Demonstrations and Simulation Details

Downloading demonstration scripts

This set of demonstration programs replicates most of the figures of the paper. The demonstrations use the Caltech Neuronal simulator GENESIS, which runs on most UNIX machines, with the architectures given below. You can also download the entire demonstration directory in gzip (6.1 Meg) or regular (9.1 Meg) compressed format. The demonstration directory includes binaries for the following architectures:

  • Linux on Intel machines
  • Linux on Alpha microprocessors
  • Solaris
  • Sun OS
  • IRIX

Compartmental Model and Ca influx at the synapse

Compartmental model of CA1 neuron as used for generating Ca waveforms used for stimuli in Figure 3A. These Ca transients were computed for a series of 3 tetanic stimuli at 100 Hz, lasting 1 sec each, separated by 10 min.

This simulation was carried out on GENESIS 2.0.2 and is not compatible with the more recent versions of GENESIS. The Linux binaries for GENESIS 2.0.2 and the complete scripts for running the simulation have been tar-ed and compressed in gzip format (600K) and regular compressed format (900K) for downloading.

Simulated Ca influx (uM): Details of time-course

Simulated Ca influx (uM): One tetanic stimulus

Simulated Ca influx (uM): Complete stimulus