Instrumentation General Policy
The common instruments/equipments are available for use by any students of any research group in NCBS/ InStem installed at NCBS & CCAMP building. All the students have equal priority for all the Common equipments on first come first use basis.
The instruments are accessible to any one who has been trained by the company representative/instrumentation Team.
Users from outside NCBS and collaborators may use the facility with the prior permission of Dean/Head Academic/ Head TRSC.
NBCS instrumentation Dept. can have access to any instrument at any time under special circumstances. In which case, other’s experiment may be interrupted for a short time.
General training will be held in the month of April and October for the common instruments. Students should undergo training before they start using the instruments.
The training is required because the instruments are very expensive & delicate.
The researchers should contact the instrumentation Team to schedule training well in advance. In a view that the research scholars would like to obtain the best and most useful results data and enhance the quality of their experiments and publications, it is necessary to undergo training.
New students should observe the senior members of their research group as a part of their training. This will acquaint the new user the manner in which the group typically use the instruments, But before new user actually operate the instrument on their own; they need to have an appropriate training session to make sure that various necessary details have been explained to them.
If any student wants to be trained for the use of instruments so as to access the same, he can contact the Instrumentation Team for getting training for its use. The Instrumentation Engineer shall schedule the training programme as frequently as it may be required, subject to availability of time and instruments.
A log book has been maintained for each of the instruments. Any user who wishes to reserve or block time to work on that instrument, they should sign-in the log book well in advance and adhere to the same. The blocked up time would be valid for 10 minutes only after which the users loses his/her priority to use the instrument.
In case of any cancellation, this may also please be done by striking off the entry in the log book, so that others can use the instrument in that time slot.
In case of any emergency requirement the student may mutually make arrangement with the users.
The student instrument in-charge must be familiars with the operation of the instrument and if the student in-charge has no experience on the instrument or has not used it from long time, then the training is Mandatory. The student-in-charge may contact the Instrumentation Team for training and start using the instruments after certification.
A trained student in-charge must be present with new registered user while they use the instrument.
All the students have same priority on all the common equipments on “ first come - first use” basis.
It is responsibility of the each group members to adhere to training, certification and lab safety procedure.
Any problem in the equipment should be reported immediately to the Instrumentation Team via e-mail to ins at ncbs dot res dot in.
Students should reserve time on the equipment by signing-in the appropriate schedule with all particulars in the log book. It is suggested that it should not be more then one full day (24 hrs) at a time. The Instrumentation Engineer shall review the log-books on weekly basis.
No Common equipment should be removed or dislocated from the Equipment room without prior permission from Dean NCBS and Verification with Instrumentation Team.
Students should be vigilant and report the misuse/ mishandling of the Equipments and other infrastructure to the Instrumentation Team.
Try to leave the facility neat and clean. Don’t throw garbage or other items like cotton balls, rubber bands, tissue papers etc. around the instruments.
All users will have to sign in and sign out in the log book. If the machine is being used without the user signed in, the run will be terminated and the user will not be allowed to use any of the common facility for one to 6 month time, subjected to recommendation of Instrumentation committee.
If any damages resulting in equipments because of negligence or improper use, the concern PI will be charged for Damages. The user will also be denied future access to the machines.
Users should NOT open the instrument, power cord etc. In case of any malfunction, they should report the same to the Instrumentation Team.
Users would be responsible for any chemical spills. They should not leave the instrument without notifying the lab support staff and safety committee. If the situation so warrants that you are required to leave the instrument, they need to send a e-mail to ins at ncbs dot res dot in, labsupport at ncbs dot res dot in and safety committee members with detailed information such as the name of chemicals, toxicity, solvents and suggested solvent for clean up. User should put a notice on the instrument and record the same in the log book.
All the instruments are being classified in three categories depending upon its criticality and maintenance requirements. These are high, medium and low-priority instruments.
High-priority equipments will be taken up for observation and preventive maintenance once in a month.
Medium-priority equipments will be taken up for observation and preventive maintenance once in Two month.
Low-priority equipments will be taken up for observation and preventive maintenance once in three months.
All the problems related with the equipments for operation/ maintenance and handling are to be reported to instrumentation team by registering the complaint through helpdesk (ins at ncbs dot res dot in ). The problem would be attended on priority basis. No verbal on telephonic complaints will be entertained.
If students are facing any problem, they are advised not to try and experiment with the hardware part of the instrument.
Students should write description of problem in the log book. A detailed description of the problem will help to resolve the problem effectively.
The Instrumentation Engineer shall be involved while installation of new equipments. The P.I’s concerned/ Group should inform the Instrument Team about the Installation of any new equipment in their Lab, well in advance. This will enable the Engineer to make all necessary arrangements for its installation in co-ordination with the supplier. One copy of the Manual and Installation report may be given to Instrumentation Team.
In case of any additional clarifications etc in this regard kindly contact either Dean NCBS, Dean Instem, Head TRSC, Common facility Head who will advise accordingly.