Life Science Across the Globe with the University of Buenos Aires/CONICET on 9th September 2020
The Science Culture Talk is titled “Gender is (not) just a term in grammar: structural inequalities and anti-discrimination policies within the scientific sector in Argentina”, by Mario Pecheny, Professor of Sociology of Health at UBA and Vice-president of CONICET.
9 September, Wednesday | 6:30PM (IST)
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Meeting ID: 958 5951 7201
Passcode: 489171
Keep up to date with all the information about the LSAG series here:
The Life Science Across the Globe series represents a partnership among eight sister institutes on five continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America! Speakers talk about science and science culture in their communities. These talks happen every Wednesday at 6:30 PM (IST).