BLiSC Ecology Sundays 

A new series of Ecology talks, "Outside In", for school students. These sessions would be most beneficial for older school students (Class 7 and upwards)
Our third session is with Dr. Deepa Agashe of NCBS on 'Incredible partnerships in biology'!

This discussion would be a great way for keen students to delve into symbioses!

Friendships are a cornerstone of human experience: a good friend can be a lifelong treasure. But many other species also form lasting partnerships. Incredibly, these often involve species as different as microbes and humans. But relationships are delicate; they need luck, and time, and effort. So how are microbial friendships made and unmade? We will look at some fascinating symbioses between microbes and other species, and how they have changed the partners – sometimes to the point of no return.
June 28, Sunday | 11AM (IST)
Register at

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