Central Imaging & Flow Cytometry Facility - Collaborations
We have collaborated with the following companies to conduct training programs in microscopy and/or flow cytometry for the students coming from India and abroad. These collaborations have lead to the development of specialized imaging platforms as well.
NCBS-Olympus microimaging centre(NOMIC).
NCBS-ZEISS advanced imaging and microscopy training platform.
BD-NCBS centre for excellence in flow cytometry.
BC-CCAMP-NCBS Cytometry Centre.
Leica-NCBS STED microscopy program.
Nikon-NCBS High Resolution Imaging Centre.
Sysmex - NCBS Ploidy Analysis Centre
BD - NCBS Centre of Excellence in Cytometry:
Since its inception in 2007, the BD - NCBS COE has been running basic flow cytometry training programs for students, clinicians and medical technologists. For details contact H. Krishnamurthy (krishna at ncbs dot res dot in) or Paresh Jain (paresh_jain@bd.com) or Ubaldo Barbosa (ubaldo_barbosa@bd.com).
Sysmex - NCBS Ploidy Analysis Centre
Sysmex - NCBS Ploidy Analysis Centre started in 2022 will start running flow cytometry training programs for plant/animal breeders. Focus of training will be on the basics of flow cytometry, ploidy analysis and genome size estimation. For details contact H. Krishnamurthy (krishna at ncbs dot res dot in).