Essentials of Glycobiology - A Survey
Essentials of Glycobiology - A Survey
Dec 30, 2019 - Jan 3, 2020
NCBS Graduate Elective Workshop Sessions,
10:00 am- 12:00 noon and 2pm-3pm
Venue :- Malgova
Course Director: Ajit Varki.
Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Co-Director, Glycobiology Research and Training Center (GRTC)
Co-Director, UCSD/Salk Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA)
University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0687.
Adjunct Professor, Salk Institute for Biological StudiesExecutive Editor,"Essentials of Glycobiology"
Every living cell in nature displays a dense and complex array of cell surface and secreted glycan chains, as well as intracellular glycosylation. For historical and technical reasons these essential components of life were poorly incorporated into the 20th century revolution in biology––becoming the “dark matter of the biological universe”. With improved technologies and a flood of new information, the myriad roles of glycans in biology and pathology can now be fully integrated into our understanding of life. This course will provide and broad overview of the structure, evolution, biology, functions, pathology and practical applications regarding glycans in nature, using the text " Essentials of Glycobiology " 3rd edition, 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Full Text available online at NCBI, and a collection of slides presenting all figures can be found here. The online Glycobiology Glossary Symbol Nomenclature and Study Guide may be useful.
Students should have graduate level exposure to molecular and cellular biology. Sessions will consist of brief lectures and student presentations, with open discussion. Each Student will read 1-2 selected chapters in detail and be prepared to present a 10 min overview of ONLY the key facts about chapter content, using online information and slides as needed. Grading based on attendance and participation.
For Detail Schedule : Click HERE
Full text "Essentials of Glycobiology" 3rd edition, 2017"
Figures and Teaching Slides,
Glycobiology Glossary,
Symbol Nomenclature,
Study Guide,