Instructor: Dr. R. Srivatsan and Dr. Vijayalakshmi Mahadevan, IBAB, Bangalore
Time: 9:00-18:00 h
Duration of the course:
28th Jun 2016 to 30th Jun 2016
Days: Tue-Wed
Credits: 1
Course Outline:

Part-A Quick learning/Review of R
Part-B Data analytics in R

Course Requirements: Knowledge of basic mathematics and basic statistics is a must. The participant should have some exposure to statistical concepts like ditributions, hypothesis testing and linear regression. Prior experience in working with programming languages will definitely be an added advantage, but not necessary for joining this training program. Most of the programming ideas employed in R framework will be taught in the course. Those who have some experience in performing statistical analysis in R are encouraged to apply.
Course Term: June 2016
Course Year: 2015/2016