Special Screening of Surya Ganga
The Bangalore Life Science Cluster presents a special public screening of an award-winning film, SuryaGanga.
A film on the epic conflict between India’s land, energy, water and people, SuryaGanga is a wild and intense ride of three curious citizens who attempt to unravel
the connection between its vanishing rivers, massive energy projects and the quiet rise of renewable energy.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion on Water and Clean Energy with esteemed members of the scientific and ecological conservation communities.
On the panel are Dr Jagdish Krishnaswamy (ATREE), Dr Sanjiv Sambandan (IISc) and Seema Mundoli (Azim Premji University), moderated by Vishwanath S (Biome).
Venue: Dasheri Auditorium, NCBS Campus
Date: 27 September 2019, Friday
Time: 5pm
Find more about the film here: www.suryaganga.com