A complete listing is at the lab website.

Selected publications

  1. K. Majila, V. Ullanat, S. Viswanath, A deep learning method for predicting interactions for intrinsically disordered regions of proteins, biorxiv (2024). 
  2. Y. Zhang et al. A new discrete-geometry approach for integrative docking of proteins using chemical crosslinks, biorxiv (2024). 
  3. S. Rathore et al, Multiscale simulations reveal architecture of NOTCH protein and ligand specific features, Biophysical Journal (2025).
  4. K. Majila, S. Arvindekar, M. Jindal, S. Viswanath, Frontiers in integrative structural modeling of macromolecular assemblies, QRB Discovery (2025). 
  5. S. Pasani, K.S. Menon, S. Viswanath, The molecular architecture of the desmosomal outer dense plaque by integrative structural modeling, Protein Science (2024). Cover image on Protein Science!
  6. S. Viswanath, Alphafold opens the doors to deorphanizing proteins, Cell Systems (2024).
  7. X. Liu et al,  An integrated structural model of the DNA damage-responsive H3K4me3 binding WDR76:SPIN1 complex with the nucleosome, PNAS (2024). 
  8. S. Arvindekar, K. Majila, S. Viswanath, Recent methods from statistical inference and machine learning to improve integrative modeling of macromolecular assemblies, Deep Learning in Chemoinformatics, Springer Methods in Mol Bio Series, in press (2024). 
  9. S. Arvindekar, A.S. Pathak, K. Majila, S. Viswanath, Optimizing representations for integrative structural modeling using Bayesian model selectionBioinformatics (2024). 
  10. S. Arvindekar, M. J. Jackman, J.K.K. Low, M.J. Landsberg, J.P. Mackay, S.Viswanath, Molecular architecture of nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase sub-complexes by integrative structure determinationProtein Science (2022).  
    Cover image on Protein Science!
  11. V. Ullanat, N. Kasukurthi and S. Viswanath, PrISM: precision for integrative structural models, Bioinformatics (2022). Now used by the wwPDB in their validation pipeline!

  12. V. Tiwari and S. Viswanath, Identification of potential modulators of IFITM3 by in-silico modeling and virtual screening, Sci Rep (2022). 

  13. S. Pasani and S. Viswanath, A Framework for Stochastic Optimization of Parameters for Integrative Modeling of Macromolecular Assemblies, Life (Spl Issue on Computational Modeling of Kinetics in Biological Systems), (2021).