Dr. Amey Redkar - Opportunities
In the Root Microbiology lab, we are always looking for motivated and interested colleagues to join us. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Amey (aredkar at ncbs dot res dot in). Listed below are some of the possible opportunities to join us.
Internship: B.Sc. and M.Sc. students interested in short term internships (minimum 12 months duration) will be considered.
Graduate trainees/ JRF/Project Fellow: Candidates with a M.Sc. degree can apply for these positions. Interested applicants should write to us with a short description of their research experience, CV and the skills previously gained. Previous experience in Plant biology and microbial genetics will be advantageous.
Graduate students: We are actively looking for creative and motivated graduate students who want to pursue Ph.D. to address some of the novel questions in molecular plant-microbe interactions. Please apply for positions through the Graduate Entrance examination of NCBS-TIFR here. Applicants with a cleared CSIR/UGC or any other fellowship that provides stipend can also be considered.
Postdoctoral positions: We are always welcoming and supporting postdoctoral fellowship applications (e.g. EMBO, HFSP, DBT-RA, NDPF etc.) with an interest to develop independent themes related to MPMI. If you are interested, please directly contact Amey describing your interest and plans. Also e-mail motivation letter and academic CV with contact information of two referees.