Publications - 2013
1. Purushothaman, Divya; Marcel, Nimi; Garg, Megha; et al. (2013) Apoptotic Programs Are Determined during Lineage Commitment of CD4(+) T Effectors: Selective Regulation of T Effector-Memory Apoptosis by Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 190, 1, 97-105
2. Raote, Ishier; Bhattacharyya, Samarjit; Panicker, Mitradas M. (2013) . Functional Selectivity in Serotonin Receptor 2A (5-HT2A) Endocytosis, Recycling, and Phosphorylation. MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY, 83, 1, 42-50
3. Jain, Deepti; Nair, Deepak T. (2013) Spacing between core recognition motifs determines relative orientation of AraR monomers on bipartite operators. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 41, 1, 639-647
4. Kumar, Mahesh M.; Adurthi, Sreenivas; Ramachandran, Surya; et al. (2013) . Toll-Like Receptors 7, 8, and 9 Expression and Function in Primary Human Cervical Cancer Langerhans Cells Evidence of Anergy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER, 23, 1, 184-192
5. Manoharan, Malini; Chong, Matthieu Ng Fuk; Vaitinadapoule, Aurore; et al. (2013) Comparative Genomics of Odorant Binding Proteins in Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus. GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 5, 1, 163-180
6. Ravinder, S.; Burghardt, N. S.; Brodsky, R.; et al. (2013) A role for the extended amygdala in the fear-enhancing effects of acute selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment, TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY, 3, e209
7. Pols, Maaike S.; van Meel, Eline; Oorschot, Viola; et al. (2013) hVps41 and VAMP7 function in direct TGN to late endosome transport of lysosomal membrane proteins. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 4, Article Number: 1361
8. M. Malini, N.F.C. Matthieu, V. Aurore, F. Etienne, R. Sowdhamini and B. Offmann (2013) Comparative genomics of odorant binding proteins in Anopheles gambiae, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. GenomeBiology and Evolution, 5, 1, 163-80.
9. Cheng, Bo; Sane, Sanjay P.; Barbera, Giovanni; et al. (2013) Three-dimensional flow visualization and vorticity dynamics in revolving wings. EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS, 54, 1, Article Number: 1423
10. Sukhwal, Anshul; Sowdhamini, Ramanathan (2013) Oligomerisation status and evolutionary conservation of interfaces of protein structural domain superfamilies. MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, 9, 7, 1652-1661
11. Naika, Mahantesha; Shameer, Khader; Sowdhamini, Ramanathan (2013) Comparative analyses of stress-responsive genes in Arabidopsis thaliana: insight from genomic data mining, functional enrichment, pathway analysis and phenomics. MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, 9, 7, 1888-1908
12. Banerjee, Anusuya; Bhatia, Dhiraj; Saminathan, Anand; et al. (2013) Controlled Release of Encapsulated Cargo from a DNA Icosahedron using a Chemical Trigger. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 52, 27, 6854-6857
13. Srinivasan, Rajalakshmi; Chandraprakash, Deepti; Krishnamurthi, Revathy; et al. (2013) Genomic analysis reveals epistatic silencing of "expensive" genes in Escherichia coli K-12, MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS, 9, 8, 2021-2033
14. Sens, Pierre; Rao, Madan (2013) (Re)Modeling the Golgi . Edited by: Perez, F; Stephens, DJ , METHODS FOR ANALYSIS OF GOLGI COMPLEX FUNCTION Book Series: Methods in Cell Biology, 118, 299-310
15. Das, Abhijit; Gupta, Tripti; Davla, Sejal; et al. (2013) Neuroblast lineage-specific origin of the neurons of the Drosophila larval olfactory system. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 373, 2, 322-337
16. Dalvi, Shashank; Sreenivasan, Ramki; Price, Trevor (2013) Exploitation in Northeast India. SCIENCE, 339, 6117, 270-270
17. Parameshwaran, Dhanya; Bhalla, Upinder S. (2013) Theta Frequency Background Tunes Transmission but Not Summation of Spiking Responses. PLOS ONE, 8, 1, e55607
18. Kumar, Sunil; Dubey, Ashvini Kumar; Karmakar, Ruma; et al. (2013) Inhibition of virus infection by transient expression of short hairpin RNA targeting the methyltransferase domain of Tobacco mosaic virus replicase. PHYTOPARASITICA, 41, 1, 9-15
19. Hasan, Gaiti (2013) Intracellular signaling in neurons: unraveling specificity, compensatory mechanisms and essential gene function . CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY, 23, 1, 62-67
20. Thirumalai, Vatsala; Behrend, Rachel M.; Birineni, Swetha; et al. (2013) Preservation of VGLUT1 synapses on ventral calbindin-immunoreactive interneurons and normal locomotor function in a mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy . JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY Volume: 109, 3, 702-710
21. Naika, Mahantesha; Shameer, Khader; Mathew, Oommen K.; et al. (2013) STIFDB2: An Updated Version of Plant Stress-Responsive TranscrIption Factor DataBase with Additional Stress Signals, Stress-Responsive Transcription Factor Binding Sites and Stress-Responsive Genes in Arabidopsis and Rice . PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 54, 2, E8-+
22. Udgaonkar, Jayant; Marqusee, Susan (2013) Folding and binding. CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, 23, 1, 1-3
23. Thirumalai V, Behrend RM, Clendenen N, Liu WF and O’Donovan MJ (2013) Preservation of VGLUT1 synapses on ventral calbindin-immunoreactive interneurons and normal locomotor function in a mouse model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy. J. Neurophysiol. 109, 3, 702-10
24. Shingate, Prashant; Upadhyay, Atul K.; Raghavender, U.S. and R. Sowdhamini (2013) Identification and Conformational Analysis of hinge regions in proteins that undergo domain swapping. “Biomolecular Forms and Functions” (Eds. M. Bansal and N. Srinivasan) (in press). February 2013
25. Talwar, Shefali; Kumar, Abhishek; Rao, Madan; et al. (2013) Correlated Spatio-Temporal Fluctuations in Chromatin Compaction States Characterize Stem Cells. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 104, 3, 553-564
26. Thattai, Mukund (2013) Using topology to tame the complex biochemistry of genetic networks. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 371, 1984, UNSP 20110548
27. Sreekar, Rachakonda; Purushotham, Chetana B.; Saini, Katya; et al.(2013) Photographic Capture-Recapture Sampling for Assessing Populations of the Indian Gliding Lizard Draco dussumieri. PLOS ONE, 8, 2, e55935
28. Kaushik, Swati; Mutt, Eshita; Chellappan, Ajithavalli; et al.(2013) Improved Detection of Remote Homologues Using Cascade PSI-BLAST: Influence of Neighbouring Protein Families on Sequence Coverage . PLOS ONE, 8, 2, e56449
29. Moustakas, Aristides; Kunin, William E.; Cameron, Tom C.; et al.(2013) Facilitation or Competition? Tree Effects on Grass Biomass across a Precipitation Gradient . PLOS ONE, 8, 2, e57025
30. Streinzer, Martin; Brockmann, Axel; Nagaraja, Narayanappa; et al.(2013) Sex and Caste-Specific Variation in Compound Eye Morphology of Five Honeybee Species. PLOS ONE, 8, 2, e57702
31. Agashe, Deepa; Martinez-Gomez, N. Cecilia; Drummond, D. Allan; et al. (2013) Good Codons, Bad Transcript: Large Reductions in Gene Expression and Fitness Arising from Synonymous Mutations in a Key Enzyme . MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 30, 3, 549-560
32. Udgaonkar, Jayant B. (2013) Polypeptide chain collapse and protein folding. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 531, 1-2, Special Issue: SI, 24-33
33. Pauly, Barbara; Mayor, Satyajit (2013) Biological research in India - An interview with Dr Satyajit Mayor, Dean at the National Centre for Biological Sciences in Bangalore, India . EMBO REPORTS, 14, 3, 239-241
34. Campillo, Clement; Sens, Pierre; Koester, Darius; et al. (2013) Unexpected Membrane Dynamics Unveiled by Membrane Nanotube Extrusion . BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 104, 6, 1248-1256
35. Parthasarathy, Kalyanasundaram; Bhalla, Upinder S. (2013) Laterality and Symmetry in Rat Olfactory Behavior and in Physiology of Olfactory Input. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 33, 13, 5750-5760
36. Sushma Prabhakara, Supriya Khedkar, Srikanth Mairpady Shambat, Rajalakshmi Srinivasan, Atanu Basu, Anna Norrby-Teglund, Aswin Sai Narain Seshasayee mail, Gayathri Arakere mail. (2013). Genome Sequencing Unveils a Novel Sea Enterotoxin-Carrying PVL Phage in Staphylococcus aureus ST772 from India, PLOS One, 8, 3,1-11
37. Krishnadas, Meghna; Nair, Tarun; Karnad, Divya (2013) Equality in Conservation: Comment on Bawa et al. 2011. CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 27, 2, 422-424
38. Deora, T.; Singh, A. K.; Sane, S. P. (2013) A general mechanical model of the Dipteran thorax. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY, 53, Supplement: 1, E50-E50 Published: APR 2013
39. Krishnan, A.; Sane, S. P. (2013) Antennal positioning in flying hawk moths. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY, 53, Supplement: 1, E117-E117
40. Sharma, N.; Dhawale, N.; Venkadesan, M. (2013) Limits on the body size and shape of animals. INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY, 53, Supplement: 1, E369-E369
41. Chu, Brian; Liu, Che-Hsiung; Sengupta, Sukanya; et al. (2013) Common mechanisms regulating dark noise and quantum bump amplification in Drosophila photoreceptors. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 109, 8, 2044-2055
42. Singh, Ajeet Pratap; Das, Rudra Nayan; Rao, Gururaj; et al. (2013) Sensory Neuron-Derived Eph Regulates Glomerular Arbors and Modulatory Function of a Central Serotonergic Neuron . PLOS GENETICS, 9, 4, e1003452
43. Sahoo, Ishtapran; Hebbar, Sarita; Osborne, Kathleen Amy; et al. (2013) Sphingolipid metabolism modulates motor neuron degeneration in Drosophila. FASEB JOURNAL, 27, Meeting Abstract: 795.6
44. Ganguly, Saswati; Sengupta, Surajit; Sollich, Peter; et al. (2013) Nonaffine displacements in crystalline solids in the harmonic limit. PHYSICAL REVIEW E., 87, 4, Article Number: 042801
45. Saha, Ranajay; Verma, Pramod Kumar; Rakshit, Surajit; et al. (2013) Light driven ultrafast electron transfer in oxidative redding of Green Fluorescent Proteins. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3, Article Number: 1580
46. Sachdeva, Himani; Barma, Mustansir; Rao, Madan (2013) Condensation and Intermittency in an Open-Boundary Aggregation-Fragmentation Model. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 110, 15, Article Number: 150601
47. Gupta, Amit; Toscano, Sarah; Trivedi, Deepti; et al.(2013) Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate 4-kinase (PIP4K) regulates TOR signaling and cell growth during Drosophila development. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 110, 15, 5963-5968
48. Gosavi, Shachi (2013) Understanding the Folding-Function Tradeoff in Proteins. PLOS ONE, 8, 4, e61222
49. Vijayraghavan, K.; Rath, Satyajit (2013) Evolution, ovulation and cancer. eLIFE, 2, e00729
50. Srivastava, Pragya; Shlomovitz, Roie; Gov, Nir S.; et al.(2013) Patterning of Polar Active Filaments on a Tense Cylindrical Membrane. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 110, 16 Article Number: 168104
51. Anand, Rajat; Rai, Navneet; Thattai, Mukund (2013) Interactions among Quorum Sensing Inhibitors . PLOS ONE, 8, 4, e62254
52. Ghosh, Supriya; Laxmi, T. Rao; Chattarji, Sumantra (2013) Functional Connectivity from the Amygdala to the Hippocampus Grows Stronger after Stress. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 33, 17, 7234-7244
53. Panicker, M. M. (2013) 5-HT2A Receptor Signaling. JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY, 125, Special Issue: SI, Supplement: 1, Pages: 25-25
54. Wijetunge, Lasani S.; Chattarji, Sumantra; Wyllie, David J. A.; et al. (2013) Fragile X syndrome: From targets to treatments . NEUROPHARMACOLOGY, 68, Special Issue: SI, 83-96,
55. Khurana, Sukant; Siddiqi, Obaid (2013) Olfactory Responses of Drosophila Larvae. CHEMICAL SENSES, 38, 4, 315-323
56. Sridhara, Sachin; Edgaonkar, Advait; Kumar, Ajith (2013) Understorey structure and refuges from predators influence habitat use by a small ungulate, the Indian chevrotain (Moschiola indica) in Western Ghats, India. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 28, 3, 427-433.
57. Sharma, Amit; Kottur, Jithesh; Narayanan, Naveen; et al. (2103) A strategically located serine residue is critical for the mutator activity of DNA polymerase IV from Escherichia coli. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 41, 9, 5104-5114
58. Subramanian, Manivannan; Metya, Suman Kumar; Sadaf, Sufia; et al. (2013) Altered lipid homeostasis in Drosophila InsP(3) receptor mutants leads to obesity and hyperphagia. DISEASE MODELS & MECHANISMS, 6, 3, 734-744
59. Ramanjooloo, Avin; Beedessee, Girish; Arya, Deepak; et al. (2013) The Apoptotic Activity of one VLC Fraction of the Sponge Petrosia tuberosa on Human Cervical Cells and the Subsequent Isolation of a Bioactive Polyacetylene. NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, 8, 5, 635-638
60. Sen, Sonia; Reichert, Heinrich; VijayRaghavan, K. (2013) Conserved roles of ems/Emx and otd/Otx genes in olfactory and visual system development in Drosophila and mouse. OPEN BIOLOGY, 3, Article Number: 120177
61. Singh, Shalini; Samal, Areejit; Giri, Varun; et al. (2013) Flux-based classification of reactions reveals a functional bow-tie organization of complex metabolic networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E., 87, 5
62. Jabeen, Shaista; Thirumalai, Vatsala (2013) Distribution of the gap junction protein connexin 35 in the central nervous system of developing zebrafish larvae. FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS, 7, Article Number: 91
63. Modi, Souvik; Nizak, Clement; Surana, Sunaina; et al. (2013) Two DNA nanomachines map pH changes along intersecting endocytic pathways inside the same cell. NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, 8, 6, 459-467
64. Ramadas, Rohini; Thattai, Mukund (2013) New Organelles by Gene Duplication in a Biophysical Model of Eukaryote Endomembrane Evolution. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 104, 11, 2553-2563
65. Zhang W, Kunte K, Kronforst MR. (2013) Genome-wide characterization of adaptation and speciation in tiger swallowtail butterflies using de novo transcriptome assemblies. Genome Biol Evol. 5, 6, 1233-45
66. Syamaladevi, Divya P., Joshi, Adwait and Ramanathan Sowdhamini (2013) An Alignment-free Domain Architecture Similarity Search (ADASS) algorithm for inferring homology between multi-domain proteins. Bioinformation, 9, 10 , 491-499
67. Ramachandran, Gayathri; Udgaonkar, Jayant B. (2013) Mechanistic Studies Unravel the Complexity Inherent in Tau Aggregation Leading to Alzheimer's Disease and the Tauopathies. BIOCHEMISTRY, 52, 24, 4107-4126
68. Sipos, Lilla; Pers, Benedicte Mengel; Kalmar, Magda; et al. (2013) Comparative Network Analysis of Preterm vs. Full-Term Infant-Mother Interactions . PLOS ONE, 8, 6, Article Number: e67183
69. Roach, Neil T.; Venkadesan, Madhusudhan; Rainbow, Michael J.; et al. (2103) Elastic energy storage in the shoulder and the evolution of high-speed throwing in Homo. NATURE, 498, 7455, 483
70. Beedessee, Girish; Ramanjooloo, Avin; Aubert, Genevieve; et al. (2013) Ethyl acetate extract of the Mauritian sponge jaspis sp induces cell arrest in human promyelocytic leukemia cells. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 36, 1, 58-65
71. Semsey, Szabolcs; Jauffred, Liselotte; Csiszovszki, Zsolt; et al. (2013) The effect of LacI autoregulation on the performance of the lactose utilization system in Escherichia coli. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 41, 13, 6381-6390
72. Velho, Nandini; Laurance, William F. (2013) Hunting practices of an Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tribe in Arunachal Pradesh, north-east India . ORYX, 47, 3, 389-392
73. Milan-Garces, Erix A.; Kaptan, Shreyas; Puranik, Mrinalini (2013) Mode-Specific Reorganization Energies and Ultrafast Solvation Dynamics of Tryptophan from Raman Line-Shape Analysis. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 105, 1, 211-221
74. Mondol, Samrat; Bruford, Michael W.; Ramakrishnan, Uma (2013) Demographic loss, genetic structure and the conservation implications for Indian tigers. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 280, 1762, Article Number: 20130496.
75. Sonowal, Robert; Nandimath, Krithi; Kulkarni, Sucheta S.; et al. (2013) Hydrolysis of aromatic beta-glucosides by non-pathogenic bacteria confers a chemical weapon against predators. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 280, 1762, Article Number: 20130721
76. Mahajan, Swapnil; Agarwal, Garima; Iftekhar, Mohammed; et al. (2013) DoSA: Database of Structural Alignments. DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION, Article Number: bat048
77. Marchetti, M. C.; Joanny, J. F.; Ramaswamy, S.; et al. (2013) Hydrodynamics of soft active matter. REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 85, 3, Article Number: UNSP 1143
78. Manoharan Malini, Kannan Sankar, Offmann Bernard and Sowdhamini Ramanathan (2013) Association of putative members to mosquito odorant binding proteins: Scoring scheme using Fuzzy Functional Templates and Cys residue positions. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, 7, 231-251
79. Kumar, Dayanidhi; Salian, Sujith Raj; Kalthur, Guruprasad; et al. (2013) Semen Abnormalities, Sperm DNA Damage and Global Hypermethylation in Health Workers Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation . PLOS ONE, 8, 7, e69927
80. Srinivasan, Umesh (2013) A slippery slope: logging alters mass-abundance scaling in ecological communities. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 50, 4, 920-928
81. Godbole, Ashwini; Dubey, Ashvini Kumar; Reddy, Palakolanu S.; et al. (2013) . Mitochondrial VDAC and hexokinase together modulate plant programmed cell death. PROTOPLASMA, 250, 4, 875-884
82. Craveur, Pierrick; Joseph, Agnel Praveen; Poulain, Pierre; et al. (2013) Cis-trans isomerization of omega dihedrals in proteins. AMINO ACIDS, 45, 2, 279-289
83. Malhotra, Sony; Sowdhamini, Ramanathan (2013) Genome -wide survey of DNA-binding proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana: analysis of distribution and functions. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 41, 15, 7212-7219
84. Murray Lasley R Jr, Jain A, Kunte K. (2013) Alleviating poverty in India: biodiversity's role. Science. 341(6148):840-1
85. Ramaswami, Mani; Krishnan, K. S. (2013) Obaid Siddiqi (1932-2013). CURRENT SCIENCE , 105, 4, 531-533
86. Aghera, Nilesh; Udgaonkar, Jayant B. (2013) The Utilization of Competing Unfolding Pathways of Monellin Is Dictated by Enthalpic Barriers. BIOCHEMISTRY, 52, 34, 5770-5779
87. Nair, Indu S.; Rodrigues, Veronica; Reichert, Heinrich; et al. (2013) The zinc finger transcription factor Jing is required for dendrite/axonal targeting in Drosophila antennal lobe development. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 381, 1, 17-27
88. Lee, Antonio S. J.; Harris, John; Bate, Michael; et al. (2013) Initiation of primary myogenesis in amniote limb muscles. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS, 242, 9, 1043-1055
89. Redondo, Beatriz Blanco; Bunz, Melanie; Halder, Partho; et al. (2103) Identification and Structural Characterization of Interneurons of the Drosophila Brain by Monoclonal Antibodies of the Wurzburg Hybridoma Library. PLOS ONE, 8, 9, e75420
90. Arumugam, Gandhimathi; Nair, Anu G.; Hariharaputran, Sridhar; et al. (2013) Rebelling for a Reason: Protein Structural "Outliers''. PLOS ONE, 8, 9, e74416
91. Singh, Jogender; Udgaonkar, Jayant B. (2013) Dissection of Conformational Conversion Events during Prion Amyloid Fibril Formation Using Hydrogen Exchange and Mass Spectrometry. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 425, 18, 3510-3521
92. Dmitrieff, Serge; Rao, Madan; Sens, Pierre (2013) Quantitative analysis of intra-Golgi transport shows intercisternal exchange for all cargo. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 110, 39, 15692-15697
93. Hill, M. N.; Kumar, S. A.; Filipski, S. B.; et al. (2013) Disruption of fatty acid amide hydrolase activity prevents the effects of chronic stress on anxiety and amygdalar microstructure . MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, 18, 10, 1125-1135
94. Jadeja, Shivani; Prasad, Soumya; Quader, Suhel; et al.(2013) Antelope mating strategies facilitate invasion of grasslands by a woody weed . OIKOS, 122, 10, 1441-1452
95. Craveur, Pierrick; Joseph, Agnel Praveen; Rebehmed, Joseph; et al. (2013) beta-Bulges: Extensive structural analyses of beta-sheets irregularities. PROTEIN SCIENCE, 22, 10, 1366-1378
96. Agrawal, Tarjani; Sadaf, Sufia; Hasan, Gaiti (2013) A Genetic RNAi Screen for IP3/Ca2+ Coupled GPCRs in Drosophila Identifies the PdfR as a Regulator of Insect Flight. PLOS GENETICS, 9, 10, e1003849
97. Sadanandappa, Madhumala K.; Redondo, Beatriz Blanco; Michels, Birgit; et al. (2013) Synapsin Function in GABA-ergic Interneurons Is Required for Short-Term Olfactory Habituation. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 33, 42, 16576-16585
98. Tsuyoshi Udagawa, Natalie G Farny, Mira Jakovcevski, Hanoch Kaphzan, Juan Marcos Alarcon, Shobha Anilkumar, Maria Ivshina, Jessica A Hurt, Kentaro Nagaoka, Vijayalaxmi C Nalavadi, Lori J Lorenz, Gary J Bassell, Schahram Akbarian, Sumantra Chattarji, Eric Klann & Joel D Richter. (2013) Genetic and acute CPEB1 depletion ameliorate fragile X pathophysiology. Nature Medicine, 19, 1473-1477
99. Kumaraswamy, S.; Kunte, K. (2013) Integrating biodiversity and conservation with modern agricultural landscapes. BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 22, 12, 2735-2750
100. Sankaran, Mahesh; Augustine, David J.; Ratnam, Jayashree (2013) Native ungulates of diverse body sizes collectively regulate long-term woody plant demography and structure of a semi-arid savanna. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 101, 6, 1389-1399
101. Surana, Sunaina; Bhatia, Dhiraj; Krishnan, Yamuna (2013) A method to study in vivo stability of DNA nanostructures. METHODS, 64, 1, 94-100
102. Joshi, Aditya; Vaidyanathan, Srinivas; Mondol, Samrat; et al. (2013) Connectivity of Tiger (Panthera tigris) Populations in the Human-Influenced Forest Mosaic of Central India. PLOS ONE, 8, 11, e77980
103. Mutt, Eshita; Rani, Sudha Sane; Sowdhamini, Ramanathan (2013) Structural updates of alignment of protein domains and consequences on evolutionary models of domain superfamilies. BIODATA MINING, 6, Article Number: 20
104. Sarkar, Saswata Sankar; Udgaonkar, Jayant B.; Krishnamoorthy, Guruswamy Unfolding of a Small Protein Proceeds via Dry and Wet Globules and a Solvated Transition State . BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 105, 10, 2392-2402
105. Raghavender, Upadhyayula Surya (2013) Ultrafast folding and molecular dynamics of a linear hydrophobic beta-hairpin. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 31, 12, 1404-1410
106. Seabloom, Eric W.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Buckley, Yvonne; et al.(2013) Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 19, 12, 3677-3687
107. Varma, Varun; Osuri, Anand M. (2013) Black Spot: a platform for automated and rapid estimation of leaf area from scanned images. PLANT ECOLOGY, 214, 12, 1529-1534
108. Sreekar, Rachakonda; Quader, Suhel (2013) Influence of gaze and directness of approach on the escape responses of the Indian rock lizard, Psammophilus dorsalis (Gray, 1831). JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 38, 5, 829-833
109. Ramachandran, Gayathri; Udgaonkar, Jayant B. (2013) Difference in Fibril Core Stability between Two Tau Four-Repeat Domain Proteins: A Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Coupled to Mass Spectrometry Study. BIOCHEMISTRY, 52, 49, 8787-8789
110. Sadandappa, Madhumala K.; Ramaswami, Mani (2013) Fly model causes neurological rethink. ELIFE, 2, e01820
111. Cavaliere, Fabio; Benito-Munoz, Monica; Panicker, Mitradas; et al.(2013) NMDA modulates oligodendrocyte differentiation of subventricular zone cells through PKC activation . FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE Volume: 7, Article Number: 261 Published: DEC 18 2013
112. Subramanian, Manivannan; Jayakumar, Siddharth; Richhariya, Shlesha; et al. (2013) Loss of IP3 receptor function in neuropeptide secreting neurons leads to obesity in adult Drosophila . BMC NEUROSCIENCE, 14, Article Number: 157,
113. Ganesh, Krishna N.; Krishnan, Yamuna (2013) Nucleic Acids - Chemistry and Applications. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 78, 24, 12283-12287
114. Ganesh, Krishna N.; Krishnan, Yamuna (2013) Nucleic Acids - Chemistry and Applications. ORGANIC LETTERS, 15, 24, 6115-6115
115. Kishore, Megha; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Udgaonkar, Jayant B. (2013) Critical Evaluation of the Two-State Model Describing the Equilibrium Unfolding of the PI3K SH3 Domain by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer. BIOCHEMISTRY, 52, 52, 9482-9496
116. Sondhi, S., K. Kunte, G. Agavekar, R. Lovalekar, K. Tokekar. (2013) Butterflies of the Garo Hills. Samrakshan Trust, New Delhi; Titli Trust, Dehradun; and Indian Foundation for Butterflies, Bengaluru
117. Surana S, Krishnan. Y. (2013). A method to map spatiotemporal pH changes in a multicellular living organism using a DNA nanosensor. Methods in molecular biology 991, pp.9-23
118. Bhatia D. Krishnan Y. (2013). Designer nucleic acid-based devices in nanomedicine. In Erdmann, V.A., Barcisjewski, J. (eds), DNA and RNA Nanobiotechnologies in Medicine: Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases. Springer-Verlag.
119. Bhalla, U.S. (2013). Still looking for the memories: Molecules and synaptic plasticity. In: 20 Years of Computational Neuroscience, Ed. Bower, JM. Springer. Pages 187-205. ISBN: 9781461414247
120. Sankaran, M. a Ratnam, J. (2013). African and Asian Savannas. In Encyclopedia of Biodiversity 2nd Edition (ed) S. A. Levin, Academic Press. 2013, Pages 58–74
121. Bhatia, D., Chakraborty, S., Mehtab, S. and Krishnan, Y. (2013) A method to encapsulate molecular cargo within DNA icosahedra. Methods Mol. Biol., 991:65-80