Systems Available
The following systems will be available for hands on training at the course.
Widefield Microscopes
IX73- Olympus (Exhibit)
IX83- Olympus (Exhibit)
BX53- Olympus (Exhibit)
IX81 - Olympus
Axio Observer Z1 - Carl Zeiss (Exhibit)
Axio Imager M2 - Carl Zeiss (Exhibit)
Axiovert 200M - Carl Zeiss
Ti2-E- Nikon (Exhibit)
Ti-E - Nikon
Confocal Microscopes
A1RHD 25 Confocal Microscope - Nikon (Exhibit)
LSM 800 Confocal Microscope - Carl Zeiss (Exhibit)
LSM 780 Confocal Microscope- Carl Zeiss
FV3000 Confocal Microscope(Inverted)-Olympus
FV3000 Confocal Microscope(Upright)-Olympus
SP5 Confocal Microscope-Leica
Multi-Photon Microscopes
1. LSM 780 Confocal Microscope with Multi Photon- Carl ZEISS
2. Bheja Fry Mutiphoton Microscope (Home Built)
1. Becker and Hickel TCSPC/FLIM – Becker &Hickel/Carl ZEISS
1. TIRF Microscope Eclipse Ti: Nikon
2. Multi Line TIRF: Olympus
Spinning Disk Microscopes
1. Yokogawa CSU-22 based Spinning disk Confocal System- Andor & Nikon
Super Resolution Imaging Systems
1. TCS STED SP5 ll Super Resolution Microscope- Leica
2. SIM & STORM Super Resolution Microscope- Nikon
3. 775 STED- Abberior Instruments
Optical Manipulation
1. Optical Tweezers - Homebuilt
2. PALM Micro Beam Laser Micro Dissection and Catapulting- Carl ZEISS
Other Exhibits
1. Orca Flash 4.0 V3 Digital CMOS Camera- Hamamatsu
2. Retiga R6 Color Camera- Qimaging
3. CoolLED PE300 illumination system