Honors & Awards(2008-2009)
U S Bhalla
Elected Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences (2008)
Elected Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (2009)
Merck Teaching Award (2008)
S Chattarji
FRAXA Vision Award, Fragile X Research Foundation, USA (2008)
Editorial Board, Journal of Neurophysiology (2008)
Member, International Affairs Committee, Society for Neuroscience (2008)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Neuromethods (2009)
Elected Vice Chair (2011) and Chair (2013) for the Gordon Research Conference on “The Amygdala in Health and Disease” (2009)
Member, The US-Canada Regional Committee for the International Brain Research Organization (2009)
Chair, Organizing Committee, Indo-US Frontiers of Science Symposium (2010)
A Chiang
Wellcome Trust- DBT India Alliance Early Career Fellowship (2010-2014).
G Hasan
Kain P., Chakraborty, T. S., Sundaram, S., Siddiqi, O., Rodrigues, V. and Hasan, G.(2008). Reduced odor responses from antennal neurons of Gqα, Phospholipase Cβ, and rdgA mutants in Drosophila support a role for a phospholipid intermediate in insect olfactory transduction. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 4745–4755.
Rated at 6.4 as a “must read” article in Faculty of 1000 Biology.
Venkiteswaran, G. and Hasan, G. (2009). Intracellular calcium signaling and store operated Ca2+ entry are required in Drosophila neurons for flight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 106, 10326–10331.
Rated at 9 as an “exceptional” article in Faculty of 1000 Biology
Y Krishnan
Indian National Science Academy Young Scientist Medal (May 2009).
S Mayor
Editorial Board, Cell 2008-present
Editorial Board, Traffic, 2005-present
Editorial Board, Biochemica Biophysica Acta, 2008-present
Editorial Board of Reviewers, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2004-present
O Mukherjee
Innovative Young Biotechnologists Award (2009).
G Muthukrishnan
Wellcome Trust-DBT Alliance Early Career Fellowship (2010-2012)
D Nair
Ramanujan Fellowship from Department of Science and Technology (2008)
S P Sane
Ramanujan Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, India (2009).
Review Editor, Frontiers in Neural Circuits (2009).
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Grant (in collaboration with Dr. Marie Dacke, Lund University, Sweden (2009).
M Sankaran
Ramalingaswamy Fellowship, Department of Biotechnology, India (2009).
Ramanujam Fellowship, Department of Science & Technology, India (2009).
O Siddiqi
Sir Syed International award for Biological Sciences (2009).
R Sowdhamini
Visiting Professorship to work in Laboratorie Biologie Genetique Moleculaire (April 2008).
Associate Editor, Bioinformation
Editorial Board, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
Awarded a collaborative grant by Human Frontier Science Programme (HFSP) to work with Prof. Jim Spudich (USA) and Prof. Henrik Flyvbjerg (Denmark).
Paper reporting machine learning approach for the identification of odorant binding proteins appeared in BMC Bioinformatics is recognized as ‘a hot paper’ in computer science area,
Visiting Professorship to teach a course on ‘History and Biological Impact of Protein Structures’ in University de la ReUnion, ReUnion Islands, France (2008 and 2009).
K VijayRaghavan
Infosys Science Foundation Prize in Life Sciences (2009).
J Ahsan
Received travel fellowship from EMBL and MARIE CURIE ACTIONS to deliver an invited talk at the 10th International EMBL PhD Student Symposium, Germany (October, 2008).
N Agrawal
IBRO-MBL travel fellowship to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA (May, 2008).
J Bajaj
International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Travel Award to attend the Annual Meeting of the ISSCR at Philadelphia, USA (June, 2008) and at Barcelona, Spain (July, 2009).
ISSCR travel award twice.
Merck Travel Award (2008)
A Baral
Best student award ( 2008)
M B A Baker
International Brain Research Organization travel grant and Swiss Society for Neuroscience travel grant to attend FENS meeting (May, 2008).
Journal of Experimental Biology research grant and Roche Research Foundation research grant to visit Prof. Reinhard F. Stockers lab to work on “Neural correlates if olfactory learning and memory in the larvae of Drosophila melanogaster” (May, 2008).
Awarded Roche Research Foundation research grant to work with Prof. Reinhard F. Stocker at Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (March, 2009).
D Bhatia and S Mehtab
Best Poster award during NCBS Annual talks for the poster titled "Icosahedral DNA nanocapsules". (January, 2009).
D Chakraborty
Travel grant from the University of Washington to attend Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics 2008, University of Washington, USA (2008) .
Travel award from American Genetic Association to attend "Next Generation Genome Analysis in Non-Model Organisms" , University of Connecticut, USA (June, 2009).
T S Chakraborty
Journal of Cell Science travel grant for a collaborative project with Prof. Jing W Wang, University of California, USA (August-December 2008).
A Chiang
Travel Awards from CCSTDS and CSIR for attending the 50th Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago, USA (March, 2009).
Travel grant from CSIR, India, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Grant and grant from the organisers for attending the Keystone Symposia meeting on 'Chemical Senses: Receptors and Circuits' held at California, USA (March 2009).
Travel Awards from SfN and IBRO for attending the 39th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience held at Chicago, USA (October, 2009).
P Chitra
GIS Young Scientist travel award to attend the 4th Asian
Epigenomics Meeting, Singapore (August, 2009).
A Dhawale
Merck Teaching Assistance Award (2008).
Merck student travel award (2008).
Sarojini Damodaran award 2008 and Committee for Aid and Education in Neurochemistry (CAEN) travel fellowship from the International Society for Neurochemistry to visit the lab of Dr. Florin Albeanu, CSHL, USA for collaborative research project (November 2008- September 2009).
G Dey
Travel grant from Chalmers University, Sweden to attend the International Conference on Systems Biology, Sweden (August, 2008).
S Ghosh
Nature Publishing Group Award to meet the travel and registration expenses to attend the
the ‘Amygdala in Health & Disease-Contributions to Emotional Memories, Gordon Research Conference, USA (July12-17, 2009)
Best poster award in theAmygdala in Health & Disease-Contributions to Emotional Memories, Gordon Research Conference, USA (July12-17, 2009).
Recipient of Society for Neuroscience Chapters graduate student travel awards (2009).
S Gogia
Partial travel grant from CSIR, India to attend the American Chemical Society Conference in Philadelphia, USA (August, 2008).
G Goyal
Merck Teaching Assistance Award (2008).
T Gupte
Travel support from TIFR to attend the Young Explorers in Indian Biology meeting at Mumbai (2009).
S K Jha
Best poster award. NCBS Annual Review Talks (January 2009).
Travel award by Biophysical Society, USA to present the poster entitled “Continuous dissolution of structure during the unfolding of a small protein in the Biophysical Society 53rd Annual Meeting, Boston, USA (February – March, 2009).
P Kain
Travel award from CCSTDS, India to attend 2nd GSA Genetic analysis: Model organisms to Human Biology, California, USA. (July, 2008).
Ernst Polak award to attend the International symposium on olfaction and taste
(ISOT XV), California, USA (July, 21-28)
P G Kavitha
British Council Researcher Exchange Programme award (December, 2008).
A G Khan
Merck award for best publication (2008).
M Krishnadas and N Srinivasaiah
K.Ullas Karanth – J. Paul Getty fellowships for the year 2008-2009.
H Krishnamurthy
UICC Training Workshop award from UICC (international Union Against Cancer, Geneva, Switzerland) to organize 9th Indo-US Cytometry workshop ( 2008)
International Society for Advancement in Cytometry (ISAC) nominated for education committee of 2009-10.
J Kumar
Travel grant by CAEN to visit the laboratory of Dr. Dieter Klopfenstein. DFG research center molecular physiology of the Brain, Germany (July, 2008)
S Kumari
Merck award for best publication (2008).
TIFR TAA-ZIta Lobo Memorial best thesis award for 2009-10.
Samrat Mondol
CSIR International travel grant to attend the International Congress for Conservation Biology, China (2009).
Sudip Mondal
Award from Department of Science & Technology, SERC Fast Track Scheme for young scientists for the project titled 'Engineering PDMS microfluidic devices to study organelle transport and
regeneration in C. elegans neurons in vivo' (March 2009).
G Punjabi and S Jadeja
Awards for the best talks at the Student Conference on Conservation Science, Bangalore (2009).
K Pannaga
Journal of Experimental Biology (Company of Biologists) travel fellowship to visit University
of Bonn, Germany (April 2009).
U Raheja
Travel award from DBT to present poster at SfN, USA, (October, 2009).
R Rao
Sarojini Damodaran International Fellowship and IBRO fellowship to attend summer course on Neural Systems and Behaviour held at Marine Biological Laboratory, USA (June-July, 2009).
S Ravinder
Sarojini Damodaran fellowship to attend the Microelectrode Techniques in Cell Physiology workshop, Marine Biological Association, UK (September 2008).
K Shameer
NextBio student travel grant and fellowship from organizers to attend i) EMBO world course on Computational Biology at Tamasek Lifescience Laboratory, Singapore (2008); ii) EMBO workshop on Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics, Hong Kong (2009); to visit Pasteur Research Centre,Hong Kong (2009).
K K Sinha
TIFR TAA-Zita Lobo Memorial best thesis award for Biology for 2008-2009.
S Sen
DST travel grant to attend the Neurofly conference, Germany (2008).
EMBO short term fellowship award for a 3 months lab visit in Switzerland (November, 2008).
Sarojini Damodaran fellowship (May, 2009).
M G Swetha
Utrecht University short stay fellowship for 3 month lab visit to Cell Microscopy Centre, University of Utrecht (2008)
N Srinivasaiah
Ajith Kumar – Jagdish KrishnaswamyAward for blinding speed in getting his thesis completed (2009).
U Srinivasan
Best oral presentation on ‘Species associations in mixed-species bird flocks’ at the conference of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (Asia-Pacific Chapter), Chiang Mai, Thailand (February, 2009).
A Suvrathan
Merck Teaching Assistance Award 2008
M Thattai
‘Best Presentation’ as team mentor at iGEM (MIT’s International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition (2009).
S Upadhyay
CEAN and Wood-Whelan travel fellowship for a visit to University of Utah, USA (June – August 2008).
M. Vijayalakshmi
Chancellors Award for the best thesis in the graduating year 2008 of Sastra University.
N Volho
1st runner up for best presentation award, Conference of Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation – Asia-Pacific Chapter, Thailand (February, 2009).