Admissions - Syllabus and Question Papers
Biology (PhD, Int.Phd and M.Sc by research)
There is no specified syllabus and the test will be extremely basic and cover topics in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.
Biology Question Papers
GS2010 (Answer Keys)
GS2011 (Answer Keys)
GS2012 (Answer Keys)
GS2013 (Answer Keys)
GS2014 (Answer Keys)
GS2015 (Answer Keys)
GS2016 (Answer Keys)
GS2017 (Answer Keys)
GS2018 (Answer Keys)
GS2019 (Answer Keys)
GS2020 (Answer Keys)
GS2021 (Answer Keys)
GS2022 (Answer Keys)
GS2023 (Answer Keys)
FAQ : For Biology Ph.D. & Int. Ph.D. programmes.
M.Sc. Wildlife Biology & Conservation
The entrance test consists of multiple choice questions that assess skills in English language, general knowledge, logic, mathematics and statistics, and knowledge about wildlife and conservation issues. There is also an essay question on a conservation issue.
Wildlife Biology & Conservation Question Paper
GS2010 (Answer Keys)
GS2012 (Answer Keys)
GS2014 (Answer Keys)
GS2016 (Answer Keys)
GS2018(Answer Keys)
GS2020(Answer Keys)