Mechanical Forces in Cell Biology: Information at the Cell and Tissue scale
Mechanical Forces in Cell Biology: Information at the Cell and Tissue scale
October 4-6, 2016
Dr. Madan Rao, NCBS, Bangalore
Dr. Raghu Padinjat, NCBS, Bangalore
NCBS is organizing a discussion meeting on mechanical forces in the function of animal cells. This will include platform presentations by invited speakers, short presentations from selected students/post-docs as well as poster presentations.
The objective of this meeting is to bring together leading international experts working in this emerging area of modern biology and discuss emerging trends.
Applications are invited from graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty members interested in the topic of the meeting. Exceptional senior undergraduates who have performed research on a subject overlapping with the meeting topic may also apply.
Please note the deadline for Registration: 15 September, 2016