- 'Harappan Civilisation:Culture and writing' (NCBS Colloquium)
Mayank Vahia, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR, Mumbai. June 2009
- 'Snow Leopard, Conservation and Society' (Public lecture)
Charudutt Mishra, Director (Science & Conservation), International Snow Leopard Trust. July 2009
- 'Reading Aryabhata's Mind' (Public lecture)
P.P.Divakaran, The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune. February 2010
- 'The Scientific Culture And Ayurveda From The Indus To The Nila' (Public Talk)
Indudharan Menon, Visiting Scholar at NCBS. May 2010
- 'What neuroscience can tell us about synesthesia, human nature and the origin of language' (Public lecture)
V.S. Ramachandran, Centre for Brain and Cognition, University of California, San Diego,USA. December 2002
- 'What is left of Jawaharlal Nehru?' (Public lecture)
Ramachandra Guha, Bangalore. November 2002
- "From Forreine Places All the Varietie of Herbes" Indian plants in early European botany (Public lecture)
Annamma Spudich, Ph.D. Cell Biologist and an Independent scholar. March 2005
- 'Hortus Malabaricus-a 17th century Botanical publication that changed the political history of India' (Public lecture)
K.S.Manilal, Chairman, Centre for Research in Indigenous Knowledge Science and Culture University of Calicut. August 2005
- 'The Challenge of Contemporary History' (Public lecture)
Ramachandra Guha. October 2005
- A Radical Ambiguity in ‘Scientific Rationality’ (Public lecture)
Akeel Bilgrami, Johnsonian Professor and Director, Hayman Centre for Humanities, Columbia. January 2006