Journal Article
Goyal A, Dubinkina V, Maslov S.
2018. Multiple stable states in microbial communities explained by the stable marriage problem.. ISME J.
Goyal A.
2018. Metabolic adaptations underlying genome flexibility in prokaryotes.. PLoS Genet. 14(10):e1007763.
Sinha V, Goyal A, Svenningsen SL, Semsey S, Krishna S.
2017. In silico Evolution of Lysis-Lysogeny Strategies Reproduces Observed Lysogeny Propensities in Temperate Bacteriophages.. Front Microbiol. 8:1386.
Wang T, Goyal A, Dubinkina V, Maslov S.
2019. Evidence for a multi-level trophic organization of the human gut microbiome.. PLoS Comput Biol. 15(12):e1007524.
Goyal A, Maslov S.
2018. Diversity, Stability, and Reproducibility in Stochastically Assembled Microbial Ecosystems.. Phys Rev Lett. 120(15):158102.