Archives at the National Centre for Biological Sciences
For the Archives User
Anuja Ghosalkar
Friday, Apr 28 2023. 4:00 PM

Simon's Centre, NCBS






As a research fellow at the Archives at NCBS through 2022 I created a manual for the archives' user. It is a fictional text, meant to be performed inside archives. This manual uses materials and protocols from the archive to create maps, prompts and reflections of the experience of wandering through archival spaces. The hope is that varied people like artists, students, researchers, archivists (!) use this manual as playful gesture to access institutional archives and perhaps, perform excerpts from it at different locations.



Anuja Ghosalkar is the founder of Drama Queen—a Documentary theatre company, evolving a multi-disciplinary form in India since 2015. Her practice focuses on little histories, archival lapses and blurring the hierarchies between audience and performer—to extend the idea of theatre to create audacious work. Iterations around form and process, modes of (social) media, sites, technologies, reclaiming narratives on gender and intimacy are critical to her performance making and pedagogy.

Her performances and workshops have been programmed by University of Oxford, Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Cambridge, Sophiensale, Serendipity Arts Festival, Museum of Art and Photography (MAP) Hong Kong University, Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, Forum Transregionale –ZMO, among others. She is the co-curator of VR based performances for the Serendipity Arts Virtual 2020 and recently designed and facilitated an online course on Digital Documentary Theatre for the Serendipity Arts Foundation.

As visiting faculty at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, she leads practice based pedagogy. She has written on film and performance for Nang Magazine, Art India, Outlook, Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies, Hakara and on Performance Making and the Archive for Routledge.