Post Docs - Career Development Activities
‘AT THE CROSSROADS’- is a single day event organized to promote interactions between the graduate and post-graduate student community with leaders in industry, science policy, education, communication, IPR and entrepreneurs.
On the first edition of a career day by CDC (Career Developmental Cell @ NCBS), we invite participants from life-sciences research institutes such as National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (InStem) and Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) to engage in a cross-talk with some of the most renowned personalities from these various disciplines. We encourage you to join us on 25th of July 2014, at Dasheri, NCBS. See the schedule for details.
Combined with IISc and JNCASR, NCBS forms the central entity in life sciences research in Bangalore. It is also a mentor organization to InStem, which is currently taking shape as the first full-fledged stem cell research centre in India. NCBS collaborates closely with C-CAMP to support innovation in research and help incubate research driven start-ups in the areas of cellular and molecular biotechnology.
On the career day, through talks, panel discussions and interactive sessions we intend to understand the range of science career options available to us, what to expect on these career paths, and our potential for growth in what is described as an ‘alternative’ to an academic research career. The programme is structured to allow the representatives from industry, policy bodies and science communications sectors to gauge the talent available at our institutes.
On the 26th of July we continue with the excitement and explorations at ' The Career Crossroads Workshop' conducted by IndiaBioScience and Suvro’s Good Life Tutorials, 9:00am-5:00pm at NCBS. Visit the following link for more information.