre, takes a shower and changes, and is ready for further duties.

  • Campus Hygiene: The following items have been made available:

    • Sterillium Rub in hand disinfectant- This is a hand rub. It should be placed at the entry/ exit point of your office/ lab where everyone can reach it

    • Rectified spirit- This should be used to clean all your computers, phones, laptops, electronics etc. You may use this to clean up your door handle and table

    • Hand gloves and Triple layer face mask- Individuals are encouraged to make use of this should they be in contact with suspected cases.

    • Paper Napkins: For cleaning purposes are available at stores.

  • Canteen Measures:

    • In-canteen dining remains suspended. Please collect your food and eat in the common area designated for your sector. Do not face anyone while eating, and maintain a distance of at least 2 metres.

    • Food service hours have been extended so as to lessen crowds.

    • Restriction to number of people coming inside the canteen at peak hours.

  • Limited usage of sports facilities in possible. For guidelines on how to use these safetly please visit this link. No gym, changing room, showers or restroom facilities are available. Do not enter.

SOPs when working from home

As we move toward greater restrictions on campus presence, increasing numbers of people will have to work from home. These guidelines are meant to structure such work, since it is all too easy to become less effective outside of the regular office environment. These apply to academic as well as office work.


1. Work from home is not a holiday. Full working hours are to be observed. It may be possible to provide some flexibility as to time-of-day following discussions with reporting officer, but the staffer should be accessible by phone/digital means during working hours so that urgent discussions can be held.

2. In some cases dependents will also be restricted to home, and help not available due to the shutdown. In such cases regular/full working hours may not be possible. Then the staffer should define clear shifts when they can be fully accessible and working, accessible by phone, or not accessible, and discuss this with their reporting officer.

3. Work-from-home can only be done with the permission of reporting officer. The reporting officer has to help plan the expected work.

4. The reporting officer should call in on all people working from home, the first thing in the morning, to assign work for the day and ensure presence. The reporting officer should check in on them at least once during the day, and preferably have a closing call in the evening at leaving time.

5. Should the staff member be unwell, they should seek sick leave as per the usual procedure.

6. Should quarantine be imposed on the staff person, it is expected that they will fulfil their duties to the extent possible by working from home. The reporting officer will reassign duties to be desk-based to the extent possible, in case the staffer normally has a hands-on job.

7. Phone numbers and email IDs must be provided to reporting officer and be made available on intranet against staffers name so that all co-workers who need to interact with them can do so easily.

8. The staff members must be even more responsive to phone and email than when they are in the office. The lack of personal presence must be made up by electronic reponsiveness.

9. Where needed, VPN should be configured for the staff member so that TIIS and intranet can be accessed from home. IT should try to collect unused/little-used laptops from labs to help staff who may be able to work from home.

10. City travel is not in itself a basis for work-at-home. Longer travel, e.g., via local train, should be discussed with your reporting officer based on guidelines from the covid response team.

What to do if family members return home from outside Bangalore
  • Family members travelling by any means should self-quarantine as per quarantine guidelines (link to item 1) to avoid possible community spread of disease

  • If you cannot quarantine yourself from the AIR travellers, then you should also self-quarantine: This is 14 days both for international and domestic travel. It is imperative you do NOT come to campus.

  • Please inform the covid response team by filling a form at and upon completion of the quarantine time, obtain permission for your return to the campus.

(A) Guidelines on the use of mask while on the campus

All individuals both staff and visitors must use a face mask while on campus. Masks are a key part of our protection against COVID-19, and must be properly used, as a directive from the covid response team.

Unfortunately, many people believe that they are in special locations where they do not need masks.

Here is a FAQ with input from the covid response team:

  1. Please wear the mask in a manner such that it covers your mouth and nose. It is incorrect usage to have your nose not covered or to have the mask suspended under your chin.
  2. Are masks required in multi-person offices when there is only one person present? Yes. In this setting different people will be coming in at various times (although only one is present at a given time) and may sneeze and cough onto shared surfaces, printers, scanners, files, etc,
  3. Are masks required in all offices whenever there is more than one person present? Yes
  4. Are masks required in ELC, SLC, inSTEM type lab bays or in CCAMP when there is only one person in the bay? Yes, for the same types of reasons as explained on point 2 above. They may sneeze, breathe onto all types of common equipment, surfaces, etc.
  5. Are masks required in single-person offices? Yes, if it is an office where other people come to consult.
  6. Are masks required while eating or drinking? Obviously not. Eat in a non-biohazard place well away from others and away from possibly contaminated surfaces. However physical distancing from others should be strictly practised while eating/drinking with masks off. Take precautions about not touching the mask surface, and put it back on promptly.
  7. Are masks required while walking in corridors or on footpaths? Yes. Since crossings are likely.
  8. Are masks required when sitting out in the colonnade/Atrium/Canteen/cafeteria? Yes. All these places have surfaces which are touched and may have virus and have many other people.
  9. Are masks required out in the lawn if I'm far away from everyone else? You can briefly remove the mask outdoors, with precautions, if you're 5 metres away from others. Please minimize mask touching.

Some other mask advice:
(i) Don't touch your face after handling the outside surface of your mask; (ii) Clean it regularly; (iii) Don't stuff it into your pocket and then reuse it.

Do see the PSA's guide to masks. Please speak up if you see someone endangering others by not wearing a mask, or speak to a coordinator or mentor who will follow up.


(B) Physical distancing norms

Maintaining physical distancing between individuals is also a key part of the measures to break the transmission of COVID-19. Please ensure that you always maintain a distance of 2 m from anyone else, wherever you are on campus.


(C)Zoning Updates and the use of QR codes:

A key step to minimize contacts is the Zoning restrictions that have been put into place. Our Campus post lockdown planning committee have been at work trying to seek verification whether this system is working, as expected. As promised they conducted an audit of the Zoning system, and have some data to assess the compliance here. The good news is that this system seems to be restricting the contacts for almost all our non-academic staff. However we have had enormous contact numbers for those (academic staff) who work in the laboratories in the different sectors. This is likely due to lack of compliance of entering your names into the registers at the sector boundaries. While we would all like to get on with our lives and work in the laboratories it is even more important today that we stay vigilant about the spread of COVID19 on the campus, and ensure basic compliance of the rules we have put into place.

For this purpose, we have begun a transition from using the log books to record entry and exit into a sector to a QR code reader App(BLISC-app : Android and iOS) developed by our IT section. Like the log books, the information is used only if we need to check possible contacts should an infection be found on the campus. For those who have smart phones, the App is Mandatory, and must be downloaded if you wish to work in the laboratory.

Using the App: after downloading, you will be asked to fill in your profile (name, email address, mobile phone number and your lab/office/section). That's it. When you enter the campus you will see a poster with the gate QR code - you can scan it. When you enter your sector, there will be a sector-specific QR code. Common equipment rooms also have their own QR codes. When leaving your sector for a new one or to go home, please scan the exit codes. This is important, as the default assumption will be that you have been present for the whole day. If you do not have a smartphone, or are unable to scan the code, use the log books that will still be kept at every sector entry point.

  • All visitors and staff must wash their hands with soap at the basin by the main gate security when they enter.
  • Please cooperate with security and staff on campus, they are following instructions to ensure the health and safety of everyone.
    • Disinfect workspace before and after use.
    • Only alternate bench spaces may be used. This means that on a typical bench with 4 places on each side, only 2 people may use it on each side, and there must not be someone directly facing you.
    • Elevated biosafety protocols will apply to all BSL2 and BSL3 work. All people doing such work must be fully briefed before starting.
  • All staff members visiting campus are requested to keep a close check on their own health.
  • Avoid eating outside, unnecessary travel and going into crowded places.
  • Limit social interaction as much as possible
  • If you feel that you have been in contact with someone exhibiting symptoms of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) please contact the nearest medical center, and follow their instructions. In addition to the campus medical center, you can also contact the BBMP fever clinics at Kodigehalli or Yelahanka.

Who decides quarantine terms?
The covid response team, based on medical advisories, input from current government guidelines and an assessment of our own campus circumstances. The medical centre does not determine quarantine conditions and please  do NOT call the medical centre to initiate arguments or discussions on these matters.

I'm not used to working at home. It is difficult to adjust.

If you have support systems at home, then target regular working hours as in the SOP on work-from-home. If you have to care for dependents during the shutdown, then see what kind of shift-system or other arrangements can be made to achieve maximal productivity. During this crisis there may be demands on your time that will be challenging, but we expect everyone to contribute as best they can. See the SOP on work-from-home.

Can I host guests in my hostel room?
No. Not for visit, not for stay. Not your friends, not even your siblings. Only residents and immediate family already staying with staff on campus housing, are to come in. The housing and main campus are both in restricted contact and restricted entry mode. It would be hugely problematic to have COVID transmission on campus or in the housing.

If someone is planning for a synopsis/pre synopsis seminar, how to arrange for it?
Thesis synopses and seminars will be done online.

Will the Dolna stay operational ? Is it safe for my kid to stay in Dolna?
The creche (Dolna) has been closed in response to advisories.

Can we get testing done to clear ourselves and those suspected to be positive?
Testing is only done as per doctor's recommendation, for the following reasons:
- One needs medical input to decide if the case is likely to be the COVID-19.
- It is important to get the correct type of test done and at the correct time.

When to decide if you should consult the campus doctor?
See the doctor if you have the Covid symptoms, after making an appointment.

How to differentiate between common cold and Covid 19?
See link . But the doctor has the final say.

How safe is it to travel in public transport on a daily basis?
It increases your exposure. Try to limit. Use disinfectant measures like hand wash and always wear a mask. Even better, walk, use your bicycle, or personal transport. If you come to work by public transport, please bring a change of clothes; on reaching the institute, change your outer layer of clothing and store these in a closed bag. i.e do not work within the institute in the same clothes worn on public transport.

How do we ensure safety in NCBS shuttle/Buggy ?
See web page for procedures already in place and planned. In brief, QR codes, disinfection, less crowding, and more trips to reduce crowding.

If the profession of my family members is such that they come in contact with a lot of people on a daily basis, should I not come to lab, or get a temporary place to stay unless situation gets better.
Bear in mind physical distancing and work it out with your PI

Can I get food/parcel deliveries from Swiggy etc?
Deliveries should be picked up only at the gate. If someone in quarantine needs a delivery, they should ask a friend to pick it up and deliver it to the designated caretaker as per quarantine guidelines.

If I have travelled within the city, can I come to the campus?
Yes, but please monitor yourself, and limit interactions with people. You will be subject to thermal scanning at the gate. If a fever is detected, the course of action will be as indicated in item 3.


FAQs About Self-Quarantine:

What is self quarantine?
Self quarantine is when an individual limits social interaction and stays at a secluded place, such as their home, for a period of time to minimize the risk of transmitting the coronavirus. Inform the medical centre before taking this step.

How long do I have to be under self-quarantine?
Self-quarantine will be 14 days for those who have travelled (either internationallyor domestically) or come in contact with someone who has travelled under these circumstances.

How long should I self-quarantine if I feel normal/fine?
Same as above.

Do I have to self-quarantine if I'm visited by people from out of town?
Yes, if they have travelled by AIR. Please follow the self-quarantine advisory before returning to campus. Inform the campus before returning:

ANTI-FAQ: what not to do

- Do NOT argue about the quarantine terms. We are in a medical crisis, and the campus authorities are using the best guidelines they have access too. Do NOT contact the medical centre on this matter.

- Do NOT bring in visitors, guests, or even family to your hostel rooms.

- If you are in the quarantine period, do NOT come to campus 'just to pick up some stuff'

- If you have to return from travel, do NOT simply postpone your travel for 5 days and then land up right away. The time for quarantine starts from the time of your return to Bangalore.

- If you have a friend who is returning from outside the city, do NOT hole them up in your hostel room. This is serious honour code violation. This will potentially bring infection onto the campus.

- Do NOT land up on campus asking for a quarantine room. If you're off campus and in quarantine time, STAY off campus. We are trying to minimize spread. Honour code.

- If you are expecting a Swiggy or courier delivery, do NOT ask them to come onto campus. The items should be picked up from the designated outside gate.

- Do NOT encourage any off-campus visitors.

- If you're in quarantine, do NOT meet people except by videoconf. Even if off campus. Don't promote community spread of the disease.

- Do NOT come to the campus health centre during your quarantine period. Contact the staff through X6446 or Don't overwhelm them

Campus response structure


Starting 8th December 2020, badminton and tennis and the central lawns will be opened for some activities. Please read on to familiarise yourself with the guidelines before you plan any of these activities.

Which activities can the lawn be used for?

  • The lawn can be booked for:
    • Yoga
    • Frisbee (Guidelines for returning to this safely here.)
    • Hang-outs
  • You can have a total of 15 people for any of these events.

How do I book it?

  • You can book the lawn via the scheduler.
  • Use the part of the lawns by the admin patio - it is been cordoned off.
  • Any campus denizen can book the lawn. As soon as you do, you become the Point of Contact and get to look after a few things (see below).

When can I book it?

  • There will be two open slots for lawn usage every day of the week barring Sundays:
    • 7:00am-10:00am
    • 4:00pm-7:00pm
  • Only one event per time slot is allowed.
  • You need to book the lawn a day in advance.

Who can partake in these activities?
Any campus denizen can be part of these activities. For now, no affiliates of campus denizens will be allowed.

How does this intersect with other campus guidelines?

  • Batch system: These activities are independent of the batch system, so, you can interact across batches. Although, do be aware of the possible implications of this cross-batch interaction were there to be a positive CoVID-19 case amongst any of you or were any of you to be the primary contact of a positive CoVID-19 case.
  • Campus Entry: Be aware of the campus entry guidelines and ensure you are following them. (
  • Mask: Wearing a mask a must if it is a social gathering (except when you are eating or drinking). If your sport permits it, keep it on. If not, take it off, but do be extra aware of the distance you maintain from others
  • QR Code: The lawn will have a single QR code, which will be posted at multiple locations along the periphery of the lawn. Please scan this when you enter and when you leave.
  • Physical distancing: Demarcations will be drawn as reminders for maintaining distance. If your activity permits it (for example, yoga), please set your mats up in these spots. If not, imagine you are hoola-hooping with a 6-feet diameter hoola-hoop.
  • Testing: The campus is using a sentinel testing approach to monitor health and safety as we go about our activities. So, make sure that at least 2 members of your 15 member party get tested the immediate next Tuesday from your event. Details below.

Can I access the canteen before or after the activity?

Can I go back to my office or lab after the activity?
Sure! But only if you are in the relevant batch on that day. If not, you can grab a snack from the canteen and go home!

How often can I access the lawn?
You can 'hang-out' once a week or play a sport or do yoga twice a week.

What if it rains?
The sports facility staff will take a call on whether the lawn can be used after rains. This might depend on the type of activity you are planning. So if it has rained, please wait to hear from Mr. Kumar or Mr. Baba on whether you can proceed with your event or not.

Can we have food at the hang-outs?
Yes! Here are some guidelines for food and beverages during hang outs:

  • Food and beverages will be on a BYO basis. Two tables have been provided in the admin patio area for you to use. Please do not move them!
  • The flip-side of BYO is CYO! Clear your own - mess! Please leave the place as if no one had ever been there. There are two bins in the admin patio area - please use them for your waste.
  • Crockery and cutlery too will be on a BYO basis. As much as possible, avoid disposables and encourage your party to bring their own paraphernalia.
  • Serving food: As much as possible, try and assign one person from your party to serve the food. This is to minimise contact.
  • Particularly when you are eating, stick to the demarcated spaces. (Tough to hoola hoop while eating)
  • Suggestion: maybe treat it as a picnic and bring your picnic mat/cushion and baskets

Can we play badminton?
Yes! Read on to know what you need to do.

  • You can play singles games only.
  • Go over to the scheduler to make a booking. There will be 3 slots of 1 hour each in the morning and evening. 7-8am; 8-9am; 9-10am; 4-5pm; 5-6pm; 6-7pm. Only 1 booking per person, per day. No play without a booking
  • For your booking, you get 50 minutes of play-time. This is to allow for a 10-minute fallow between players. Sports staff will remind you when your time is up.
  • IF no booking exists, you may continue. Clarify this with the sports staff.
  • You can use the locker room to change if you use it one person at a time. Please do not use it to bathe, though.
  • For now, only the NCBS court is open for use.
  • BYO equipment.

Can we play tennis?
Yes! The system is the same as for badminton, so check out those rules above. The scheduler for tennis can be found here.

Looks like I'm the Point of Contact - what are my responsibilities?
If you have booked an event, congratulations, you get to look after a few things!

  • Immediately after booking the event, send an email to with a list of the people in your event.
  • A third email must go to with the names of at least two members from your party to get tested the following Tuesday at our campus testing drive. It is possible that two members are already up for testing on the regular schedule. This will be just fine but do please send these names to Rana.
  • Ensure all members of your party follow the revised campus entry guidelines.
  • You get to make sure that people are maintaining distance and wearing a mask when required.
  • If it has rained, please check with Mr. Baba or Mr. Kumar whether your planned event can go ahead or not.
  • Finally, you get to make sure no mess is left behind your party.


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