Dr. Veronica Rodrigues - Publications
Recent Publications
- Sudeshna Das*, Madhumala K.Sadanandappa*, Adrian Dervan, Aoife Larkin, John Anthony Lee, Indulekha P. Sudhakaran, Rashi Priya, Raheleh Heidari, Eimear E. Holohan, Angel Pimentel, Avni Gandhi, Kei Ito, Subhabrata Sanyal, Jing W. Wang, Veronica Rodrigues and Mani Ramaswami (2011) Plasticity of GABAergic interneurons drives olfactory habituation. PNAS (in press).
- Cathal McCann*, Eimear E. Holohan*, Sudeshna Das*, Adrian Dervan, Aoife Larkin, John Anthony Lee, Veronica Rodrigues,Roy Parker and Mani Ramaswami (2011) The Ataxin-2 protein is required for microRNA function and synapse-specific long-term olfactory habituation. PNAS (in press)
- Abhijit Das, Albert Chiang, Sejal Davla, Rashi Priya, Heinrich Reichert,K. VijayRaghavan and Veronica Rodrigues (2011). Identification and analysis of a glutamatergic local interneuron lineage in the adult Drosophila olfactory system. Neural Systems and Circuits, 1, 4.
Aoife Larkin, Somdatta Karak, Rashi Priya, Abhijit Das, Champakali Ayyub, Kei Ito, Veronica Rodrigues and Mani Ramaswami (2010) Central synaptic mechanisms underlie short-term olfactory habituation in Drosophila larvae, Learning and Memory , Nov 24;17(12):645-653
Sonia Sen, Beate Hartmann, Heinrich Reichert and Veronica Rodrigues (2010) Expression and function of the empty spiracles gene in olfactory sense organ development of Drosophila melanogaster , Development, Nov;137(21):3687-95
Devkanya Dutta, M. Umashankar, Edward B. Lewis, Veronica Rodrigues and K. VijayRaghavan (2010) Hox genes regulate muscle founder cell- pattern autonomously and regulate morphogenesis through motor neurons.· J. Neurogenetics. Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print]
Pinky Kain, Farhath Badsha, Syed Mubarak Hussain, Amit Nair, Gaiti Hasan, and Veronica Rodrigues.· (2010). Mutants in phospholipid signaling attenuate the behavioural response of adult Drosophila to trehalose. Chemical Senses. Jun 11 [Epub ahead of print]
K. Mysore, B. V, Shyamala, V. Rodrigues (2010). Morphological and developmental analysis of peripheral antennal chemosensory sensilla and central olfactory glomeruli in worker castes of Camponotus compressus (Fabricius, 1787). Arthropod Structure and Development, 39, 310-321
A. P. SIngh, K. VijayRaghavan, V. Rodrigues (2010). Dendritic refinement of an identified neuron in the Drosophila CNS is regulated by neuronal activity and Wnt signalling . Development. 2010 Apr;137(8):1351-60.
A. Das, H. Reichert, V. Rodrigues (2010). Notch regulates the generation of diverse cell types from the lateral lineage of Drosophila antennal lobe . J. Neurogenetics Mar;24(1):42-53.
K. Mysore, K. A. Subramanian, R. C. Sarasij, A. Suresh, B. V,. Shyamala, K,.VijayRaghavan, V. Rodrigues (2009). Caste and sex specific olfactory glomerular organization and brain architecture in two sympatric ant species Camponotus sericeus and Camponotus compressus (Fabricius, 1798). Arthropod Structure and Development. 38, 485-497.
Albert Chiang, Rashi Priya, Mani Ramaswami, K. VijayRaghavan, V. Rodrigues (2009). Neuronal activity and Wnt signaling act through Gsk3-β to regulate axonal integrity in mature Drosophila olfactory sensory neurons. Development. 136,1273-1282.
A. Das, S. Sen, R. Lichtneckert, R. Okada, K. Ito, V. Rodrigues, H. Reichert (2008). Drosophila olfactory local interneurons and projection neurons derive from a common neuroblast lineage specified by the empty spiracles gene . Neural Development, 3:33.
P. Hari, M. Deshpande, N. Sharma, N. Rajadhyaksha, N. Ramkumar, Ken-ichi Kimura, V. Rodrigues, S. Tole (2008) Chip is required for posteclosion behavior in Drosophila. J. Neuroscience. 28, 9145–9150.
P, Kain, S, Chandrashekaran, V, Rodrigues, G, Hasan (2008). Drosophila Mutants in Phospholipid Signaling Have Reduced Olfactory Responses as Adults and Larvae. J. Neurogenetics. 22, 1–18.
P. Kain, S. T, Chakraborty, S, Sundaram, O, Siddiqi, V, Rodrigues, G,Hasan (2008). Reduced odor responses from antennal neurons of Gqα, Phospholipase Cβ, and rdgA mutants in Drosophila support a role for a phospholipid intermediate in insect olfactory transduction.mutants in J. Neuroscience. 28, 4745-4755.
B, Roy, A. P, Singh, C, Shetty, V, Chaudhary, A, North, M, Landgraf, K, VijayRaghavan, V, Rodrigues (2007). Metamorphosis of an identified serotonergic neuron in the Drosophila olfactory system. Neural Development. 2:20.
A, Sen, C, Shetty, D, Jhaveri, V, Rodrigues (2005). Distinct types of glial cells populate the Drosophila antenna. BMC Developmental Biology. 5, 25-36.
C, Ayyub, A, Sen, F, Gonsalves, K, Badrinath, P, Bhandari, L. S, Shashidhara, S, Krishna, V, Rodrigues (2005). Cullin-5 plays multiple roles in cell fate specification and synapse formation during Drosophila development. Developmental Dynamics. 232,865-875.
D, Jhaveri, S, Saharan, A, Sen, V, Rodrigues (2004). Positioning sensory terminals in the olfactory lobe of Drosophila by Robo signaling. Development. 131, 1903-1912.
A, Sen, D, Kuruvilla, L, Pinto, A, Sarin, V, Rodrigues (2004). Programmed cell death and context dependent activation of the EGF pathway regulate gliogenesis in the Drosophila olfactory system. Mechanisms of Development.121,73-87.
D, Jhaveri and V, Rodrigues (2002). Sensory neurons of the Atonal lineage pioneer the formation of glomeruli within the adult Drosophila olfactory lobe. Development. 129, 1251-1260.
D, Jhaveri, A, Sen, G. V, Reddy, V, Rodrigues (2000). Sense organ identity in the Drosophila antenna is specified by the expression of the proneural gene atonal.Mechanisms of Development,99, 101-111.
D, Jhaveri, A, Sen, V, Rodrigues (2000). Mechanisms underlying olfactory neuronal connectivity in Drosophila – the Atonal lineage organizes the periphery while sensory neurons and glia pattern the olfactory lobe. Developmental Biology. 226, 73-87.
G. V, Reddy and V, Rodrigues (1999). A glial cell arises from an additional division with the mechanosensory lineage during development of the microchaete on the Drosophila notum, Development, 126, 4617-4622.
G. V, Reddy and V, Rodrigues (1999) Sibling cell fate in the Drosophilaadult external sense organ lineage is specified by Prospero function which is regulated by Numb and Notch. Development. 126, 2083-2092.
B. P, Gupta, G. V, Flores, U, Banerjee, V, Rodrigues (1998). Patterning an epidermal field: DrosophilaLozenge, a member of the AML-1/Runt family of transcription factors, specifies olfactory sense organ type in a dose-dependent manner. Developmental Biology. 203, 400-411.
B. P, Gupta and V, Rodrigues (1997). Atonal is a proneural gene for a subset of olfactory sense organs in Drosophila. Genes to Cells 2, 225-233.
Recent Reviews
V, Rodrigues and T, Hummel (2007). Development of the Drosophila olfactory system, In Brain Development in Drosophila. Ed. G. Technau. Landes Biosciencs Publishers.
Popular Articles
A. P, SIngh, K, VijayRaghavan, V, Rodrigues (2010). Actin Reorganization in nerve morphogenesis. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences , DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0021850