Honors & Awards(1997-1999)
Prizes, Travelships, Scholarships (April'99-March'01)
Vishwas R. Agashe and Utpal Nath were awarded post-doctoral fellowships by the Human Frontier Science Program in March 1998.
Savita Ayyar, K. K. Karishma and D. Viji Mythily were awarded Cambridge Nehru Scholarships for doctoral work at the University of Cambridge, U.K. during 1998.
Upinder S. Bhalla was awarded a travelling fellowship by The Sixth Annual Dynamical Neuroscience Satellite Symposium, Los Angeles, U.S.A. to present his work in November 1998.
Betty Daniel was awarded a travelling fellowship by the International Society for Preventive Oncology to share her work in the conference The Impact of Biotechnology on Cancer, during October 1998 in Nice, France.
Arjumand Ghazi received the best poster award for her poster entitled Role of the Gene stripe (sr) in Patterning the Indirect Flight Muscles of D. melanogaster, at the Workshop on Cell Cycle Regulation at Mangalore in February 1998.
Satyajit Mayor was awarded a fellowship in March 1998 by the Indo-Australia Science and Technology (Exploratory) Programme to spend a few weeks in Australia exploring joint research projects.
Satyajit Mayor was awarded a travelling fellowship by the organizers of a FASEB meeting in August 1998 to present his work at a meeting on lipid modifications held in Colorado, U.S.A.
Satyajit Mayor was awarded a travelling fellowship to the 39th International Conference on the Biochemistry of Lipids at Davos, Switzerland to present his work in September 1998.
Sudipto Roy was awarded a Travelling Research Fellowship by The Wellcome Trust, London, during 1998 to pursue post-doctoral work in the U.K.
Vikram P. Sudarsan was awarded an Inlaks Scholarship for doctoral work at the University of Sheffield in the U.K.
Vinay Tergaonkar received an ICRETT international travelling fellowship of the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) to visit Dr. Elliot Androphy's lab in Tufts University, Boston, U.S.A. from April to June 1998. He has also been selected as a Fellow of the UICC.
Rajat R. Varma's attendance at the Gordon Research Conference, University of Oxford, U.K. in September 1998 was supported by a travelling fellowship from the organizers of the conference.
Honors (April'97-March'99)
Jayant B. Udgaonkar was awarded a Golden Jubilee Biotechnology Award by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, in August 1997.
Jayant B. Udgaonkar was awarded the B. M. Birla Science Prize for young Indian scientists during 1998.
Jayant B. Udgaonkar was awarded a travelling fellowship to a symposium in honor of Prof. R. L. Baldwin at Stanford University, U.S.A. in July 1998.
Jayant B. Udgaonkar was awarded a Swarna Jayanti fellowship by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, in July 1998.
K. VijayRaghavan received the S. S. Bhatnagar award of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of the Government of India in 1998.
K. VijayRaghavan became an Associate Faculty Member of the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, in January 1999.