BLiSC Animal Care and Resource Center (ACRC) - Available facilities
1) Animal Care Facility (ACF) :
The ACF is set-up to:
- Provide and maintain Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) rodent animals as well as Xenopous and Zebrafish research models to PIs of the Bangalore Bio-cluster (BLiSC) and can now also offer certain specialized services to external research laboratories.
- Help and guide users in following Russell & Burch’s 3Rs concept in their research: Reduction, Refinement and Replacement.
- Educate/train users in various aspects of laboratory animal bio-methodolgy and adaptive animal colony management techniques.
- Provide users with a wide range of veterinary, health monitoring, technical and surgical services.
- Offer different SPF levels (to protect the animals, users and staff) and different Animal-BioSafety Levels (to protect the users, staff & environment) to best meet the requirements of each research project.
2) Mouse Genome Engineering Facility (MGEF) :
The MGEF is setup to:
- support the generation of novel genetically engineered mouse models for InStem and NCBS research labs and has recently opened its services to external academic labs as well.
- Offer cryopreservation and cryo-recovery/mouse IVF services
- Manage “Cryo” stocks & establish a Mouse CryoBank.
- Organize trainings and hands-on workshops on mouse embryology, cryopreservation & IVF techniques as well as on the different types of mouse transgenesis/KI/KO/KD techniques.
(for more information on MGEF services; please contact Mahesh : acrcinfo[at]