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Animal Strain view

ACRC Stock ID_2 Strain ID Full Scientific Strain Name Repository Status Stock Status Species Strain Type Lab of Origin Original Stock ID Genetic background Suggested Breeding Scheme (f)X(m) Eye/Coat Colour Information On Strain Specifics Genotype litters required Date Of Import Number of (f) and (m) Imported MTA ID Notes
acrc:23000038 Notch1 Flox/Flox Notch1 Flox/Flox Public Live Mus Musculus Tg, Targeted KO Freddy Radtke EPFL B6 homo X homo Black Coat color Freddy Radtke EPFL RL lab
acrc:21000001 129X1 129X1/SvJNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus WT JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 000691 inbred (sibling X sibling) pink-eyed, light-bellied, light chinchilla 6-9 pups per litter N = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown- [old ID = acrc:00001]
acrc:21000398 ACE2 KO1- exon2Del [B6ND2] B6N;DBA2-Ace2 em1Mgef/Blisc (g52-ATGexon2 deletion) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus KO - crispr/cas Targeted deletion MGEF / BLiSC B6NJ/Ncbs -2017 BLiSC- ACRC Crispr/Cas targeted exon2 deletion- please visit our website for more details on the different series of mouseAce2KO and humanizedACE2 animals generated at MGEF.
acrc:21000397 ACE2 KO2 [B6ND2] B6N;DBA2-Ace2em2Mgef/Blisc for the (g52-g55 47Kb deletion) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus KO - crispr/cas Targeted deletion MGEF / BLiSC B6ND2 being backcrossed on B6/NJNcbs backrground Saturday, August 1, 2020 BLiSC- ACRC Crispr/Cas targeted full gene deletion- mouse model developed at MGEF/ BLiSC facility- in the process of being characterised / analysed and stock amplified- Stock ready for pre-order- Please NOTE that we have also generated a knock-IN humanized hACE2 KI strain and several K18-hACE2 transgenic lines- -search for " ACE2 " in the "Strain Name" search field of this database for more details- please visit our website for more details on the different series of mouseAce2KO and humanizedACE2 animals generated at MGEF.
acrc:21000245 Adipoq-CreER B6.129Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase-expressing) JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 24671 B6 Hemizygote x Noncarrier OR Noncarrier x Hemizygote black Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2 (Noncarrier X Hemi) breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017, SRD [old ID = acrc:00011]
acrc:21000376 Adipoq-CreER, tdT B6.129Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr/JNcbs , B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdTAi14) Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX -> ACRC compound of JAX# 24671 and JAX# 007914 B6 JAX
acrc:21000434 Adipoq-CreER, tdT, Rag1KO B6.129Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr/JNcbs , B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdT), B6.129S7-Rag1tm1Mom/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound JAX-> ACRC compound of JAX# 24671 and JAX# 007914 and Jax# 002216 mixed Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017
acrc:21000543 Adipoq-CreER, tdT, Rap fl B6.129Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr/JNcbs, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdTAi14), B6.Cg-Rptortm1.1Dmsa/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus JAX-> Ncbs compounds of JAX#007914, JAX#013188, JAX#24671 mixed JAX, ACRC
acrc:23000024 Adipoq-CreER, tdT; IFN-γR fl/fl B6.129Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr/JNcbs , B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdTAi14); C57BL/6N-Ifngr1tm1.1Rds/JNcbs ; interferon gamma receptor 1 flox/flox Public Live Mus Musculus Compound JAX -> NCBS Adipoq-CreER, tdT- compound of JAX# 24671 and JAX# 007914 and IFNγR- JAX#025394 JAX
acrc:22000064 Ai32 B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm32(CAG-COP4*H134R/EYFP)Hze/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX -> NCBS (Imported for Prof. Upi Bhalla) JAX# 024109 Homozygote x Homozygote, When maintaining a live colony, homozygous mice may be bred together. Black Coat color Tuesday, August 9, 2022 2M + 2F Imported for Prof. Upi, received on 09 Aug. One female was observed with a kinked tail.
acrc:21000310 Ai9/Ai9; Lhx2cKO/ Lhx2cKO Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/Ncbs ; Lhx2tm1Monu/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus coumpound, cKO Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) Cryo + JAX compound from JAX#007909 + MGI:3772179 mixed - original Cryo males were agouti Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, JAX, BM BM - imported new set of animals for rederivation and cryo from TIFRmumbai 6 March 2021.
acrc:21000252 Ai95D B6;129SGt(ROSA)26Sor<tm95.1(CAGGCaMP6f)Hze>/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), No functional change, Reporter) JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 24105 mixed B6;129 Heterozygote x Wild-type OR Wild-type x Heterozygote Black Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2 (HET X WT) breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017, GH [old stock ID =acrc:00012]
acrc:21000258 Ai95D fl/+, Pcp2Cre/+ Ai95(RCL-GCaMP6f)-D flox/+, Pcp2Cre/+ Public Live Mus Musculus compound multiple multiple see individual alleles see individual allele details
acrc:21000337 Ai95D Flox/+, Stim1 Flox/+ B6;129SGt(ROSA)26Sor<tm95.1(CAGGCaMP6f)Hze>/JNcbs , Stim1^tm1Rao/Ncbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Anjana Rao Lab, La Jolla Institute (CA), JAX compound from JAX# 24105 and MGI:3778911 Anjana Rao Lab, La Jolla Institute (CA), JAX
acrc:21000338 Ai95D flox/flox, Stim1 flox/flox B6;129SGt(ROSA)26Sor<tm95.1(CAGGCaMP6f)Hze>/JNcbs , Stim1^tm1Rao/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus Anjana Rao Lab, La Jolla Institute (CA), JAX compound from JAX# 24105 and MGI:3778911 Anjana Rao Lab, La Jolla Institute (CA), JAX
acrc:24000048 Alb-Cre B6N.Cg-Speer6-ps1/J<Tg(Alb-Cre)21Mgn/J Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus ULLAS_TIFR HYD Stock - 018961 B6N/J
acrc:21000190 aMHC-PARP1 B6;D2-Tg(AlphaMHC-humPARP1)1/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic, Random Insertion MGEF_DP MGEF B6D2-F2/JNcbs needs to be backcrossed to C57BL/6J YES Wednesday, November 9, 2016 only 1 Founder animal (#26) NCBS/INSTEM_MGEF MTA1, MGEF / DP [old stock ID=MGEF:00001].. MGEF_DP_ microinjection Project 2016- injected in B6D2F2 oocytes- Overexpression of Human PARP1 under alphaMHC promotor- Cardiac phenotype observed- genotyping (300bp amplicon)= Alpha MHC Fw: TACATGGAGTCCTGGTGGGA ; hPARP1 RV3: CATCAAACATGGGCGACTGC
acrc:21000331 ANT2lox STOCK Slc25a5tm1.1Nte ?? Ant2 floxed Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targetted KI Cryo for Ullas Kolthur - TIFRmumbai - JAX Is this JAX#029482 ? C57BL6/EiJ Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Ullas Kolthur - TIFRmumbai for CryoStocks, JAX original Stock ID to be clarified
acrc:22000012 ApjCreER, VegfR2flox ApjCreER, STOCK Kdrtm2Sato/JNcbs [VegfR2 ^e3loxP] Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University and JAX VegfR2flox= JAX#018977 Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University, JAX
acrc:21000298 Arl13b-mCherry; Centrin2-GFP STOCK Tg(CAG-Arl13b/mCherry)1Kvand; Tg(CAG-EGFP/CETN2)3-4Jgg/KvandJNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus double Transgenic (Reporter) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 027967 Hom,hom x hom,hom to maintain double Homo stock agouti Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (double homozygotes) Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 Double homozygous mice are viable and fertile. In 2019 colonists at The Jackson Laboratory noted that double homozygous mice develop ear, eye, and nose sores by 12-14 weeks of age. Therefore, JAX colony is maintained by breeding females homozygous for the ARL13B-mCherry transgene and hemizygous for the Centrin 2-GFP transgene (hom hemi) with males hemizygous for the ARL13B-mCherry transgene and homozygous for the Centrin 2-GFP transgene (hemi hom). - [old stock ID=acrc:00013]
acrc:21000295 Ascl1-CreERT2 STOCK Ascl1tm1.1(Cre/ERT2)Jejo/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus targeted mutation JAX ->NCBS JAX# 12882 mixed (129S6/SvEvTac; C57BL/6 ; ICR outbred) recommended: Heterozygote x +/+ WT sibling mixed - albino to black Homozygotes die within hours of birth due to CNS and PNS disruptions in neural development Thursday, September 20, 2018 2 Heterozygote males Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 [old Stock ID=acrc:00014]
acrc:21000390 Asrij KO#13 Asrij KO#13 (= Ociad1 KO #13) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus JNCASR - MI Mixed strain: C57BL/6N × CBA Wednesday, January 8, 2020 homozygote male donors RIKEN - CDB, ACRC - JNCSAR -Maneesha Inamdar Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:21000391 Asrij KO#16 Asrij KO#16 (= Ociad1 KO #16) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus JNCASR - MI Monday, July 1, 2019 homozygote male donors RIKEN - CDB, ACRC - JNCSAR -Maneesha Inamdar Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:21000392 Asrij KO#59 Asrij KO#59 (= Ociad1 KO #59) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JNCASR - MI Monday, July 1, 2019 homozygote male donors RIKEN - CDB, ACRC - JNCSAR -Maneesha Inamdar Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:21000071 Asrij Lox #13 Asrij Lox #13 (= Ociad1 Lox #13) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN-> Ncbs original: C57BL/6 × CBA Homozygote X Homozygote black/agouti Riken, Ncbs, Prof. Maneesha Inamdar Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR). [old Stock ID=acrc:00015]
acrc:21000114 Asrij Lox #16 Asrij Lox #16 (= Ociad1 Lox #16) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN -> Ncbs original: C57BL/6 × CBA (transgenic) Homozygote x Homozygote black/agouti Riken, Ncbs, Prof. Maneesha Inamdar [old stock ID = acrc:00016]
acrc:21000112 Asrij Lox #59 Asrij Lox #59 (= Ociad1 Lox #59) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN -> Ncbs original: C57BL/6 × CBA (transgenic) Homozygote x Homozygote black/agouti Prof. Maneesha Inamdar (JNCASR & inStem) Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:21000264 Atoh1-cre/ESR1 (B6N) Atoh1-cre/ESR1 (B6/N) Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB (+ JAX?) B6/N B6/N WT X (+/-) Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 42 2-cell embryos) RIKEN-CDB + Raj Ladher Lab + JAX?
acrc:21000270 Atoh1-cre/ESR1 (FVB/N) Atoh1-cre/ESR1/ Ncbs (FVB/N) [STOCK Tg(Atoh1-cre/Esr1*)14Fsh] also known as [Math1-CreERT2] Public Live Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase-expressing) RIKEN-CDB + JAX JAX#007684 FVB/NJ FVB/N X (Tg/+) Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 44 2-cell embryos) RIKEN-CDB + JAX
acrc:21000195 Axin2-d2EGFP Tg(Axin2-d2EGFP)5Cos/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic-Reporter, Random Insertion Frank Costantini, Columbia University- (NCBS Rederived from Shubha Tole-Mumbai TIFR, Aug2016) MGI:3836891 mixed 13 pups per litter at TIFR-Mumbai; NCBS=? Friday, August 12, 2016 Rederived via embryo Transfer from Shubha Tole-TIFR Mumbai- Stocks - From Frank Costantini, Columbia University, Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for cryo stock MTA: Frank Costantini, Columbia University & Ramkumar Sambasivan direct Agreement-
acrc:21000288 Axin2-d2EGFP, tdTAi14 Tg(Axin2-d2EGFP)5Cos/Ncbs , B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdTAi14) Public Live Mus Musculus compound Frank Costantini, Columbia University + JAX MGI:3836891 + JAX# 007914 mixed Frank Costantini, Columbia University, , JAX
acrc:21000203 B-Raf KO-631 B6;129-BRAF 631/Ncbs (C57BL6/NJ) Public Live Mus Musculus targeted floxed Knock-Out KCVI, OHSU, Portland OHSU # 631 mixed B6/NJ,129 agouti 6-9 pups/ litter Friday, January 6, 2017 1 Male + 1 Female ? OHSU, ACRC DP lab import- generated on C57BL6/NJ background
acrc:21000226 B-Raf KO-631, PGKCre BRAF 631/Ncbs, Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound KCVI, OHSU, Portland; Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) OHSU # 631 + MGI:2178050 mixed (C57Bl6/NJOhsu, 129, BALB/c; C57BL/6J)/Ncbs KCVI, OHSU,, Pasteur Institute - Paris
acrc:21000369 B2m KO B6.129P2-B2mtm1Unc/DcrJNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Null/Knockout) JAX JAX#002087 Homozygote x Homozygote black Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX to TIFRHyd TIFRHyd
acrc:21000311 B5/EGFP FVB.Cg-Tg(GFPU)5Nagy Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Reporter) cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) + JAX JAX#003516 Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, JAX
acrc:24000126 B6 albino B6(Cg)-Tyrc-2J/J Public Live Mus Musculus transgenic-Spontaneous Mutation Jax JAX:000058 Albino- C57Bl6 mutated @ tyrosinase (Tyr gene) Homo X Homo albino coat, red eyes B6 albino mice are used to generate blastocysts that can be used for microinjection of genetically modified C57BL/6J embryonic stem cells. Following implantation and gestation, resulting offspring that are chimeric for the donor embryonic stem cells and t yes- express Tyr<c-2J> Saturday, December 23, 2023 2females and 2 males
acrc:21000249 B6 PVcre B6.129P2Pvalb<tm1(cre)Arbr>/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Recombinase-expressing) JAX JAX# 17320 B6 HOMO X HOMO Black parvalbumin is expressed in sperm; use of male PV-Cre mice may result in unwanted germline recombination and global recombination. preferable to check genotype of breeders Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2 (HOMO X HOMO) Breeding Pairs JAX JAX- When maintaining a live colony, these mice can be bred as homozygotes. Of note: parvalbumin is expressed in sperm; use of male PV-Cre mice may result in unwanted germline recombination and global recombination. USB
acrc:21000004 B6/J C57BL/6JNcbs Public Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus WT JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 000664 ______________________________ inbred siblings (C57BL/6J X C57BL/6J) __________________ black ____________________________________________ average litter size of 6-8 pups after the 2nd litter. Almost systematic cannibalism of the first litter and frequent cannibalism of subsequent litters - Around 50% male /female ratio in litters N = old stock imported in 2013 - Filiation unknown Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 = old stock Imported in 2013. [old ID = acrc:00002]
acrc:21000238 B6/J_2017 C57BL/6JNcbs_2017 Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-O, Cryo-S Mus Musculus inbred JAX -> JNcbs JAX#000664 B6/J_2017 Wednesday, September 13, 2017 4 breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 Sept 2017 = B6/J_2017 = newly imported stocks different from OLD stock (= B6/J). [old ID=acrc:00008]
acrc:21000368 B6/J_2019 C57BL/6JNcbs [2019] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX#000664 Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX to TIFRHyd
acrc:21000042 B6D2 F1 B6JD2F1/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-E Mus Musculus WT F1 hybrid NCBS AF / ACRC components of JAX# 000664 and JAX# 000671 (f)C57Bl/6J X (m)DBA2/J black N ACRC JAX: Useful as a genetic background for transgenic/knockout creation, as well as other deleterious mutations. Research applications include radiation and behavioral research, and safety and efficacy testing, bioassays of nutrients, drugs, pathogens, and hormones. [old stock ID = acrc:00003]
acrc:21000363 B6J albino B6(Cg)-Tyrc-2J/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX#000058 B6J Homozygote X Homozygote albino / white Friday, September 13, 2019 3 breeding pairs JAX B6(Cg)-Tyrc-2J/J, or B6-albino mice, are C57BL/6J mice that carry a mutation in the tyrosinase gene. Pigment is completely absent from skin, hair and eyes in mice homozygous for Tyrc-2J. This unique characteristic makes these mice ideal for creation of novel strains with targeted mutations (gene knockouts) on the B6J background.
acrc:21000547 B6N-20 / CBA-21 F1 production from C57BL/6NJNcbs [2020] X CBA/JNcbs [2021] Public Live Mus Musculus Hybrid F1 ACRC compund of JAX#005304 & JAX#000656 mixed JAX, MGEF / BLISC Hybrid stocks- at MGEF & ACRC we Use these stocks as Foster mice for embryo transfer rederivation procedures- good mothers.
acrc:21000504 B6N-20/CBA F1 production from C57BL/6NJNcbs [2020] X CBA/JNcbs [2017] Public Live Mus Musculus Hybrid F1 NCBS components of JAX#005304 X JAX#000656 JAX
acrc:21000493 B6N-20/D2 F1 production from C57BL/6NJNcbs [2020] X DBA/2JNcbs [2018] Public Live Mus Musculus Hybrid F1 ACRC compund of JAX#005304 & JAX#000671 MGEF / BLiSC, JAX
acrc:21000545 B6N-20/D2-21 F1 production from C57BL/6NJNcbs [2020] X DBA/2JNcbs [2021] Public Live Mus Musculus Hybrid F1 ACRC compund of JAX#005304 & JAX#000671 JAX, MGEF / BLISC
acrc:23000006 B6N/J_2022 C57BL/6NJNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Inbred Strain JAX -> NCBS JAX#005304 Inbreeding Black Coat color Friday, November 25, 2022 4F and 4M JAX Arrived on 24 Nov 2022. These are from the standard barrier JAX facility and are planned to rederive to SOPF status.
acrc:24000053 B6N22 D2/21 F1 B6N22 D2/21 F1 Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus wild type hybrid MGEF B6N/J *DBA/2 B6N/J *DBA/2
acrc:21000290 B6NCBA_F1 C57BL/6NJNcbs [2017] ; CBA/JNcbs [2017] Public Live Mus Musculus Hybrid _F1 NCBS components of JAX#005304 X JAX#000656 hybrid male CBA/JNcbs [2017] X female C57BL/6NJNcbs [2017] agouti JAX + NCBS Hybrid stocks- at ACRC we Use these stocks as Foster mice for embryo transfer rederivation procedures- good mothers
acrc:21000441 B6NJ_2020 C57BL/6NJNcbs [2020] Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus inbred JAX JAX#005304 B6N inbred black no but genetic monitoring recommended Friday, November 27, 2020 6 breeding pairs JAX
acrc:21000507 BALB/cJ_2021 BALB/cJNcbs [2021] Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX # 000651 Thursday, June 24, 2021 4 breeding pairs JAX
acrc:21000066 BALBc Balb/cJNcbs Public Discontinued Mus Musculus WT JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 000651 inbred (sibling X sibling) white albino challenging breeder = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown. [old stock ID=acrc:00005]
acrc:21000254 BALBc_2018 BALB/cJNcbs [2018] Public Cryo-S, Discontinued Mus Musculus WT JAX JAX # 651 inbred (sibling X sibling) albino white no Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3 breeding pairs JAX @JAX- BALB/cJ Key traits include a susceptibility to developing the demyelinating disease upon infection with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus. The BALB/cJ substrain is susceptible to Listeria, all species of Leishmania, and several species of Trypanosoma, but is resistant to experimental allergic orchitis (EAO).
acrc:21000057 beta1Flox B6;129-Itgb1tm1Efu/JNcbs (integrin beta 1 (fibronectin receptor beta) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus targeted JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 004605 B6;129 Homozygote x Homozygote Agouti / dark brown 8-12 pups per litter No Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017, SR [old stock ID = acrc:00006]
acrc:21000149 beta1Flox, K14Cre (CD1) beta1^flox/flox, K14Cre (CD1) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus SR
acrc:21000187 betaCat-Flox B6.129-Ctnnb1tm2Kem/Ncbs (beta-Catenin cKO) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Knockin, conditional knock-out Rolf Kemler, MPI-IE Freiburg (NCBS imported via Shubha Tole-TIFR Mumbai) MGI:2148567 also available as JAX: 004152 mixed 13 pups per litter at TIFR-Mumbai; NCBS=? Friday, August 12, 2016 Rederived via embryo Transfer from Shubha Tole-TIFR Mumbai- Stocks Rolf Kemler, MPI-IE Freiburg and Ramkumar Sambasivan direct agreement, Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for cryo stock MTA: Rolf Kemler, MPI-IE Freiburg and Ramkumar Sambasivan direct agreement- ST-CryoStocks. [old stock ID=acrc:00007]
acrc:21000196 betaCat-loxEx3 Ctnn1b tm1Mmt (beta-Catenin GOF) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Knockin, conditional Gain of function Makoto Mark Taketo, Kyoto University (NCBS imported via Shubha Tole-TIFR Mumbai) MGI:1858008 mixed 16 pups/litter at TIFR Mumbai - NCBS=? Friday, August 12, 2016 Rederived via embryo Transfer from Shubha Tole-TIFR Mumbai- Stocks Makoto Mark Taketo, Kyoto University, Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for cryo stock MTA: Makoto Mark Taketo, Kyoto University and Ramkumar Sambasivan direct agreement-
acrc:21000389 c-met flox FVB;129P2-Mettm1Sst Public Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), No functional change) JAX -> RCB -> ACRC JAX#016974 mixed - backcrossed on FVB/NJ JAX, Masum Saini (Regional Centre for Biotechnology, NCR Delhi) From Masum Saini (Regional Centre for Biotechnology, NCR Delhi) - 2019 - for Cryo and Rescue as original imported breeder were not breeding well at all.
acrc:21000372 C3HFe C3HeB/FeJNcbs [2019] Public Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX#000658 inbred- Sibling x Sibling agouti Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX This general purpose strain shares a common origin with C3H/HeJ and C3H/HeOuJ. Unlike C3H/HeJ, it carries a normal allele at the Tlr4 locus, but is homozygous for Pde6brd1, which causes retinal degeneration. C3HeB/FeJ inbred mice have been found to be extremely susceptible to virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They develop pulmonary tuberculosis and die within 25-28 days of infection with 105 CFU of Erdman strain of M. tuberculosis (Kramnik et al, 1998). Several QTL have been identified that contribute to the M. tuberculosis susceptibility (Sissons et al., 2009)
acrc:21000508 C3HFe_2021 C3HeB/FeJNcbs [2021] Public Live, Cryo-E Mus Musculus JAX JAX#000658 Thursday, June 24, 2021 2 breeding pairs JAX This general purpose strain shares a common origin with C3H/HeJ and C3H/HeOuJ. Unlike C3H/HeJ, it carries a normal allele at the Tlr4 locus, but is homozygous for Pde6brd1, which causes retinal degeneration. C3HeB/FeJ inbred mice have been found to be extremely susceptible to virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis. They develop pulmonary tuberculosis and die within 25-28 days of infection with 105 CFU of Erdman strain of M. tuberculosis (Kramnik et al, 1998). Several QTL have been identified that contribute to the M. tuberculosis susceptibility (Sissons et al., 2009)
acrc:21000486 C9-500 FVB/NJ-Tg(C9orf72)500Lpwr/JNcbs [C9-500 also named as C9orf72-ALS] Public Live Mus Musculus Coisogenic, Transgenic JAX -> NCBS JAX# 029099 Thursday, April 15, 2021 2 males JAX
acrc:21000063 CamK2 B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-1Stl/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Transgenic JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 005359 inbred (sibling X sibling) (f)CamK2 X (m)CamK2 black litter size 5-10 pups N 2 duos Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017, USB New stocks arrived on 9th August 2022.
acrc:21000202 CamK2-Cre, E2-2f/f B6.Cg-Tg(Camk2a-cre)T29-1Stl/J, E2-2f/f Public Live Mus Musculus multigenic/compound JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) components of JAX# 005359 and MGI:3798811 mixed
acrc:21000128 CaMK2a-CreERT2 [MxP] B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase-expressing) cryo stocks from MPI (Dresden)-> NCBS JAX# 012362 B6 Hemizygote x Noncarrier JAX cryo stocks from MCI (Ronald - Dresden)-- The CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele was imported from two separate sources (NY and Dresden-MPI). This stock carries the MaxPlank CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele.
acrc:21000560 CaMK2a-CreERT2 [MxP], E2-2f, TRAP B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs [MxP], Tcf4tm1.1Hmb; B6.129S4Gt(ROSA)26Sor<tm1(CAGEGFP/Rpl10a birA)Wtp>/JNcbs -[R26fsTRAP] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) components of JAX# 012362 and MGI:3798811+ JAX#22367 mixed JAX, Dan Holmberg (Sweden) The CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele was imported from two separate sources (NY and Dresden-MPI). This stock carries the MaxPlank CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele.
acrc:21000569 CaMK2a-CreERT2 [MxP], E2-2f/f, RCE B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs [MxP], E2-2f [Tcf4tm1.1Hmb], Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.2(CAG-EGFP)Fsh [RCE:FRT] /Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) and Gordon Fishell (NY) components of JAX# 012362 and MGI:3798811+ JAX#32038 (or MGI:4420764) JAX, Dan Holmberg (Sweden) The CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele was imported from two separate sources (NY and Dresden-MPI). This stock carries the Max Plank (MxP) CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele.
acrc:21000562 CaMK2a-CreERT2 [MxP], E2-2f/f, tdTAi9 B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs [MxP], E2-2f [Tcf4tm1.1Hmb], B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] /Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) components of JAX# 012362, MGI:3798811 and JAX#007909 mixed JAX, Dan Holmberg (Sweden) The CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele was imported from two separate sources (NY and Dresden-MPI). This stock carries the MaxPlank CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele.
acrc:21000559 CaMK2a-CreERT2 [NY], E2-2f/f, RCE B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs [NY], E2-2f [Tcf4tm1.1Hmb], Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.2(CAG-EGFP)Fsh [RCE:FRT] /Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) and Gordon Fishell (NY) components of JAX# 012362 and MGI:3798811+ JAX#32038 (or MGI:4420764) mixed JAX, Dan Holmberg (Sweden) The CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele was imported from two separate sources (NY and Dresden-MPI). This stock carries the NY CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele.
acrc:21000561 CaMK2a-CreERT2 [NY], E2-2f/f, tdTAi9 B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs [NY], E2-2f [Tcf4tm1.1Hmb], B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] /Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) components of JAX# 012362, MGI:3798811 and JAX#007909 mixed JAX, Dan Holmberg (Sweden) The CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele was imported from two separate sources (NY and Dresden-MPI). This stock carries the NY CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele.
acrc:21000223 CaMK2a-CreERT2 [NY], E2-2f/f, Thy1-GFP lineM;R26-Stop-fl-Ai9-tdTomato B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs/JNcbs [NY], Tcf4tm1.1Hmb (E2-2-)/Ncbs, STOCK Tg(Thy1-EGFP)MJrs/JNcbs [Thy1-GFP line M];B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) components of JAX# 012362 and MGI:3798811 and JAX#007788 mixed Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017, Dan Holmberg (Sweden) The Thy1-EGFP allele was recovered from IISC stocks- most likely: STOCK Tg(Thy1-EGFP)MJrs/J [Thy1-GFP line M]-- The CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele was imported from two separate sources (NY and Dresden-MPI). This stock carries the NY CaMK2a-CreERT2 allele.
acrc:21000470 CaMK2a-CreERT2, E2-2, RCE B6;129S6-Tg(Camk2a-cre/ERT2)1Aibs, E2-2f [Tcf4tm1.1Hmb], Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.2(CAG-EGFP)Fsh [RCE:FRT] /Ncbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) and Gordon Fishell (NY) components of JAX# 012362 and MGI:3798811+ JAX#32038 (or MGI:4420764) mixed JAX, Dan Holmberg (Sweden)
acrc:21000090 Cas9 (Rosa26) STOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.1(CAG-cas9*,-EGFP)Fezh/JNcbs (constitutive Rosa26-Cas9 knockin) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus KI -Targeted (Inserted expressed sequence, Reporter) JAX JAX# 024858 mixed (B6N , 129 , B6J and maybe FVB/N) Homozygote x Homozygote OR Homozygote x Inbred and recip black Y Thursday, January 14, 2016 2 breeding pairs (homozygotes littermates DOB- 29 Dec 2015) Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 _______________________________________________________________________ MGEF- need to backcross on B6/J JAX<The construct was electroporated into 129-derived R1 embryonic stem (ES) cells. Correctly targeted ES cells were injected into C57BL6/N blastocysts. The resulting chimeric animals were tested for germline transmission by crossing to C57BL/6N mice. The mice were then crossed to a beta-actin driven Cre recombinase strain (FVB/N) (Stock No. 003376) to excise the floxed STOP cassette. Upon arrival at The Jackson Laboratory, the mice were crossed to C57BL/6J (Stock No. 000664) at least once to establish the colony.>
acrc:21000192 Casp1-/- B6N.129S2-Casp1tm1Flv/JNcbs [ICE] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX-> JamoraLab-> ACRC JAX#016621 JAX CJ-- This strain, relevant to studies of inflammation and cell death, carries a knockout allele of the Casp1 gene as well as an incidental Casp4 deficiency.
acrc:21000139 Casp8 fl/fl Casp8tm1Hed/Ncbs [floxed exon 3] Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready, No functional change) Stephen Hedrick, at UCSD MGI:3696985 ; Stock also available at JAX as JAX#027002 Stephen Hedrick, at UCSD, Colin Jamora CJ Stock also available at JAX as JAX#027002
acrc:21000017 Casp8 fl/fl, K14Cre Casp8tm1Hed/Ncbs [floxed exon 3], Tg(KRT14-cre)1Efu/Ncbs (C57B6) Public Live Mus Musculus Stephen Hedrick, at UCSD ; Elaine Fuchs at Rockefeller University compund of MGI:3696985 & MGI:1926500 heterozygote breeding black Y Stephen Hedrick, at UCSD, Elaine Fuchs at Rockefeller University, Colin Jamora CJ
acrc:21000025 Casp8 fl/fl, K14Cre, Casp1-/- Casp8tm1Hed/Ncbs [floxed exon 3], Tg(KRT14-cre)1Efu/Ncbs (C57B6), B6N.129S2-Casp1tm1Flv/JNcbs [ICE] Public Live Mus Musculus congenic Jamora Lab compound of JAX#016621 , MGI:3696985 , MGI:1926500 heterozygote X homozygote Black Yes JAX, Colin Jamora, Stephen Hedrick, at UCSD, Elaine Fuchs at Rockefeller University CJ
acrc:21000018 Casp8 fl/fl, K14Cre, gdTCR KO caspase 8 fl/fl, K14Cre (C57B6), gdTCR-/- Public Live Mus Musculus coisogenic Jamora Lab heterozygote breeding black Yes CJ
acrc:21000166 Casp8fl/fl,K14Cre,IL1r1-/- caspase 8 fl/fl, K14-Cre (C57B6), IL-1R^-/- (B6.129S7-Il1r1tm1Imx/J) interleukin 1 receptor, type I Public Live Mus Musculus components of JAX# 003245 CJ
acrc:21000234 CBA/J_2017 CBA/JNcbs [2017] Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX#000656 inbred agouti This strain is homozygous for the retinal degeneration allele Pde6b-rd1, which causes blindness by wean age. Wednesday, September 13, 2017 2 breeding pairs JAX JAX notes: CBA/J strain carries the Pde6brd1 mutation, which causes blindness by wean age. Renal tubulointerstitial lesions have been observed in this strain at a high frequency. Some CBA/J mice spontaneously develop exocrine pancreatic insufficiency syndrome.
acrc:21000505 CBA_2021 CBA/JNcbs [2021] Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX#000656 Thursday, June 24, 2021 2 breeding pairs JAX
acrc:21000110 CBF:H2B-Venus [2018] STOCK Tg(Cp-HIST1H2BB/Venus)47Hadj/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic JAX ->NCBS JAX# 020942 originally generated on FVB Hemizygote x Noncarrier or Noncarrier x Hemizygote albino Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (Hemizygoytes) JAX
acrc:23000030 Ccdc11(Cfap53) Ccdc11(Cfap53)-[RIKEN] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Ccdc11(Cfap53) RIKEN (CDB0210E) Monday, April 3, 2023 Imported 2 straws of Sperms
acrc:21000070 CD1 Crl:CD1(ICR)/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus WT Crl Crl#022 OUTBRED white albino = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown Crl = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown Crl Health monitoring does not include Proteus mirabilis testing. some Crl CD1 mice have been tested positive for Proteus mirabilis in NCBS colonies. These were NOT initially imported as ELITE stocks from Crl !!!??
acrc:21000353 CD1-2019 Crl: CD1 (IGS) Elite Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Charles River USA Crl:022 - Elite SPF mini Outbred albino Thursday, May 30, 2019 5 breeding pairs from Crl USA via Hyalasco Crl USA
acrc:21000393 CD45.2 ; Ly5.2 CD45.2 ; Ly5.2 Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus JNCASR - MI -> initially imported from NII, Delhi - Dr. Asok Mukhopadhyay-(retired) ?? to be checked and verified ??, Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR) Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR) but initially imported to JNCSAR from from NII, Delhi - Dr. Asok Mukhopadhyay (retired)-
acrc:21000289 CD4Cre, FoxP3YFP-cre, RaploxP CD4Cre, FoxP3YFP-cre, RaploxP Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX and Freddy Radtke (EPFL) for the CD4 allele Components of JAX#016959 and JAX# 013188 and CD4Cre mixed JAX + Freddy Radtke (EPFL) for the CD4 allele
acrc:21000010 CD4Cre, Notch-4-loxP CD4Cre, Notch4lox/lox Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted KO Freddy Radtke (EPFL) - CD4 allele; and ? B6 black ACRC AS
acrc:21000005 CD4Cre, Notch1loxP CD4Cre, Notch1lox/lox Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Tg, Targeted KO Freddy Radtke EPFL B6 Notch1lox/lox (F) X CD4Cre+, Notch1lox/lox (M) black Y Freddy Radtke EPFL AS
acrc:21000007 CD4Cre, RaploxP CD4Cre, Raptor lox/lox Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted KO JAX and Freddy Radtke (EPFL) for the CD4 allele components of JAX#013188 and ? B6 Raptor lox/lox (F) X CD4Cre +ve, Raptor lox/lox (M) black Y AS
acrc:21000529 Cdh5CreER; Gpr177Fx Tg(Cdh5-cre/ERT2)1Rha/Ncbs [Cadherin5CreER]; Wlstm1.1Whsu/JNcbs [Gpr177Fx] Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Cdh5CreER;Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University, Gpr177Fx - JAX Cdh5CreER- MGI:3848982, Gpr177Fx- JAX#027484 Mixed Saturday, February 13, 2021 Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University, Cadherin5CreER from Ralf H Adams (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, University of Münster, Germany), Gpr177Fx- JAX Cadherin5CreER - imported by Soumyashree Das from Stanford University- Cadherin5CreER allele originally from Ralf H Adams (Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, University of Münster, Germany). Gpr177Fx- for SD lab (Jax Cryorecovery services)
acrc:21000069 CF1 Crl:CF1 Public Live Mus Musculus WT Crl Crl# 023 OUTBRED white albino = old stock imported in 2013 or prior? - Filiation unknown Crl AF - Old Stock - most likely no longer outbred- NOT imported as ELITE stocks from Crl.
acrc:21000352 CF1_2019 Crl:CF1 - SPF Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Charles River USA Crl:023 mini outbred albino Thursday, May 30, 2019 5 breeding pairs from Crl USA via Hyalasco Crl USA
acrc:21000333 CMV-cre_TIFRm B6.C-Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgene overexpression Cryo for Ullas Kolthur - TIFRmumbai - JAX JAX#006054 C57BL6/J Thursday, November 3, 2016 Ullas Kolthur for CryoStocks, JAX JAX: The transgene appears to be X-linked since transgene transmission through males is restricted to female offspring.
acrc:21000129 CMVCre B6.C-Tg(CMV-cre)1Cgn/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing) JAX JAX# 006054 Homozygote x Hemizygote (Transgene appears to be X-linked) black Y 4 males + 4 females (26-Feb-2009) Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR). - JAX: The transgene appears to be X-linked since transgene transmission through males is restricted to female offspring.
acrc:21000297 Cor1a B6.129-Coro1Atm1Jpie/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus congenic ; Targeted Mutation (Reporter, Null/Knockout) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 030203 B6 Homo X Homo or Homo X Het black Cor1-/- mice lack naive T cells in the periphery Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 Breeding pair (homozygous nul) Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 Cor1-/- mice lack naive T cells in the periphery and show cognitive and behavioral disfunction. EGFP immunofluorescence is observed by direct visualization in these mice.
acrc:21000437 Csf1r Flox B6.Cg-Csf1rtm1.2Jwp Public Live Mus Musculus Imported from IISC - originally a JAX stock JAX#021212 B6 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 JAX relocation MTA 3 males imported from IISC [Narendrakumar Ramanan] - rederived at MGEF- for SR lab.
acrc:21000130 Cx3cr1CreER B6.129P2(Cg)-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT)Litt/WganJNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX JAX# 021160 Homozygote x Homozygote Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 HSG
acrc:22000016 Cx3cr1CreER; Csf1r Flox B6.129P2(Cg)-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT)Litt/WganJNcbs; B6.Cg-Csf1rtm1.2Jwp Public Live Mus Musculus Compound JAX -> NCBS Cx3cr1CreER- JAX# 021160, Csf1r Flox- JAX#021212 JAX
acrc:22000026 Cx40CreER, tdTAi9 [Mixed]; Cdk1-L Cx40CreER, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze [Ai9]; 129S(B6N)-Cdk1tm1Eddy/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Cx40CreER, tdTAi9 [Mixed]- Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University and Ai9 allele originally from JAX#007909 , Cdk1-L- JAX Cx40CreER, tdTAi9 [Mixed] -Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University and Ai9 allele originally from JAX#007909, Cdk1-L - JAX # 028028
acrc:22000011 Cx40CreER, tdTAi9 [Mixed]; Gpr177Fx Cx40CreER, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze [Ai9]; Wlstm1.1Whsu/JNcbs [Gpr177Fx] Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University and JAX Ai9 allele originally from JAX#007909, Gpr177Fx- JAX#027484 Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University, JAX
acrc:21000527 Cx40CreER; Cx40eGFP; tdTAi9 [Mixed] Cx40CreER, Cx40eGFP, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze [Ai9]/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University Ai9 allele originally from JAX#007909 Mixed - B6J and Balb/C Tuesday, December 15, 2020 Cx40CreER allele originally from Lucile Miquerol (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS UMR 7288, IBDM, Marseille, France.), JAX, , Cx40eGFP allele -Lucile Miquerol (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS UMR 7288, IBDM, Marseille, France.), Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University Imported By Soumyashree Das from Standford University. Cx40CreER and Cx40eGFP alleles originally from Lucile Miquerol (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS UMR 7288, IBDM, Marseille, France.)
acrc:21000488 Cxcr4flox B6.129P2-Cxcr4tm2Yzo/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX -> NCBS JAX# 008767 Thursday, April 15, 2021 2 breeding pairs JAX
acrc:21000454 Dach1-flox Dach1-flox Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Kristy Red-Horse, Stanford University originally from KOMP repository mixed (FVBN , CD1) ??? to double check - because animals are black black Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2 females Red-Horse Lab - Stanford University, KOMP imported by Soumyashree Das from Standford University.
acrc:21000032 db (B6) B6.BKS(D)-Leprdb/J , db/db (Leprdb -Leptin Receptor Mutant) Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic Spontaneous Mutation JAX JAX# 000697 Black/Black Yes Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 CJ
acrc:21000237 db/+_2018 BKS.CgDock7< m> +/+ Lepr<db>/J Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Diabetic model - double mutant - spontaneous mutations JAX JAX#000642 BKS Het X Het (db phenotype is background specific) Leprdb= black, fat; Related Genotype: a/a + Leprdb/+ Leprdb ; Dock7m Leprdb= black, lean; Related Genotype: a/a Dock7m +/+ Leprdb; Dock7m= misty (grey), lean; Related Genotype: a/a Dock7m +/Dock7m + Wednesday, February 21, 2018 1 breeding pair - Male died before breeding! + 2 new breeding pairs in Feb2018 Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 September 2017: 1 breeding pair was imported and quarantined. when setting up mating after quarantine- a small protrusion was observed in the sternum region- the Male died with severe Ascites phenotype a few days later- Female is fine. 2 New Breeding pairs (2M+2F) imported in Feb2018.
acrc:21000487 DBA1 DBA/1JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus inbred JAX -> NCBS JAX# 000670 Thursday, April 15, 2021 2 breeding pairs JAX DBA/1J mice are widely used as a model for rheumatoid arthritis: immunization with type II collagen leads to the development of severe polyarthritis mediated by an autoimmune response. DBA/1J mice show an intermediate susceptibility to developing atherosclerotic aortic lesions on an atherogenic diet. In response to challenge, DBA/1J mice develop immune-mediated nephritis characterized by proteinuria, glomerulonephritis and tubulointerstitial disease.
acrc:21000067 DBA2 DBA/2JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus WT JAX JAX# 000671 inbred (sibling X sibling) dilute brown = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown JAX: DBA/2J is a widely used inbred strain. Some characteristics include low susceptibility to developing atherosclerotic aortic lesions, high-frequency hearing loss, susceptibility to audiogenic seizures, development of progressive eye abnormalities that closely mimic human hereditary glaucoma, and extreme intolerance to alcohol and morphine.
acrc:21000256 DBA2_2018 DBA/2JNcbs [2018] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus WT JAX JAX# 000671 inbred (sibling X sibling) dilute brown hearing loss NO Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3 breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 @JAX -DBA/2J is a widely used inbred strain. Some characteristics include low susceptibility to developing atherosclerotic aortic lesions, high-frequency hearing loss, susceptibility to audiogenic seizures, development of progressive eye abnormalities that closely mimic human hereditary glaucoma, and extreme intolerance to alcohol and morphine.
acrc:21000506 DBA2_2021 DBA/2JNcbs [2021] Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX# 000671 Thursday, June 24, 2021 4 breeding pairs JAX
acrc:21000525 DCX CreERT2; E2-2f; R26fsTRAP Dcx_CreERT2-UTR_TG_04; Tcf4tm1.1Hmb; B6.129S4Gt(ROSA)26Sor<tm1(CAGEGFP/Rpl10a birA)Wtp>/JNcbs -[R26fsTRAP] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound DCXallele from Wolfgang Wurst; JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) JAX# 22367; MGI:3798811 E2-2 = Dan Holmberg (Sweden), R26fsTRAP = JAX, CryoStock = HSG, DCXCre from Prof. Wolfgang Wurst / German Research Center for Environmental Health REF for DCXCreER Allele: BMC Neurosci. 11:158. doi: 10.1186/1471-2202- 11-158
acrc:23000029 Dtd1 and Dtd2 Dtd1 and Dtd2[RIKEN] Public Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN (CDB0297E &CDB0298E) C57BL/6N*+/- Monday, April 3, 2023 Imported 3 vials of embryos and 4 straws of Sperms Embryo Vial Ids: R175,R176 AND R177 received at 2 cell stage
acrc:21000142 EmtbGFP K14-EmtbGFP (keratinocytes) Public Mus Musculus ACRC CJ
acrc:21000164 EmtbGFP,K14CreER,Casp8fl K14-EmtbGFP, K14 CreER+ (C57B6) ?, Caspase-8 fl/fl Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Jamora Lab CJ
acrc:22000050 Emx CreKJ/KJ; Ai9/+ Emx1tm1(cre)Krj/Ncbs; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Compound Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), JAX Ai9 allele originally from JAX#007909, MGI:2684610 - Emx1CreKJ allele also available as JAX#005628, MIXED Homozygote x Homozygote JAX Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), JAX
acrc:21000320 Emx1 CreYL/+, TCA/+, Lhx2cKO/cKO Emx1tm1(cre)Yql; TCA-GFP (5-HTT -GFP); Lhx2tm1Monu Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) PMID:10772936 ; MGI:2176219, PMID: 24685175 ; MGI:3772179 Thursday, January 26, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, Emx1CreYL from Yuqing Li, Department of Neurology, University of Florida, TCA-GFP from Takuji Iwasato, Division of Neurogenetics, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima 411-8540, Japan Emx1CreYL = Cre recombinase inserted directly into the exon 1 of the Emx1 gene (PMID:10772936). Emx1creYLF : CCCGATATCATTTACGCGTTAATG ; Emx1creYLR: CACTCATGGAAAATAGCGATC -> 618bp. - TCA-GFP= Reporter mice expressing the membrane-bound enhanced GFP from the sensory thalamus-specific serotonin transporter (5-HTT) promoter PMID: 24685175. primers: TCA-GFP-F: ATGCTGTGCTGTATGAGAAGAACCA ; TCA-GFP-R: TTCTCGTTGGGGTCTTTGCT -> 800 bp.
acrc:21000323 Emx1Cre KJ/KJ; Lhx2sKO/+ Emx1tm1(cre)Krj [Emx1IRES cre]; Lhx2tm1Dra (=Lh2sKO, Lhx -) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) MGI:2684610 + MGI:1890208 / Emx1CreKJ allele also available as JAX#005628 mixed Lhx2sKO homozygotes are embryonic lethal (E15.5) Thursday, February 9, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, JAX
acrc:21000474 Emx1CreKJ Emx1tm1(cre)Krj/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai MGI:2684610 - Emx1CreKJ allele also available as JAX#005628 Saturday, March 6, 2021 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), JAX BM imported from TIFRmumbai
acrc:21000317 Emx1CreKJ/+, Ldb1cKO/cKO, Ldb2sKO/+ Emx1tm1(cre)Krj ; Ldb1 cKO ; Ldb2 sKO-null Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) PMID:12151506 ; MGI:2684610 + PMID:17664423 - Emx1CreKJ allele also available as JAX#005628 mixed Friday, January 27, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, Susan McConell for Ldb1cKO & Ldb2sKO, JAX Ldb1 G: cttatgtgaccacagccatgcatgcatgtg ; Ldb1-sense: cagcaaacggaggaaacggaagatgtcag -> Ldb1WT: 250bp; Ldb1Mut: 400bp. Ldb2_neo5 5’-CTGTGCTCGACGTTGTCACTG-3’ ; Ldb2_neo3 5’-GATCCCCTCAGAAGAACTCGT-3’; Ldb2_F2 5’-CAGACTGCTCATCACACACTTGTTGAT-3’; Ldb2_R2 5’-CTCAAGAAATCCAAGGGGTGTTACTTA-3’ Ldb2MUT- 400bp and Ldb2WT-700bp.
acrc:21000514 Emx1CreYL, Lhx2cKO, Ai9 Emx1tm1(cre)Yql/Ncbs, Lhx2tm1Monu/Ncbs, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound rederived from Shubha Tole Stocks- TIFR Mumbai compound of MGI:2176219, MGI:3772179, JAX#007909 mixed JAX, Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai, Emx1CreYL from Yuqing Li, Department of Neurology, University of Florida, BM BM
acrc:21000472 Emx1CreYL/+; Lhx2cKO/delta Emx1tm1(cre)Yql/Ncbs; Lhx2cKO/delta [Lhx2tm1Monu] / Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound rederived from Shubha Tole Stocks- TIFR Mumbai compound of MGI:2176219 ; MGI:3772179 mixed Saturday, March 6, 2021 Emx1CreYL from Yuqing Li, Department of Neurology, University of Florida, Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai BM
acrc:21000304 Emx2-Cre Emx2-Cre/+ [RIKEN] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB CDB0020K B6/N ×(-/+) Thursday, November 22, 2018 1 vial of 2 cell embryos RIKEN-CDB sperm QC efficiency:38.7% Control sperm efficiency for current QC session:98.03%
acrc:21000481 Emx2-Cre ; R26R-Mito-EGFP Emx2-Cre [Riken] ; R26R-Mito-EGFP/MitoG#22(loxP) [Riken] Public Live Mus Musculus compound Riken CDB -> Ncbs compound of Riken-CDB # CDB0020K & CDB0216K RIKEN CDB
acrc:21000496 Emx2-Cre; tdTomatoAi14 Emx2-Cre [RIKEN] ; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdT) Public Live Mus Musculus RIKEN + JAX compound of RIKEN#CDB0020K + JAX# 007914 RIKEN CDB , JAX
acrc:21000318 FezF2+/- ; Lhx2cKO/cKO Fezf2tm1Hibi ; Lhx2tm1Monu Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) + RIKEN PMID: 16971467; MGI:3772179 ; PMID: 18202285 mixed Friday, January 27, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, Masahiko Hibi -RIKEN Null allele of Fezf2 [from Masahiko Hibi -RIKEN] gene created by replacing exons containing most of the fezl coding region (amino acids 27-455) with the β-galactosidase and neomycin-resistance genes-
acrc:21000271 Fgfr1 fl/fl Fgfr1 fl/fl (CD1???) Public Live, Cryo-E Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB + Raj Ladher CD1?? mentione don import file but animals are black? ? Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 61 2-cell embryos); 1 cryo vial with vial id: Y876 redeived on 3rd Apr 2023 RIKEN-CDB + Raj Ladher Lab June 2018- the Initial Cryo-recovered females exhibit imperforated vagina phenotypes at time of weaning-
acrc:21000263 FGFR1delta FGFR1delta FRS Public Live Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB + From Soriano Lab B6/N B6/N WT X (+/-) Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 57 2-cell embryos) Phil Soriano
acrc:21000268 Fgfr1floxEx4 Fgfr1floxex4/+ [B6.129S4-Fgfr1tm5.1Sor ??] Public Live, Cryo-E Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), No functional change) RIKEN-CDB [initially from JAX] is this the JAX#007671 ?? please do confirm B6; 129/sv 129/sv X (+/-) or (+/-) X (+/-) Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 40 2-cell embryos); 1 cryoVial with Vial ID: P224 received on 3rd Apr 2023 RIKEN-CDB + JAX
acrc:21000265 Fgfr1n15YF Fgfr1n15YF Public Live, Cryo-E Mus Musculus CD-1WT X (+/-) Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 60 2-cell embryos) RIKEN-CDB + Raj Ladher Lab
acrc:21000267 Fgfr2 flox/flox Fgfr2 flox/flox Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB + From Partanen Lab Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 27 2-cell embryos) RIKEN-CDB + Partanen Lab
acrc:21000030 Fibulin5 KO fibulin-5 -/- (C57BL6) Public Cryo-S, Discontinued Mus Musculus Homozygous breeding black Yes The strain Cryopreserved (sperms) and The live colony is discontinued from March 2024 on request of CJ lab rep and confirmation of PI
acrc:21000031 Fibulin5 KO, K14Snail(B6) K14CRE Snail Transgenic, fibulin-5 -/- (C57BL6) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic Jamora Lab K14Snail(B6) X Fibulin5 KO Black Yes CJ
acrc:21000158 Fmr1tm1Cgr fragile X mental retardation syndrome 1 (= Fmr1 KO) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Null/knockout) David Nelson, Baylor MGI:1857169 backcrossed on B6 since arrived at NCBS outbred every third generation black average litter size of 6-8 pups after the 2nd litter. Almost systematic cannibalism of the first litter and frequent cannibalism of subsequent litters - Around 50% male /female ratio in litters Y ACRC AB, SC
acrc:21000039 FosCreERT2 B6.129(Cg)-Fostm1.1(cre/ERT2)Luo/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation (Inducible, Recombinase-expressing) JAX -> JNcbs JAX# 21882 C57BL/6J +/+ sibling x Heterozygote OR Heterozygote x C57BL/6J (WT) black 6-9 pups per litter Yes Tuesday, July 14, 2015 2 het males Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 FosCreERT2 strain should NOT be maintained as Homozygotes, since deletion of Fos leads to abnormalities in growth and behavior of the mice as well as growth defects, osteopetrosis, perinatal death [partial penetrance] and abnormalities in tooth eruption, gametogenesis, hemopoiesis, and photoreceptor apoptosis are expected. [old stock ID=acrc:00010]
acrc:21000526 Foxg1-cre [B6J] Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337 B6J Monday, January 29, 2018 RIKEN-CDB + 花嶋先生 lab; , JAX
acrc:23000073 Foxg1-cre [B6J]; betaCat-Flox Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6JNcbs; B6.129-Ctnnb1tm2Kem/Ncbs (beta-Catenin cKO) Public Live Mus Musculus Compound RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337; Rolf Kemler, MPI-IE Freiburg (NCBS imported via Shubha Tole-TIFR Mumbai) JAX#004337; MGI:2148567 also available as JAX: 004152 Mixed White, Black coat colour RL lab
acrc:23000072 Foxg1-cre [B6J]; betaCat-loxEx3 Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6JNcbs; Ctnn1b tm1Mmt (beta-Catenin GOF) Public Live Mus Musculus Compound RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337; Makoto Mark Taketo, Kyoto University (NCBS imported via Shubha Tole-TIFR Mumbai) JAX#004337; MGI:1858008 Mixed White, Black coat colour RL lab
acrc:23000074 Foxg1-cre [B6J]; Notch1 Flox Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6JNcbs; Notch1 Flox Public Live Mus Musculus Compound RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337; Freddy Radtke EPFL JAX#004337; --- B6 black coat color RL lab
acrc:21000534 Foxg1-cre [B6J]; tdTomatoAi14 Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6JNcbs; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdT or tdTAi14) Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Foxg1-cre [B6J]- RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337; tdTomatoAi14-JAX# 007914 Foxg1-cre [B6J]- RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337; tdTomatoAi14-JAX# 007914 B6J RIKEN-CDB + 花嶋先生 lab; JAX
acrc:21000266 Foxg1-cre [B6NJ] Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6N Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Recombinase-expressing, Null/Knockout) RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337 JAX#004337 received embryos from RIKEN as mixed B6/N ; 129SV RIKEN: ♀B6/N WT×♂Foxg1-cre Mutant homozygous lethal Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 60 2-cell embryos) -> cryorecovered RIKEN-CDB + 花嶋先生 lab; , JAX from Jax: - "Mice that are homozygous for the targeted mutation die perinatally. The authors also note that in general, the frequency of recombination in Cre;floxed double mutant germline cells appears to be considerably higher than in zygotes produced by breeding Cre mice to floxed mice. This reports that Foxg1-Cre;floxed double mutant males bred to witdtype females produced some offspring with germline deletion of the floxed allele [68.8% (11/16)]. Female germline expression was not determined. As such, for Cre-lox experiments and to avoid/minimize germline deletion of the floxed allele, researchers may consider breeding Foxg1-Cre females to floxed males."
acrc:21000535 Foxg1-cre [B6NJ]; tdTomatoAi14 Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6NJNcbs; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdT or tdTAi14) Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Foxg1-cre [B6NJ]- RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab ; tdTomatoAi14- JAX Foxg1-cre [B6NJ]- RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337; tdTomatoAi14- JAX# 007914 B6NJ and B6J RIKEN-CDB + 花嶋先生 lab; , JAX
acrc:21000316 Foxg1cKO/+; RCEfrt/frt; Lhx2cKO/cKO; Pax6cKO/cKO Foxg1tm1Fsh ; Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.2(CAG-EGFP)Fsh [RCE:FRT] ; Lhx2tm1Monu ; Pax6tm1Ued (=Pax6LoxP) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) + JAX Foxg1= PMID: 22726835 ;RCEfrt=[MMRRC Stock No: 32038-JAX (=oldJAX#10812?)]; MGI:3772179 + Pax6cKO=MGI:4354122 mixed Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, JAX, Foxg1: Gordon Fishell, NYU Neuroscience Institute
acrc:21000314 Foxg1cKO/cKO; RCEfrt/frt; Lhx2cKO/cKO Foxg1tm1Fsh ; Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.2(CAG-EGFP)Fsh [RCE:FRT] ; Lhx2tm1Monu Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) + JAX Foxg1= PMID: 22726835 ;RCEfrt=[MMRRC Stock No: 32038-JAX (=oldJAX#10812?)]; MGI:3772179 mixed Friday, November 25, 2016 Foxg1: Gordon Fishell, NYU Neuroscience Institute, Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for cryo stock, JAX
acrc:21000517 FOXJ1-Cre [H], BetaCat cKO Tg(FOXJ1-cre)Htzm [Holtzman Cre], B6.129-Ctnnb1tm2Kem/Ncbs (beta-Catenin cKO) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase) cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai compund of MGI:2148567 also available as JAX: 004152 and Foxj1 Cre from DOI: 10.1165/rcmb.2006-0475RC- insertion allele not confirmed. Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), Michael J Holtzman, JAX This transgene expresses Cre recombinase under the control of 1.2kb of the human FOXJ1 promoter. Cre expression occurs in ciliated epithelial cells present in the pulmonary airways, the choroid plexus, ependyma, oviduct and testis. Their are different variant founder lines of this stock: The line F26 has the highest expression of Cre in the lung compared to the two other founder lines, F14 and F24. (J:136610) Unclear which of these founder line we have here at ACRC.? To cross check with Shubha? PMID: 17255554
acrc:21000246 Foxj1CreERT2::GFP STOCK Foxj1<tm1.1(cre/ERT2/GFP)Htg>/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Inducible, Recombinase-expressing, Reporter) JAX JAX#27012 MIXED (B6J; CD1; 129P2/OlaHsd; 129S4/SvJaeSor) Heterozygote x colony Wild-type OR colonyWild-type x Heterozygote; Homozygotes have a postnatal lethal phenotype. Albino, Black Homozygotes have a postnatal lethal phenotype. YES Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2 (HET X WT) breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017, AG AG
acrc:22000019 Foxj1CreERT2::GFP; tdTAi14 STOCK Foxj1<tm1.1(cre/ERT2/GFP)Htg>/JNcbs ; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdT or tdTAi14) Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX -> ACRC compound of JAX#27012 & JAX#007914 MIXED (B6, CD1; 129...) Foxj1CreERT2::GFP Homozygotes have a postnatal lethal phenotype to Breed as HETs YES JAX, Arjun Guha Foxj1CreERT2::GFP Homozygotes have a postnatal lethal phenotype. AG.
acrc:22000028 Foxj1CreERT2::GFP; tdTAi9 STOCK Foxj1<tm1.1(cre/ERT2/GFP)Htg>/JNcbs ; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound JAX-> cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai compound of JAX#27012 & JAX#007909 mixed Foxj1CreERT2::GFP Homozygotes have a postnatal lethal phenotype to Breed as HETs JAX, TIFRmumbai - Shuba Tole
acrc:21000092 Foxp3YFP-cre B6.129(Cg)-Foxp3tm4(YFP/icre)Ayr/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX JAX# 016959 B6 Homozygote x Hemizygote N Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 AS
acrc:21000006 Foxp3YFP-cre, Notch1loxP Foxp3YFP-cre, Notch1lox/lox Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted KO, compound JAX and Freddy Radtke (EPFL) Components of JAX#016959 B6 Foxp3YFP-cre/WT, Notch1lox/lox (F) X Foxp3YFP-cre +ve, Notch1lox/lox (M) black Y ACRC- AS, JAX AS
acrc:21000008 Foxp3YFP-cre, RaploxP Foxp3YFP-cre, Raptor loxP Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted KO JAX - AS Components of JAX#016959 and JAX# 013188 B6 Foxp3YFP-cre/WT, Raptor lox/WT (F) X Foxp3YFP-cre +ve, Raptor lox/WT (M) black Y AS
acrc:21000362 Foxp3YFPCre, Rap fl, Adipoq-CreER, tdT B6.129(Cg)-Foxp3tm4(YFP/icre)Ayr/JNcbs , B6.Cg-Rptortm1.1Dmsa/JNcbs, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdT) (Rap^loxP), B6.129Tg(Adipoq-cre/Esr1*)1Evdr/JNcbs, Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX-> Ncbs compounds of JAX#007914, JAX#016959, JAX#013188, JAX#24671 mixed JAX, ACRC
acrc:21000068 FVB/N FVB/NJNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus WT JAX JAX# 001800 inbred (sibling X sibling) white albino exceptional breeder = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown
acrc:21000255 FVB/N_2018 FVB/NJNcbs Public Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus WT JAX JAX# 1800 inbred (sibling X sibling) albino white FVB/NJ mice are homozygous for the retinal degeneration 1 allele of Pde6brd1, resulting in blindness by wean age. NO Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3 breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 FVB/NJ mice are homozygous for the retinal degeneration 1 allele of Pde6brd1, resulting in blindness by wean age.
acrc:21000518 Gbx2CreER-IRES-GFP STOCK Gbx2tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Jyhl/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted Mutation JAX-> TIFRMumbai-> ACRC JAX#022135 JAX, Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai
acrc:21000065 GCaMP 4.3 C57BL/6J-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6s)GP4.3Dkim/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Reporter) JAX JAX# 024275 Hemizygote x Noncarrier black 5-10 pups per litter N 3 trios Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 USB
acrc:21000064 GCaMP 5.17 C57BL/6J-Tg(Thy1-GCaMP6f)GP5.17Dkim/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence) JAX JAX# 025393 Hemizygote x Noncarrier black 5-10 pups per litter N 3 trios Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 USB
acrc:21000248 GCaMP 5.17_2018 C57BL/6JTg(Thy1GCaMP6f)GP5.17Dkim/J Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence) JAX JAX# 25393 Hemizygote x Noncarrier OR Noncarrier x Hemizygote Black Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2 (Noncarrier X Hemi) breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 USB
acrc:21000033 gdTCR KO gdTCR^-/- Public Live Mus Musculus isogenic Havran (TSRI) Homozygote x Homozygote Black/Black no Havran (TSRI) CJ
acrc:21000319 GFAPcreER; TCA; Lhx2cKO Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)505Fmv ; TCA-GFP (5-HTT-GFP) ; Lhx2tm1Monu Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) JAX#012849; PMID: 24685175; MGI:3772179 JAX, TCA-GFP from Takuji Iwasato, Division of Neurogenetics, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima 411-8540, Japan, Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for cryo stocks TCA-GFP= Reporter mice expressing the membrane-bound enhanced GFP from the sensory thalamus-specific serotonin transporter (5-HTT) promoter PMID: 24685175. primers: TCA-GFP-F: ATGCTGTGCTGTATGAGAAGAACCA ; TCA-GFP-R: TTCTCGTTGGGGTCTTTGCT -> 800 bp.
acrc:21000374 Gkn2-lacZ C57BL/6N-Gkn2tm1.1(KOMP)Vlcg/Mmucd Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted KI MMRC_UCDavis KOMP / MMRRC Stock #: 047863-UCD C57BL/6N Thursday, August 1, 2019 Cryorecovered from CryoSperm Vial#12966-16 ( Het sperm) MMRC - UCDavis Cryorecovery + IVF on C57Bl6/NJNcbs oocytes. Genotype of recovered animals yet to be confirmed and validated by DP lab
acrc:21000012 gp91phox- B6.129S-Cybbtm1Din/JNcbs (gp91phox-) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX JAX# 002365 B6 heterozygote breeding or Het(f) X (hemizygote male) black mutation is X-linked Y JAX AS
acrc:21000247 Grik4cre_2018 C57BL/6Tg(Grik4cre)G324Stl/J Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing) JAX JAX# 6474 Hemizygote x Noncarrier OR Noncarrier x Hemizygote black YES Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2 (Noncarrier X Hemi) breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 USB
acrc:21000428 H2-M10.2 B6;129P2-H2-M10.2tm2Mom/MomJ Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Reporter, Null/Knockout) JAX -> ACRC JAX#007878 Thursday, August 27, 2020 2 sperm straws JAX to TIFRHyd, Adish Dani (TIFR Hyd) Cryo Sperm imported from JAX for Adish Dani on 27 August 2020.
acrc:21000013 H2BeGFP B6.Cg-Tg(HIST1H2BB/EGFP)1Pa/J Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Transgenic JAX JAX# 006069 B6 Hemizygous x Hemizygous black Y Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 AS
acrc:21000041 Htr2a B6;129SB6F1-Htr2a^tm1MMP/ncbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted Knockout (Exon1 + part of intron2 deletion) MMP B6; 129 Homozygous & Heterozygous Breeding Agouti/ Black 6-9 pups per litter KOF_GTG GAG AGG CTA TTC GGC TAT GA; KOR_TGC CTC GTC CTG CAG TTC ATT C; WTF_GGT ACC GGT GGC CTT TGC C; WTR_tac gga tat ggt cca cac cgc aat NCBS ACRC MMP_______________ original donor ESstrain: G4 ES cells- First Exon + part of Secon intron were deleted. KO PCR band- 200bp; WT PCR band- 201bp
acrc:21000416 Hyh +/- Hyh +/- [#454 written on casette] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Cryo Sperm Imported for Adish Dani (TIFR Hyd) Wednesday, July 10, 2019 3 sperm straws Adish Dani - TIFR Hyderabad Cryo Sperm Imported for Adish Dani (TIFR Hyd)
acrc:21000442 IFN-γR C57BL/6N-Ifngr1tm1.1Rds/JNcbs ; interferon gamma receptor 1 Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), No functional change) JAX JAX#025394 B6N Homozygote x Homozygote black Friday, November 27, 2020 2 males JAX Jax notes: "These floxed mutant mice possess loxP sites flanking exon 3 and 4 of the Ifngr1 gene. This strain may be useful for generating conditional mutations in applications related to innate immunity. Mouse mutants involving this gene have been used in studies of Zika virus pathogenesis."
acrc:21000444 Ifnar1-fl B6(Cg)-Ifnar1tm1.1Ees/JNcbs / interferon (alpha and beta) receptor 1 Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), No functional change) JAX JAX#028256 B6 YES Friday, November 27, 2020 2 males JAX from Jax: "The Ifnar1fl allele has loxP sites flanking exon 3 of the type-I interferon-α/β receptor gene. The Ifnar1 gene encodes the type-I-IFN-receptor which, upon binding type-I interferons, activates JAK-STAT signaling pathways critical for regulating growth, survival, differentiation, pathogen resistance and anti-viral immune responses. Mice homozygous for the floxed allele are viable and fertile with no reported abnormalities."
acrc:21000565 Ifnb-EYFP, E2-2f B6.129-Ifnb1tm1Lky/JNcbs [Ifnb-mob or Ifnb-EYFP], Tcf4tm1.1Hmb (E2-2 flox)/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus JAX and Dan Holmberg (Sweden) JAX# 010818 and MGI:3798811 mixed JAX, Dan Holmberg (Sweden) These mice co-express Ifnb1 and EYFP from the Ifnb1 locus
acrc:21000484 Ifnb-mob B6.129-Ifnb1tm1Lky/JNcbs [Ifnb-mob or Ifnb-EYFP] Public Live Mus Musculus JAX -> NCBS JAX# 010818 Thursday, April 15, 2021 2 males JAX These mice co-express Ifnb1 and EYFP from the Ifnb1 locus
acrc:21000302 Ift88-fl B6.129P2-Ift88tm1Bky/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), No functional change) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 022409 homozygotes can be bred together black Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (Homozygoytes) Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 Sperm QC efficiency-75.8%
acrc:21000016 Il1r1 -/- IL-1R^-/- (B6.129S7-Il1r1tm1Imx/J) interleukin 1 receptor, type I Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus targeted JAX JAX# 003245 Homozygote x Homozygote black 8-10 pups per litter yes Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 CJ
acrc:21000059 ILKflox B6N;129-Ilktm1Star (integrin linked kinase) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Gift by Renec St. Arnaud MGI:2668459 ; also available as JAX#23310 Homozygote x Homozygote agouti 4-8 pups per litter No Renec St. Arnaud, JAX SR
acrc:21000384 Jag1-flox B6;129S-Jag1tm2Grid/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted Mutation JAX -> ACRC JAX#010618 mixed Wednesday, November 27, 2019 JAX These floxed mutant mice possess loxP sites flanking exon 4, which encodes the DSL (Delta-Serrate-Lag2) domain, of the Jag1 gene. This strain may be useful for generating conditional mutations for studies of Notch signaling during development.
acrc:21000477 Jag1-flox, Sox10-Cre Jag1tm2Grid/JNcbs, Tg(Sox10-cre)1Wdr/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX compound from JAX#010618 & JAX# 025807 mixed JAX
acrc:22000024 Jag1-flox; Foxg1-cre [B6J] B6;129S-Jag1tm2Grid/JNcbs; Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Jag1-flox - JAX; Foxg1-Cre - RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337 Jag1-flox- JAX#010618; Foxg1-Cre - RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337
acrc:21000330 K14-K8 WTGFP FVB- Tg (K14-K8 WTGFP) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus transgenic Cryo for Dr Manoj B Mahimkar - ACTREC FVB/N Friday, August 31, 2018 Dr Manoj B Mahimkar - ACTREC Sperm was very weak at collection time - first Cryo IVF efficiency QC is low- would need to repeat the Cryo for this stock-
acrc:21000329 K14-K8S431A-GFP FVB- Tg(K14-K8S431A- GFP) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus transgenic Cryo for Dr Manoj B Mahimkar - ACTREC FVB/N Friday, August 31, 2018 Dr Manoj B Mahimkar - ACTREC
acrc:21000328 K14-K8S73AGFP FVB- Tg(K14-K8S73AGFP) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus transgenic Cryo for Dr Manoj B Mahimkar - ACTREC FVB/N Friday, August 31, 2018 Dr Manoj B Mahimkar - ACTREC
acrc:21000015 K14Cre (B6) Tg(KRT14-cre)1Efu/Ncbs (C57BL6) Public Live Mus Musculus Transgenic Elaine Fuchs at Rockefeller University Homozygous breeding black 10-12 pups per litter NO Elaine Fuchs at Rockefeller University, Colin Jamora CJ
acrc:21000058 K14Cre (CD1) Tg(KRT14-cre)1Efu/Ncbs [CD1] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University) albino 10 to 14 pups per litter Yes Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University), Srikala Raghavan for Cryo Stocks SR
acrc:21000409 K14Cre, R26R K14-Cre (C57BL6), B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Sor/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound ACRC / BLiSC compound of K14Cre (B6) and JAX#003474 mixed Colin Jamora, JAX
acrc:21000410 K14Cre, R26R, K14Snail K14Cre (B6), B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Sor/JNcbs, K14Snail Tg (CD1) Public Live Mus Musculus compound ACRC / BLiSC components of K14Cre (B6), JAX#003474 and K14Snail (CD1) from Elaine Fuchs mixed JAX, Colin Jamora, Elaine Fuchs
acrc:21000020 K14Snail (CD1) K14 Snail Tg (CD1 background) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University) albinos Yes Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University), Colin Jamora for Cryo CJ; mice died during shipment; repeated import
acrc:21000233 K14Snail (CD1), PAI-1 KO K14Snail (CD1), PAI-1 KO Public Cryo-S, Discontinued Mus Musculus Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University) and JAX components of JAX#002507 Strain is cryopreserved(Sperms) and the live colony is discontinued from March 2024 on request of CJ lab rep and confirmation of PI
acrc:21000019 K14Snail(B6) K14 Snail Tg (C57Bl6 background) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus congenic Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University) inbred (sibling X sibling) black 6-8 pups per litter Yes CJ
acrc:21000023 K14Snail(B6), Mindin KO Mindin -/-, K14 Snail Transgenic (C57BL6) Public Live Mus Musculus compound Jamora Lab Mindin^+/-,SnTg x Mindin^+/-, SnTg Black 6-8 pups per litter Yes CJ lab
acrc:21000408 K14Snail(CD1), MindinKO K14 Snail Tg (CD1 background), Mindin KO (C57Bl6) Public Discontinued Mus Musculus compound Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University), He Lab (Duke University), Colin Jamora The live colony is discontinued from March 2024 on request of CJ lab rep and confirmation of PI
acrc:22000065 K14Snail(CD1),Mindin;PAI-1 dKO K14 Snail Tg (CD1 background), Mindin KO (C57Bl6); B6.129S2-Serpine1tm1Mlg/JNcbs Public Discontinued Mus Musculus Compound, double knock out Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University) and JAX K14Snail(CD1),Mindi- Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University), He Lab (Duke University), Colin Jamora, PAI-1 KO JAX#002507 K14Snail(CD1),Mindi- Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University), He Lab (Duke University), Colin Jamora, PAI-1 KO JAX#002507 The live colony is discontinued from March 2024 on request of the CJ lab rep and confirmation of PI
acrc:21000510 K18-hACE2 [3053] B6N;DBA2-Tg(K18-hACE2)3053Mgef/Blisc [MEDIUM] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic MGEF / Blisc Dec 2022 - N8 backcross on B6/NJNcbs-2020 Hemi X WT MGEF / BLiSC MEDIUM Transgene copy number Line from founder#3053. -- Transgenic- Random insertion of the K18-hACE2 transgene. Mouse model developed at MGEF/ BLiSC facility- The original plasmid used for microinjection is the K18-hACE2 transgene plasmid [PMID: 17079315] kindly donated by Paul B. McCray <>. 6 different tg:K18-hACE2 founder Lines were generated at MGEF and are being characterised / analysed and stock amplified- Ready for pre-order. please visit our website for more details on the different series of mouseAce2KO and humanizedACE2 animals generated at MGEF.
acrc:21000509 K18-hACE2 [3068] B6N;DBA2-Tg(K18-hACE2)3068Mgef/Blisc [HIGH] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic MGEF / Blisc Dec 2022 - N8 backcross on B6/NJNcbs-2020 Hemi X WT Genotyping PROTOCOL: MGEF / BLiSC HIGH Transgene copy number Line from founder#3068. -- Transgenic- Random insertion of the K18-hACE2 transgene. Mouse model developed at MGEF/ BLiSC facility- The original plasmid used for microinjection is the K18-hACE2 transgene plasmid [PMID: 17079315] kindly donated by Paul B. McCray <>. 6 different tg:K18-hACE2 founder Lines were generated at MGEF and are characterised / analysed and stock amplified- Ready for pre-order. please visit our website for more details on the different series of mouseAce2KO and humanizedACE2 animals generated at MGEF.
acrc:24000001 k18-hACE2 [3068] k18-hACE2 [3068] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus k18-hACE2 [3068] MGEF_NCBS B6ND2
acrc:21000511 K18-hACE2 [3102] B6N-Tg(K18-hACE2)3102Mgef/Blisc [LOW] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic MGEF / Blisc july 2021 - N4 backcross on B6/NJNcbs-2020 Hemi X WT MGEF / BLiSC LOW Transgene copy number Line from founder#3102. -- Transgenic- Random insertion of the K18-hACE2 transgene. Mouse model developed at MGEF/ BLiSC facility- The original plasmid used for microinjection is the K18-hACE2 transgene plasmid [PMID: 17079315] kindly donated by Paul B. McCray <>. 6 different tg:K18-hACE2 founder Lines were generated at MGEF and are being characterised / analysed and stock amplified- Ready for pre-order. please visit our website for more details on the different series of mouseAce2KO and humanizedACE2 animals generated at MGEF.
acrc:21000371 K5-CreERT2 KI B6N.129S6(Cg)-Krt5tm1.1(cre/ERT2)Blh/J Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Recombinase-expressing, Inducible) JAX JAX#029155 C57BL/6NJ Wild-type x Heterozygote OR Heterozygote x Wild-type black Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX
acrc:21000287 KCNE1/2 -/- KCNE1/2 deletion ms(-/-) Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB + From 京都大学 岡崎先生 BDNF Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 50 2-cell embryos) RIKEN-CDB and 京都大学 岡崎先生
acrc:21000291 KPCBA KrasG12D; Trp53R270H; Pdx1-Cre ; Brca2-Tr1491; Brca2-F11; Aldh2tm1a/tm1a Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound MRC? Mixed (C57/BL6J; FVB/N; 129Sv) Friday, June 1, 2018 4 breeding pairs Ashok V, MRC compound breeding of 6 different alleles: 1) Lox-STOP-Lox-KrasG12D. 2) Lox-STOP-Lox-Trp53R270H. 3) Pdx1-Cre. 4) BrCa2-Tr1491. 5) BrCa2-F11. 6) Aldh2tm1a/tm1a. - Brca2-Tr allele is embryonic lethal in the homozygous state (not when heterozygous); Only particular combinations of alleles will lead to the appearance of pancreatic tumours, which eventually result in death of the animals.
acrc:21000211 LE-Crl LONGEVANS - (Charles River) Public Live Rattus norvegicus WT Crl LEH WT X WT
acrc:21000379 Leh/Arid1b Leh/Arid1b Public Live Rattus norvegicus medical college of Wisconsin LEH Friday, November 15, 2019
acrc:21000380 Leh/Dyrk Leh/Dyrk Public Live Rattus norvegicus medical college of Wisconsin LEH Friday, November 15, 2019
acrc:21000378 Leh/Grin2b Leh/Grin2b Public Live Rattus norvegicus medical college of Wisconsin LEH Friday, November 15, 2019
acrc:21000411 Lewis LEW/Crl - LEWIS RAT Public Live Rattus norvegicus INBRED RAT Charles River UK via Hylasco LEW/Crl - strain Code: 004 White (albino) Friday, July 31, 2020 3 breeding pairs CRL - Hylasco PV lab
acrc:22000093 Lgals3 KO B6.Cg-Lgals3tm1Poi/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX -> inStem (DBJ lab) JAX# 006338 B6J background Homozygote x Homozygote Homozygotes carrying the lectin, galactose binding, soluble 3 (Lgals3) knock-out have an impaired acute inflammation response, chondrocyte differentiation during long bone development and myofibroblast activation. Thursday, November 24, 2022 2 Males and 2 Females JAX Homozygotes carrying the lectin, galactose binding, soluble 3 (Lgals3) knock-out have an impaired acute inflammation response, chondrocyte differentiation during long bone development and myofibroblast activation. This mutant mouse strain may be useful in studies of bone development, endochondral ossification, inflammatory response, and liver fibrosis.
acrc:23000003 LGN-VenusC LGN-VenusC (CDB0452K) [(B6)5: GN-venusC#78(neo-/+] ; also known as B6.Cg-Gpsm2<tm1.1(Venus)Fuma> Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus RIKEN - CDB - KOBE CDB0452K ; RBRC03511 Tuesday, May 31, 2022 1 embryo vial (CDB0452K) RIKEN - CDB, Raj Ladher Cryo Vial of embryos imported from RIKEN on [ 31 May 2022 ] for Raj Ladher Lab.
acrc:21000406 Lgr5-EGFP, tdT B6.129P2-Lgr5tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle , B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze (tdT)/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX -> ACRC compound of JAX#008875 and JAX# 007914 mixed B6 JAX
acrc:21000407 Lgr5-EGFP, tdT, Casp1-/- B6.129P2-Lgr5tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle , B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze (tdT) /JNcbs , Caspase-1 -/- Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX -> ACRC and Jamora Lab UCSD compound of JAX#008875, JAX# 007914 and Caspase-1 -/- mixed JAX, Colin Jamora
acrc:21000373 Lgr5-EGFP-IRES-creERT2 B6.129P2-Lgr5tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Recombinase-expressing, Reporter, Inducible) JAX JAX#008875 +/+ sibling x Heterozygote homozygous lethal Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX
acrc:21000308 Lhx2 cKO/ SKO Lhx2tm1Monu / Lhx2tm1Dra (=Lh2sKO, Lhx -) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound Cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) MGI:3772179 PMID: 18202285 / MGI:4354122 PMID: 9247336 swiss? - Original Cryo males carried white coat color Lhx2sKO homozygotes are embryonic lethal (E15.5) Wednesday, September 7, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) SLhx2F: ACCAGACTCAGGGGAAACTCAG; NeoR: ATGCCTGCTTGCCGAATATC; SLhx2R: GTGACTGAACTCCGAACCATTG SLhx2WT: 397 bp; Neo: 600 bp Lhx2cKOF: ACCGGTGGAGGAAGACTTTT; Lhx2cKOR: CAGCGGTTAAGTATTGGGACA Lhx2cKOWT: 144 bp; Conditional: 188 bp
acrc:21000307 Lhx2 cKO; ROSAmTmG/mTmG Lhx2tm1Monu ; Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound Cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) compound MGI:3772179 ; PMID: 18202285 + JAX# 007676 mixed - original Cryo males were agouti Friday, September 2, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) + JAX Genotyping Primers: Lhx2cKOF: ACCGGTGGAGGAAGACTTTT; Lhx2cKOR: CAGCGGTTAAGTATTGGGACA Lhx2WT: 144 bp; Conditional: 188 bp
acrc:21000309 Lhx2cKO/cKO; Pax6cKO/cKO Lhx2tm1Monu ; Pax6tm1Ued (=Pax6LoxP) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) MGI:3772179 ; PMID: 18202285 + MGI:4354122; PMID: 19500363 Mixed- Original Cryo Males carried white coat Friday, September 2, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks Pax6 cKOF: AAATGGGGGTGAAGTGTGAG; Pax6cKOR: TGCATGTTGCCTGAAAGAAG Pax6: 156 bp; Pax6Conditional: 195 bp Lhx2cKOF: ACCGGTGGAGGAAGACTTTT; Lhx2cKOR: CAGCGGTTAAGTATTGGGACA Lhx2cKOWT: 144 bp; Lhx2cKOConditional: 188 bp
acrc:21000468 Lmx1aCre Tg(Lmx1a-EGFP/cre)Kjmi/Ncbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus MGI:4461311 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks Initially rederived and recryoed from S17_ST_Lmx1aCre/+;Bmp2cko/+;Bmp4cko/+_103. (for IIT-Kanpur- Amitabha)
acrc:21000326 Lmx1aCre/+; Bmp2cko/+; Bmp4cko/+ Tg(Lmx1a-EGFP/cre)Kjmi ; Bmp2cko; Bmp4cko Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) MGI:4461311 + PMID: 17194222(For both Bmp2 and 4) Lethality for homoz at Bmp2 and 4 loci. Hets survive till adulthood. Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, Bmp2 and Bmp4 double conditional mice were originally generated by Prof. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay's lab, @ IITK, Lmx1aCre is from Prof. Kathy Millen Bmp2 Forward primer: 5’ GTGTGGTCCACCGCATCAC; Bmp2 Reverse primer: 5’ GGCAGACATTGTATCTCTAGG; -> Bmp2mut: 450bp ; Bmp2WT: 370bp - Bmp4 Forward primer: 5’ AGACTCTTTAGTGAGCATTTTCAAC; Bmp4 Reverse primer: 5’ AGCCCAATTTCCACAACTTC. -> Bmp4mut: 240bp; Bmp4WT: 160bp-
acrc:22000029 Lsd1cKO B6.129-Kdm1atm1.1Sho/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX -> NCBS JAX#023969 When maintaining a live colony, homozygous mice may be bred together. Black Coat color These LSD1fl/fl mutant mice may be useful for studying the epigenetic mechanisms required for proper hematopoietic maturation, as well as the role of LSD1 in activity-evoked transcription of immediate early genes (IEGs) that impact memory formation, emoti Thursday, April 14, 2022 6 males and 5 Females JAX
acrc:22000047 Lsd1cKO/+; Ai9/+ B6.129-Kdm1atm1.1Sho/JNcbs; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] Public Live Mus Musculus Compound JAX -> NCBS JAX#023969; JAX#007909 JAX
acrc:21000089 LSL-Cas9 (Rosa26) B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-cas9*,-EGFP)Fezh/J (Rosa26-floxed STOP-Cas9 knockin) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted - KI JAX JAX# 024857 B6; 129 Heterozygote x Heterozygote OR Homozygote x Homozygote OR Homozygote x Inbred and recip black Y Thursday, January 14, 2016 2 breeding pairs (litter mate homozygotes: DOB- 22 Dec 2015) Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 MGEF
acrc:21000524 MADM-12-GT; GFAPcreER MADM-12-GT; Tg(GFAP-cre/ERT2)505Fmv Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) alleles not yet referenced? + JAX#012849 JAX, MADM alleles from Simon Hippenmeyer (IST Austria), Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) MADM publication-Cell reports: DOI: - Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) offers a unique approach to visualize and concomitantly manipulate genetically-defined cells in mice with single-cell resolution.
acrc:21000523 MADM-12-TG; Foxg1cKO MADM-12-TG; Foxg1tm1Fsh Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) alleles not yet referenced? + J:188355 Foxg1: Gordon Fishell, NYU Neuroscience Institute (PMID: 22726835) , , MADM alleles from Simon Hippenmeyer (IST Austria) , , Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) MADM publication-Cell reports: DOI: - Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) offers a unique approach to visualize and concomitantly manipulate genetically-defined cells in mice with single-cell resolution.
acrc:21000520 MADM-2-GT MADM-2-GT Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) alleles not yet referenced? Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), MADM alleles from Simon Hippenmeyer (IST Austria) MADM publication-Cell reports: DOI: - Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) offers a unique approach to visualize and concomitantly manipulate genetically-defined cells in mice with single-cell resolution.
acrc:21000519 MADM-2-TG; Lhx2 cKO MADM-2-TG; Lhx2tm1Monu Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai compound of Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) alleles not yet referenced? & MGI:3772179 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), MADM alleles from Simon Hippenmeyer (IST Austria) MADM publication-Cell reports: DOI: - Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) offers a unique approach to visualize and concomitantly manipulate genetically-defined cells in mice with single-cell resolution.
acrc:21000522 MADM-9-GT MADM-9-GT Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) alleles not yet referenced? Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), MADM alleles from Simon Hippenmeyer (IST Austria) MADM publication-Cell reports: DOI: - Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) offers a unique approach to visualize and concomitantly manipulate genetically-defined cells in mice with single-cell resolution.
acrc:21000521 MADM-9-TG MADM-9-TG Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) alleles not yet referenced? Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), MADM alleles from Simon Hippenmeyer (IST Austria) MADM publication-Cell reports: DOI: - Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) offers a unique approach to visualize and concomitantly manipulate genetically-defined cells in mice with single-cell resolution.
acrc:21000548 Malat1 KO Malat1tm1.2Dlsp Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus targeted KO MGI:5496055 original: (C57BL/6 x 129S4/SvJae)F1 Wednesday, November 3, 2021 2 males and 2 females for rescue breeding and cryo IISc- Rescue Breeding Request for Prof. K.N. Balaji / IISc, original Stock from: Prof David L. Spector- CSHL [Cold Spring Garbor Lab- USA]
acrc:21000236 Mdx_2017 C57BL/10ScSnDmd< mdx>/J Ncbs Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus Homozygote Females / Hemizygotes Males (spontanous mutation on X) JAX JAX#001801 C57BL/10 Wednesday, September 13, 2017 3 breeding pairs JAX NCBS/Instem agreements
acrc:21000055 Mesp1Cre Mesp1tm2(cre)Ysa/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus KI Pasteur Institute Paris MGI:2176467 Y Pasteur Institute Paris RS
acrc:21000022 MindinKO(B6) Mindin KO (C57Bl6) Public Live Mus Musculus He Lab (Duke University) KO X KO Black 6-8 pups per litter No He Lab (Duke University), Colin Jamora CJ
acrc:21000546 MindinKO(CD1) Mindin KO (CD1) Public Discontinued Mus Musculus Compound He Lab (Duke University) CD1 background KO X KO He Lab (Duke University), Colin Jamora The live colony is discontinued from March 2024 on request of the CJ lab rep and confirmation of PI
acrc:23000031 Mns1(dex3/+)#14 Mns1(dex3/+)#14[RIKEN] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN [CDB0299E] Monday, April 3, 2023 Imported 2 straws of Sperms
acrc:21000137 Myf5Cre B6;129-Myf5tm1(cre)Mrc/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted Mutation JAX JAX# 010529 Homozygote x Homozygote OR Heterozygote breeding 5 hets JAX, Ramkumar Sambasivan Sperm Donor Genotype not yet confirmed.
acrc:21000052 Myf5nlacz Myf5tm1Pas/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Null/knockout, Reporter) - KI Tajbakhsh Lab (Pasteur Institute Paris) MGI:1857973 or JAX# 018626 mixed (f)B6D2F1 X (m)Myf5nlacZ/+ heterozygote breeding Black 8-12 pups per litter Y JAX, Ramkumar Sambasivan RS
acrc:21000036 MYH7hum C57BL/6NTac-Myh6^tm3169(MYH7)Arte/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Knock-in (whole-gene replacement - humanized) John Mercer - made at TaconicArtemis intercrossed since 2013? hum/+ x +/+ or hum/+ intercross (either direction) black Y Saturday, November 14, 2015 Instem - ACRC JAM
acrc:22000007 NesCre Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/CjDswJNcbs [Nestin Cre] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Rederived from Shubha Tole NesCre/+, Lhx2SKO/+ Cryo Stocks JAX#019103 JAX, BLiSC Rederived from S17_ST_NesCre/+;Lhx2sko/+_102. on B6N background and then maintained by Bhavana's Lab. Lhx2 allele was outcrossed.
acrc:21000325 NesCre/+, Lhx2SKO/+ B6N.Cg-Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/CjDsw/+ [Nestin Cre], Lhx2tm1Dra (=Lh2sKO, Lhx -) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) JAX#019103 + MGI:1890208 Lhx2sKO homozygotes are embryonic lethal (E15.5) Nes-cre Transgene is mapped to Chr12- JAX Genotype protocol same as for JAX stock #003771 Monday, June 13, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, JAX (Nesting Cre allele) The Nestin Cre allele was initially wrongly referenced as the Amelia Eisch Nestin CreERT2 allele- But Shubha corrected this: THIS IS NOT the NestinCreERT2 allele from Amelia Eisch. It's a constitutive Nes-Cre promoter (originally from JAX#019103). Nes-Cre Transgene is mapped to Chr12- JAX genotyping proctocol same as for JAX Genotype protocol same as for JAX stock #003771 = able to distiguish hemi from homo:
acrc:22000051 NesCre/NesCre; Ai9/Ai9 Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/CjDswJNcbs [Nestin Cre]; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Compound Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), JAX Ai9 allele originally from JAX#007909; Nes cre- JAX#019103 Mixed Homozygote x Homozygote JAX
acrc:21000349 Nestin-cre/ERT2 AE C57BL/6-Tg(Nestin-cre/ERT2)KEisc/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing, Inducible) imported to ACRC from Vidita Vaidya (TIFR Mumbai) - Original Stock from Amelia Eisch - UPenn MGI:3767432 - also available as JAX stock#016261 Amelia Eisch - ;, JAX
acrc:21000348 Nestin-GFP Tg(Nestin-rtTA*M2,-EGFP)Sker (PN18 or PN9 insertion?) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Reporter, Transactivator) imported to ACRC from Vidita Vaidya (TIFR Mumbai) - Original Stock from Steven G Kernie- Columbia University MGI:6193952 OR MGI:6193950 alleles to be confirmed Steven G Kernie - Columbia University
acrc:21000315 NestinCreERT2/+, Lhx2cKO/cKO; Pax6 cKO/+ Nestin Cre ERT2? [TBD] ; Lhx2tm1Monu; Pax6tm1Ued (=Pax6LoxP) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) nestingCre? + MGI:3772179 + MGI:4354122 mixed Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, NestinCre under an MTA with ShubhaTole TIFR Mumbai & Amelia Eisch ( Jan2019- After Having rederived this stock for HSG - zero Cre positive animals were found + there seems to be a confusion on the original Nestin Cre allele of this stock- This needs to be clarified with Shubha again.
acrc:21000100 NestinGFCreER Tg(Nestin-cre/ERT2)1Fsh (= NestinCreERT2, Tg(Nes-cre/ESR1)1Fsh) Public Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inducible, Recombinase) Gordon Fishell (NY) MGI:3774417 Gordon Fishell (NY) HSG
acrc:21000116 NestinGFCreER, E2-2f/f Tg(Nestin-cre/ERT2)1Fsh, Tcf4tm1.1Hmb Public Live Mus Musculus Gordon Fishell (NY) + Dan Holmberg (Sweden) components of MGI:3774417 and MGI:3798811 B6;129 HSG
acrc:21000101 NestinRHCreER Tg(Nestin-cre/ERT2)1Rhn (= Nestin-CreERT2) Public Mus Musculus Transgenic Rene Hen (NY) PMID: 21658584 Rene Hen (NY) HSG PMID: 21658584
acrc:21000169 NestinRHCreER, Stim f/+ NestinRHCreER, Stim f/+ Public Live Mus Musculus
acrc:21000170 NestinRHCreER, Stim f/f NestinRHCreER, Stim f/f Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus GH
acrc:21000382 Neurog1-CreERT2 B6;129P-Tg(Neurog1-cre/ERT2)1Good/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus transgenic Cre JAX -> ACRC JAX#008529 mixed B6J & 129P Wednesday, November 27, 2019 JAX Sperm QC efficiency:23.07% Control efficiency for QC Session:98.03%
acrc:22000069 Neurog1-CreERT2, R26R-Confetti B6;129P-Tg(Neurog1-cre/ERT2)1Good/JNcbs ; B6.129P2-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-Brainbow2.1)Cle/JNcbs -[R26R-Confetti] Public Live Mus Musculus compound BLiSC compound of JAX#008529 and JAX# 017492 mixed JAX, Raj Ladher
acrc:21000321 Nex Cre/Cre, TCA/+, Lhx2cKO/cKO Neurod6tm1(cre)Kan [Nex Cre] ; TCA-GFP (5-HTT -GFP) ; Lhx2tm1Monu Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) MGI:2668659 + PMID: 24685175 + MGI:3772179 mixed Thursday, January 26, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, TCA-GFP from Takuji Iwasato, Division of Neurogenetics, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima 411-8540, Japan NexF: GAGTCCTGGAATCAGTCTTTTTC; NexR: AGAATGTGGAGTAGGGTGAC; NexCre-MutR: CCGCATAACCAGTGAAACAG. ->NexWT =770 bp ; Nexcre= 525 bp. TCA-GFP= Reporter mice expressing the membrane-bound enhanced GFP from the sensory thalamus-specific serotonin transporter (5-HTT) promoter PMID: 24685175. primers: TCA-GFP-F: ATGCTGTGCTGTATGAGAAGAACCA ; TCA-GFP-R: TTCTCGTTGGGGTCTTTGCT -> 800 bp.
acrc:21000028 NF1 fl/fl, K14Cre(B6) NF1 fl/fl, K14Cre(B6) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus congenic Jamora Lab NF1flox allele also available as JAX#017639 heterozygote X homozygote Black Yes JAX, Colin Jamora Stock Cryoarchived for CJ lab. - The Nf1flox mice possess loxP sites flanking exons 31-32 of the neurofibromatosis 1 gene (Nf1), and have applications in studying cancer, neural crest development and neurofibromatosis type I.
acrc:21000324 Nfia+/- Nfiatm1Rmg Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) PMID: 20610746 Embryos homozygous for Nfia null allele are lethal- Friday, June 30, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks Nfia Fwd: CGTGAGCTGGTACAGTTTGCA ; Nfia R: TGTTTGAGAATCTTTCTTCCTTTGG; Nfia-neoR: GCCTGAAGAACGAGATCAGCA. -> NfiaMutant ~350bp ; NfiaWT ~500 bp.
acrc:21000322 Nfia+/-; Lhx2cKO/cKO Nfiatm1Rmg ; Lhx2tm1Monu Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) PMID: 20610746 + MGI:3772179 mixed Embryos homozygous for Nfia null allele are lethal Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks Nfia Fwd: CGTGAGCTGGTACAGTTTGCA ; Nfia R: TGTTTGAGAATCTTTCTTCCTTTGG; Nfia-neoR: GCCTGAAGAACGAGATCAGCA. -> NfiaMutant ~350bp ; NfiaWT ~500 bp.
acrc:21000383 Ngn1-457Cre STOCK Tg(Neurog1-cre)1Jejo/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus transgenic Cre JAX -> ACRC JAX#012859 mixed - (C57BL/6J & SJL/J) Wednesday, November 27, 2019 JAX
acrc:23000014 Ngn1-457Cre; Jag1-flox STOCK Tg(Neurog1-cre)1Jejo/JNcbs; B6;129S-Jag1tm2Grid/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Ngn1-457Cre - JAX, Jag1-flox - JAX Ngn1-457Cre- JAX#012859, Jag1-flox- JAX#010618 JAX
acrc:21000458 Ngn1-457Cre; R26R-Confetti STOCK Tg(Neurog1-cre)1Jejo/JNcbs; B6.129P2-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-Brainbow2.1)Cle/JNcbs [R26R-Confetti] Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX -> NCBS compound of JAX#012859 and JAX#017492 mixed JAX RL lab
acrc:21000475 Ngn1-457Cre; R26R-Mito-EGFP STOCK Tg(Neurog1-cre)1Jejo/JNcbs, R26R-Mito-EGFP/MitoG#22(loxP/loxP) Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX -> NCBS & RIKEN-CDB compound of JAX#012859, & CDB0216K mixed JAX, Riken-CDB (Kobe)
acrc:21000072 NODscid NOD.CB17Prkdc<scid>/JNcbs Public Cryo-S, Discontinued Mus Musculus Spontaneous mutation JAX JAX# 001303 Homozygote x Homozygote white albino good breeder = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 AF - Very old stock - now leaky- = old stock imported in 2013 or prior - Filiation unknown- we strongly recommend you use the NSG (JAX#005557) stocks instead-
acrc:21000412 Notch-4-loxP Notch4lox/lox Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted Lox/Lox Apurva Sarin B6 ACRC- AS
acrc:21000111 NPHS2cre B6.Cg-Tg(NPHS2-cre)295Lbh/JNcbs ( => 2.5P-Cre) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing) JAX JAX# 008205 Noncarrier x Hemizygote black Y Friday, October 10, 2014 5 females + 4 males JAX Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:22000063 NPY-Cre B6.Cg-Npytm1(cre)Zman/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX -> NCBS JAX# 027851 Homozygote x Homozygote, Homozygous and heterozygous mice are viable and fertile. Black Coat color Tuesday, August 9, 2022 2F + 2M JAX Imported for Prof. Upi Bhalla.
acrc:21000235 NSG_2017 NOD.Cg-Prkdc<scid> Il2rg<tm1Wjl>/SzJNcbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus immunocompromised / double mutant JAX JAX#005557 Females are Homozygotes for Prkdc<scid> and Il2rg<tm1Wjl>- Males are Homozygotes for Prkdc<scid> and hemizygotes for Il2rg<tm1Wjl> Wednesday, September 13, 2017 2 breeding pairs NSG mice require Lab PI specific JAX MTAs, _active NSG MTAs for: CJ + JD + MI + SR + SRD + HSG + SK _
acrc:21000439 NSG_2020 NOD.Cg-Prkdc<scid> Il2rg<tm1Wjl>/SzJNcbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus immunocompromised / double mutant JAX JAX#005557 NOD albino Females are Homozygotes for Prkdc<scid> and Il2rg<tm1Wjl>- Males are Homozygotes for Prkdc<scid> and hemizygotes for Il2rg<tm1Wjl> Friday, November 27, 2020 5 breeding pairs JAX NSG mice require Lab PI specific JAX MTAs, _active NSG MTAs for: CJ + JD + MI + SR + SRD + HSG + SK
acrc:21000438 NUde_2020 NU/JNcbs ; Foxn1^ nude Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus inbred, spontaneous mutation, immunodeficient JAX JAX#002019 HET X HET or HOMO (males) X HET (females) - Homo females are very poor breeders HET or WT (albino) ; HOMO (hairless) YES Friday, November 27, 2020 4 HET breeding pairs JAX from Jax: "The two main defects of mice homozygous for the nude spontaneous mutation (Foxn1nu, formerly Hfh11nu) are abnormal hair growth and defective development of the thymic epithelium. Nude mice are also athymic; homozygous nude mice lack T cells and suffer from a lack of cell-mediated immunity. Homozygous nude mice show partial defect in B cell development. Homozygous nude females are not effective breeders. Ovulation starts late at 2.5 months and ends early at 4 months. "
acrc:23000080 NUde_2023 NU/JNcbs ; Foxn1^ nu Public Live Mus Musculus Inbred Strain JAX JAX#002019 Foxn1<nu> Heterozygote x Homozygote albino, without hair Related Genotype: A/A Tyrc/Tyrc Foxn1nu/Foxn1nu: albino, with hair Related Genotype: A/A Tyrc/Tyrc Foxn1nu/+ Thursday, December 7, 2023 6 female and 3 males JAX:002019 Homozygous nude females are not effective breeders. Ovulation starts late at 2.5 months and ends early at 4 months. The two main defects of mice homozygous for the nude spontaneous mutation (Foxn1nu, formerly Hfh11nu) are abnormal hair growth and defective development of the thymic epithelium. Nude mice are also athymic; homozygous nude mice lack T cells and suffer from a lack of cell-mediated immunity. Homozygous nude mice show partial defect in B cell development.
acrc:21000161 Oct4GFP Tg(Pou5f1-EGFP)2Mnn/Ncbs (=Oct4-DPE-GFP, OG2, TgOG2) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Reporter) Richard Harvey or Dr. Hans R. Schöler (Max Planck)? MGI:3057158 or JAX#004654 Dr. Hans R. Schöler (Max Planck) JD
acrc:21000413 OMP-Cre B6;129P2-Omptm4(cre)Mom/MomJ Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX -> ACRC JAX#006668 Thursday, August 27, 2020 2 sperm straws JAX to TIFRHyd, Adish Dani (TIFR Hyd) Cryo Sperm imported from JAX for Adish Dani on 27 August 2020. - 2straws received - Cryo-recovered / rederived on B6/JNcbs for Adish Dani (September 2020)
acrc:21000419 OMP:Chr2-YFP OMP:Chr2-YFP (AD) #460-1 written on casette Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Cryo Sperm Imported for Adish Dani (TIFR Hyd) Wednesday, July 10, 2019 3 sperm straws Adish Dani - TIFR Hyderabad Cryo Sperm Imported for Adish Dani (TIFR Hyd)
acrc:21000364 OT-1 C57BL/6-Tg(TcraTcrb)1100Mjb/J Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence) JAX JAX#003831 C57BL/6J Homozygote X Homozygote or Hemizygote X C57BL/6J black Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX TIFRHyd stocks- Like most TCR transgenics, these mice are somewhat immunodeficient.
acrc:21000088 OT-II B6.Cg-Tg(TcraTcrb)425Cbn/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence) JAX JAX# 004194 B6 Homozygote x Homozygote good breeder N AS
acrc:21000365 OT-II_2019 B6.Cg-Tg(TcraTcrb)425Cbn/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Inserted expressed sequence) JAX JAX#004194 C57BL/6J Homozygote x Homozygote black Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX to TIFRHyd TIFRHyd.
acrc:21000113 Padosan lox Padosan lox/lox Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN original: C57BL/6 × CBA ? / MIXED Homozygote x Homozygote black eye /agouti coat Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:21000024 PAI-1 KO B6.129S2-Serpine1tm1Mlg/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus congenic JAX JAX#002507 het X knock-out black 6-8 pups per litter Yes Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 CJ
acrc:21000445 PARP1-KO 129S-Parp1tm1Zqw [ADPRT] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus ko JAX-> IISc-> NCBS JAX#002779 JAX, IISc - N. Ravi Sundaresan <> mice maintained in V1 for DP lab / IISC Ravi Sundaresan collaborative work.
acrc:21000313 Pax6+/- ; Lhx2cKO/cKO Pax6 small eye ; Lhx2tm1Monu Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound, cKO cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) MGI:1856155 ; PMID: 8951061 + MGI:3772179 ; PMID: 18202285 mixed - original Cryo males were agouti Pax6 small eye -/- mutants are Lethal; Perinatal death. Wednesday, November 23, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks Pax6 +/- : Phenotypically distinguished by presence of small eye
acrc:21000049 Pax7CreERT2 B6;129-Pax7tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Fan/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus KI - Targeted Mutation JAX Jax# 012476 heterozygote breeding Black 8 to 12 pups per litter Y genotype of sperm donor animals not fully confirmed- Only one lysate(Biopsy ID-1330) out of the three different donor males shown to give positive band for CRE.
acrc:21000050 Pax7GPL Pax7tm1Tajb/Ncbs (= Pax7nGFP-Puro/nlacZ) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted KI (Null/knockout, Reporter) Tajbakhsh Lab (Pasteur Institute Paris) MGI:3850147 Black 8 to 12 pups per litter N Tajbakhsh Lab (Pasteur Institute Paris) RS
acrc:21000048 Pax7nGFP Tg(Pax7-EGFP)Tajb/Ncbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic Tajbakhsh Lab (Pasteur Institute Paris) MGI:5308730 Homozygous breeding Black good litter size (8-12 pups) N RS, JD
acrc:22000090 Pcdh15-n38YF-HA Pcdh15 Swap Mt ex 38#28(KI/+) F1 EMZY; Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Pcdh15 Mt EX38-flag- RIKEN, CDBO186E; PGK cre- Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand), MGI:2178050 ; also available as JAX#020811 (on B6) Pcdh15 Mt EX38-flag- RIKEN, CDBO186E; PGK cre- Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand), MGI:2178050 ; also available as JAX#020811 (on B6) RIKEN-CDB and Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) Pcdh15-n38YF-HA - cross of Pcdh15 mt ex38-flag with pgk-cre. It will change all the tyrosine residues to phelyalanine on exon 38 of pcdh15 and than tagged with HA tag, which will be different than normal Pcdh15 mt ex38-flag.
acrc:21000034 Pcp2Cre B6.129-Tg(Pcp2-cre)2Mpin/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing) JAX JAX# 004146 B6.129 Homozygote x Homozygote black 6 to 9 litter size. Gender varies with each litter.Canabilization was observed in two cages twice Yes 3 breeding pairs JAX - NCBS relocation agreements
acrc:21000091 Pcp2EGFP B6;FVB-Tg(Pcp2-EGFP)2Yuza/JNcbs Public Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Reporter) JAX JAX# 004690 B6;FVB Hemizygous x Hemizygous black 8-12 pups per litter Y 3 breeding pairs JAX - NCBS relocation agreements
acrc:21000009 PepBoy B6.SJL-Ptprca Pepcb/BoyJNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic JAX JAX# 002014 inbred (sibling X sibling) black N JAX - NCBS relocation agreements FO cryopreserved
acrc:21000367 PepBoy_2019 B6.SJL-Ptprca Pepcb/BoyJNcbs Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX JAX#002014 C57BL/6J sibing X sibling black Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX to TIFRHyd, JAX instem/ncbs agreements TIFRHyd- This C57BL/6 congenic strain is used widely in transplant studies because it carries the differential pan leukocyte marker Ptprca, commonly known as CD45.1 or Ly5.1. Wild-type C57BL and BALB/c inbred strains express the Ptprcb (CD45.2 or Ly5.2) allele.- A spontaneous mutation in the Ncr1 gene is segregating in this strain-
acrc:21000051 PGKCre Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase) Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) MGI:2178050 ; also available as JAX#020811 (on B6) mixed (strain of origin: (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F2) Homozygous breeding Coco or Black 8-12 pups per litter N Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand), JAX RS
acrc:21000206 PGKCre, tdT Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J (tdT) [Ncbs] Public Live Mus Musculus compound Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) + JAX# 007914 components of MGI:2178050 and JAX# 007914 RS
acrc:21000179 PGKCre, Twist1 fl/fl Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni , Twist1tm2Bhr Public Live Mus Musculus double compound components of MGI:2178050 , MGI:3768516 mixed RS, Pasteur Institute Paris, Richard R Behringer
acrc:22000017 PGKCre; Csf1r Flox Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/Ncbs; B6.Cg-Csf1rtm1.2Jwp Public Live Mus Musculus Compound JAX -> NCBS PGKCre- MGI:2178050 ; also available as JAX#020811 (on B6), Csf1r Flox- JAX#021212 JAX- Csf1r Flox, Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand)- PGKCre
acrc:21000303 PLPcreER B6.Cg-Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT)3Pop/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing, Inducible) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 005975 C57BL/6J Hemizygote x +/+ sibling OR Hemi X Hemi black Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (Hemizygoytes) JAX
acrc:21000466 PLPcreER, R26R-Mito-EGFP Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT)3Pop/JNcbs, R26R-Mito-EGFP/MitoG#22(loxP/loxP) Public Live Mus Musculus JAX & RIKEN CDB compound of JAX# 005975 and RIKEN# CDB0216K mixed JAX, Riken-CDB (Kobe)
acrc:21000497 PLPcreER; tdTomatoAi14 B6.Cg-Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT)3Pop/JNcbs ; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs (tdT) Public Live Mus Musculus JAX -> NCBS compound JAX# 005975 & JAX# 007914 JAX
acrc:21000366 Prf1 KO C57BL/6-Prf1tm1Sdz/J Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Null/Knockout) JAX JAX#002407 C57BL/6J Homozygote x Homozygote black Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX to TIFRHyd TIFRHyd- This colony is maintained by breeding homozygous siblings; reproduction performance is similar to C57LB/6J. Young mutants are susceptible to mouse hepatitis virus, but after reaching about eight weeks of age, they survive well conventional animal housing conditions. The expected coat color from breeding is black.
acrc:21000296 R26-DTAlky B6.129P2-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(DTA)Lky/JNcbs -[R26-DTAlky] Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), Inserted expressed sequence, No functional change) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 009669 B6 Homozygote x Homozygote black Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (Homozygoytes) JAX
acrc:22000010 R26-FLPe B6N.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX -> NCBS JAX #016226 C57BL/6NJ background Homozygote x Homozygote Black Coat FLPeR mice harbor the FLPe knock-in allele (R26Fki). Friday, February 4, 2022 2 Males and 2 Females JAX
acrc:22000045 R26-FLPe/+; Ai9/+ B6N.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(FLP1)Dym/JNcbs; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] Public Live Mus Musculus Compound JAX -> NCBS R26-FLPe - JAX #016226; Ai9 - JAX#007909 JAX
acrc:21000253 R26fsTRAP B6.129S4Gt(ROSA)26Sor<tm1(CAGEGFP/Rpl10a birA)Wtp>/JNcbs -[R26fsTRAP] Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), Reporter) JAX JAX# 22367 C57BL/6J Homozygote x Homozygote OR Homozygote X C57BL/6J OR HET X HET Black yes Wednesday, February 21, 2018 only 2 Males [to be bred with our C57BL/6J mice upon arrival] JAX These fs-TRAP mice are a useful tool for the isolation and purification of ribosome-bound proteins and protein complexes from tissues. HSG
acrc:21000284 R26p-Fucci2 R26p-Fucci2 (Tg/+): N11 [cell cycle (G1 & S/G2/M)] Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus Tg reporter [cell cycle (G1 & S/G2/M)] RIKEN-CDB CDB0203T B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB The R26p-Fucci2 is one in which the Rosa26 promoter (R26p) bidirectionally directs mCherry-hCdt1(30/120) and mVenus-hGem(1/110) in a single transgene- PMID: 23175634 (
acrc:21000143 R26R B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Sor/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), Reporter) JAX#003474 imported by CJ from UCSD? JAX, ACRC These Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Sor targeted mutant mice carry a loxP flanked neo cassette upstream of a β-galactosidase (lacZ) sequence. Removal of the neo cassette by cre recombination results in lacZ expression in cre-expressing tissues of the offspring. These mutant mice may be used as a Cre-reporter strain to test the tissue/cellular expression pattern of cre expressing mice.
acrc:21000403 R26R, K14Snail (CD1) B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1Sor , K14Snail (CD1) / Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound ACRC components of JAX#003474 and K14Snail (CD1) from Elaine Fuchs mixed JAX, Elaine Fuchs (Rockefeller University), Colin Jamora
acrc:21000300 R26R-Confetti B6.129P2-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-Brainbow2.1)Cle/JNcbs -[R26R-Confetti] Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), Reporter) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 017492 C57BL/6J recommended Het X Het - -- Homo X Homo are reported to be viable and fertile black Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (Homozygoytes) JAX
acrc:21000278 R26R-Display-mCherry R26R-Display-mCherry - DispC#26(loxp/loxp) [membrane] Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus targeted reporter [membrane] RIKEN-CDB CDB0207K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles. (
acrc:21000279 R26R-EB1-EGFP R26R-EB1-EGFP = EB1G#71(loxp/loxp) [Microtubule] Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus targeted mutation [Microtubule] RIKEN-CDB CDB0213K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles. (
acrc:21000281 R26R-EGFP-Paxillin R26R-EGFP-Paxillin [Gpaxillin#2(loxP/loxP)] [Focal contacts] Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus targeted reporter [Focal contacts] RIKEN-CDB CDB0221K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles. (
acrc:21000274 R26R-H2B-EGFP R26R-H2B-EGFP [H2BG#42(loxp/loxp)] Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus targeted reporter [nucleus] RIKEN-CDB CDB0203K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles. (
acrc:24000036 R26R-hACE2 [6557] R26R-hACE2 [6557] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus MGEF B6ND2
acrc:24000037 R26R-hACE2 [6665] R26R-hACE2 [6665] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus MGEF B6ND2
acrc:21000285 R26R-Lyn-mCherry R26R-Lyn-mCherry [#30(loxp/loxp)] [membrane] Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus targeted reporter [membrane] RIKEN-CDB CDB0278K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles. (
acrc:21000276 R26R-Lyn-Venus R26R-Lyn-Venus/Lyn-Venus (loxP/loxP) [membrane] Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus targeted reporter [membrane] RIKEN-CDB CDB0219K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles.
acrc:21000567 R26R-mito-DarT [#12] B6N;DBA2-Rosa26^em2(LSL-DarT-FLAG-IRESeGFP)Mgef/Ncbs [from founder#12] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus crispr/Cas9 targeted knockIn MGEF MGEF / BLiSC, Raj Ladher RajLadher Lab. MGEF project: Inj21_RL_Mona_R26-DarT-KI_609
acrc:22000027 R26R-mito-DarT [#12]; PGKCre B6N;DBA2-Rosa26^em2(LSL-DarT-FLAG-IRESeGFP)Mgef/Ncbs [from founder#12]; Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound R26R-mito-DarT [#12]- MGEF; PGKCre- Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) R26R-mito-DarT [#12]- MGEF RL lab , PGKCre- Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) and MGI:2178050 ; also available as JAX#020811 (on B6) PGKCre- Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand), JAX and R26R-mito-DarT [#12]- MGEF RL lab
acrc:21000566 R26R-mito-DarT [#1] B6N;DBA2-Rosa26^em1(LSL-DarT-FLAG-IRESeGFP)Mgef/Ncbs [from founder#1] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus crispr/Cas9 targeted knockIn MGEF MGEF / BLiSC, Raj Ladher RajLadher Lab. MGEF project: Inj21_RL_Mona_R26-DarT-KI_609
acrc:21000568 R26R-mito-DarT [#54] B6N;DBA2-Rosa26^em3(LSL-DarT-FLAG-IRESeGFP)Mgef/Ncbs [from founder#54] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus crispr/Cas9 targeted knockIn MGEF MGEF / BLiSC, Raj Ladher RajLadher Lab. MGEF project: Inj21_RL_Mona_R26-DarT-KI_609
acrc:21000277 R26R-Mito-EGFP R26R-Mito-EGFP/MitoG#22(loxP/loxP) Public Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus targeted reporter [mitochondria] RIKEN-CDB CDB0216K B6/N RIKEN-CDB June 2018- Cryorecovery failed - two new CryoVials arrived 22 Nov2018- cryorecovered OK
acrc:21000478 R26R-Mito-EGFP, PGKCre R26R-Mito-EGFP/MitoG#22, Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus RIKEN CDB & Pasteur Institute Paris compound of CDB0216K & MGI:2178050 mixed RIKEN CDB , Pasteur Institute Paris
acrc:21000280 R26R-Venus-Actin R26R-Venus-Actin [V actin#128(loxp/loxp)] Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus targeted reporter [Actin] RIKEN-CDB CDB0218K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles. (
acrc:21000283 R26R-ZO1-EGFP R26R-ZO1-EGFP [#137(loxP/loxP)] [Tight Junctions] Public Live, Cryo-E, Cryo-S Mus Musculus targeted reporter [Tight Junctions] RIKEN-CDB CDB0225K B6/N Monday, January 29, 2018 2 cryo-vials RIKEN-CDB R26R reporter lines generated by inserting a series of cDNAs for fluorescent fusion proteins into the ROSA26 locus. the R26R alleles are the <conditional> loxP-PGKNeo pA-loxP alleles. (
acrc:21000467 R26R-ZO1-EGFP, Sox10-Cre R26R-ZO1-EGFP [#137(loxP/loxP)] [Tight Junctions], Tg(Sox10-cre)1Wdr/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB & JAX compound of CDB0225K & JAX# 025807 mixed JAX, Riken-CDB (Kobe) The Jackson Laboratory Sox10-Cre live colony in 2017 exhibits white belly spots (not linked to presence of the transgene).
acrc:21000075 Rag1KO B6.129S7-Rag1tm1Mom/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX Jax# 002216 Homozygote x Homozygote black immuno compromised Y Saturday, November 29, 2014 2 breeding pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 SC
acrc:21000124 Rag1KO, Shiverer (F2) B6.129S7-Rag1tm1Mom/J , C3Fe.SWV-Mbpshi/J (F2) [Ncbs] Public Live Mus Musculus compound, double mutant components of JAX#002216 and JAX#001428 Rag1KO^+/-, Shiverer^+/- (F1) X Rag1KO^+/-, Shiverer^+/- (F1) SC
acrc:21000261 Raldh2+/-; Raldh3+/- Raldh2+/-; Raldh3+/- (B6D2 F1) Public Cryo-E Mus Musculus RIKEN-CDB import (Jan2018) - From Partanen Lab B6D2 F1 X Monday, January 29, 2018 1 CryoVial (= 60 2-cell embryos) RIKEN + Partanen Lab
acrc:21000186 Rap fl/fl, Foxp3YFPCre,Il1r1 -/- Rap fl/fl, Foxp3YFPCre, Il1r1 KO /[Ncbs] Public Live Mus Musculus coumpound JAX - CJ components of JAX# 013188 and JAX# 016959 and JAX# 003245 CJ
acrc:21000093 RaploxP B6.Cg-Rptortm1.1Dmsa/JNcbs (Rap^loxP) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX JAX# 013188 B6 Homozygote x Homozygote N AS
acrc:21000305 RBPj flox B6.129S2-Rbpj<tm1Kyo>/HonRbrcNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted Mutation Congenic RIKEN- CDB- Mitsuru Morimoto RBRC01101 - PMID:17681139 originaly on C57BL/6NCrSlc ? but litters have Black and Albino pups!! (Heterozygote x C57BL/6N) - or Het X Het - Only Black animals should be used for mating Mitsuru confirms that litters are black pups with occasional albino pups- Homos are embryonic lethal - die by E10.5 YES Thursday, November 22, 2018 1 vial of 2 cell vitrified embryos- Vitrified RIKEN on 2017.6.30 & MGEF cryorecovered Black and Albi pups on 28 May 2019 Mitsuru Morimoto - RIKEN-CDB Developed by Dr. Honjo, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University in 1995. RBP-J, recombining binding protein suppressor of hairless (Drosophila) which is a transcriptional factor of a Notch/RBP-J signaling pathway play a role in fate determination in various lineages. RBP-J homozygous mutant mice show severe growth retardation at 8.5 days of gestation, incomplete turning of the body axis, microencephaly, abnormal placental development, anterior neuropore opening and defective somitogenesis at 9.5 days of gestation, and die before 10.5 days of gestation.
acrc:22000025 RBPj flox; Foxg1-cre [B6J] B6.129S2-Rbpj<tm1Kyo>/HonRbrc; Foxg1-cre 129(Cg)-Foxg1tm1(cre)Skm/JNcbs XB6JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound RBPj flox- RIKEN- CDB- Mitsuru Morimoto, Foxg1-cre [B6J]- RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337 RBPj flox-RBRC01101 - PMID:17681139, Foxg1-cre [B6J]- RIKEN-CDB + From Jackson, 花嶋先生 lab - JAX#004337
acrc:21000102 RCE Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1.2(CAG-EGFP)Fsh/Ncbs [RCE:FRT] Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted Gordon Fishell (NY) MGI:4420764 ; MMRRC Stock No: 32038-JAX JAX, Gord Fishell, Harvard Medical School HSG
acrc:21000053 ROSA nlacZ Gt(ROSA)26Sor tm1(nls-lacZ)JFN/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Tg JF Nicolas (Pasteur Institute Paris) Homozygous breeding White 8-12 pups per litter N JF Nicolas (Pasteur Institute Paris) RS
acrc:21000292 Rosa26-DTA176 B6;129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(DTA)Mrc/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Gene Trap, Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), Inserted expressed sequence, No functional change) JAX -> NCBS JAX# 10527 original: (129X1/SvJ x 129S1/Sv)F1-Kitl+ ; mixed B6 Homozygote x Homozygote agouti Thursday, September 20, 2018 2 homozygote males JAX
acrc:21000123 ROSACreERT2 B6.129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX JAX# 008463 Homozygote x Homozygote black Saturday, November 29, 2014 3 breeding pairs JAX - NCBS relocation agreements shared (RS, SR, JD)
acrc:21000312 ROSACreERT2/+, Lhx2cKO/+, BetaCat cKO/cKO Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj ; Lhx2tm1Monu ; Ctnn1b tm2Kem (beta Catenin) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound cryo for Shubha Tole (TIFR Mumbai) + JAX compound from JAX#008463 + MGI:3772179 + JAX#004152 ;MGI:2148567 mixed - original Cryo males were agouti Friday, November 25, 2016 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai) for Cryo Stocks, JAX
acrc:21000473 ROSACreERT2/+, Lhx2cKO/cKO Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj , Lhx2tm1Monu / Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus rederived from Shubha Tole Stocks- TIFR Mumbai compound of JAX#008463 & MGI:3772179 Saturday, March 6, 2021 Shubha Tole (TIFRmumbai), JAX, BM BM imported from TIFR Mumbai
acrc:21000513 ROSACreERT2/+, Lhx2cKO/cKO, Ai9/+ B6.129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj/JNcbs, Lhx2tm1Monu/Ncbs, Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus compound rederived from Shubha Tole Stocks- TIFR Mumbai compound of JAX# 008463, MGI:3772179, JAX#007909 mixed JAX, Shubha Tole - TIFR Mumbai BM
acrc:22000046 ROSACreERT2/+; Ai9/+ B6.129-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT2)Tyj/JNcbs; B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JNcbs [Ai9(RCL-tdT)] Public Live Mus Musculus Compound JAX -> NCBS JAX# 008463; JAX#007909 JAX
acrc:21000002 ROSAmT/mG B6.129(Cg)-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo/JNcbs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus congenic JAX JAX# 007676 ; MGI:3716464 Homozygous breeding black 8-12 pups per litter N (homozygote) 3 breeder pairs Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 Genotyping Primers: mTmG F: CTCGCTGCCTCCTGGCTTCT; mTmG R: CGAGGCGGATCACAAGCAATA; mTmG mutant: TCAATGGGCGGGGGTCGTT Mutant: 250 bps; Wild type: 350 bps
acrc:21000299 RphiGT B6;129P2-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-RABVgp4,-TVA)Arenk/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), Reporter, Inserted expressed sequence) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 024708 mixed B6;129 black During backcrossing, the Y chromosome was NOT fixed to the C57BL/6 genetic background. Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (Homozygoytes) JAX important JAX note: Mice that are homozygous for the targeted mutation are viable and fertile. During backcrossing, the Y chromosome was NOT fixed to the C57BL/6 genetic background.
acrc:21000073 Rud lox Rudhira lox / Ncbs (= Bcas3 lox ; breast carcinoma amplified sequence 3) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN -> Ncbs original: C57BL/6 × CBA (transgenic) Homozygote X Homozygote black Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:21000074 Rud-mCherry Rudhira-mCherry (= Bcas3-mCherry) Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus RIKEN -> Ncbs original: C57BL/6 × CBA (transgenic) Hemizygote X Hemizygote black RIKEN- CDB, NCBS- Maneesha Inamdar ( JNCSAR) Stock Cryopreserved for Maneesha Inamdar (JNCSAR).
acrc:21000108 Scgb1a1-CreER B6N.129S6(Cg)-Scgb1a1tm1(cre/ERT)Blh/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Targeted Mutation JAX JAX# 016225 Homozygote x Homozygote Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 AG
acrc:21000126 Scgb1a1-CreER, tdT B6N.129S6(Cg)-Scgb1a1tm1(cre/ERT)Blh/J, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J /[Ncbs] Public Live Mus Musculus compound, double targeted JAX compound of JAX#016225 and JAX#007914 Scgb1a1-CreER^Cre/Cre X tdTomatoAi14^tdT/tdT JAX - NCBS relocation agreements AG
acrc:21000327 Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre B6;C3-Tg(Scnn1a-cre)3Aibs Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus cryo for Neeraj Jain (NBRC) JAX#009613 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Neeraj Jain (NBRC) for Cryo Stock, JAX
acrc:21000079 SD-12 SPRAGUE DAWLEY (2012 NCBS imported) Public Discontinued Rattus norvegicus WT SD WT X WT Stocks imported in 2012 Discontinued in 2021 by SC Lab
acrc:21000209 SD-15 SPRAGUE DAWLEY (2015 NCBS imported) Public Discontinued Rattus norvegicus WT SD WT X WT Stock imported to NCBS in 2015 Discontinued in Oct 2023
acrc:21000469 SD-21 Sprague Dawley (SD) [Feb 2021 Hylasco stocks] Public Live Rattus norvegicus Hylasco Hyderabad - Charles River Crl:CD (SD) IGS (Crl#001) Friday, February 26, 2021 10 Males + 10 Females
acrc:21000219 Sept7 fl/+; Stim1 fl/+; PCP2Cre/+ Sept7 flox/+; Stim1 flox/+; PCP2Cre/+ Public Live Mus Musculus
acrc:21000218 Sept7 fl/+; Stim1 fl/+; tdT/+ Sept7 flox/+; Stim1 flox/+; Ai14tdT/+ Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus
acrc:21000242 Sept7 fl/fl; PCP2Cre/+ Sept7 fl/fl; PCP2Cre/+ Public Live Mus Musculus
acrc:21000221 Sept7 fl/fl; Stim1 fl/fl; tdT/+; PCP2Cre/+ Sept7 flox/flox; Stim1 flox/flox; Ai14tdT/+ ;PCP2-Cre cre/+ Public Live Mus Musculus
acrc:21000222 Sept7 fl/fl; Stim1 fl/fl; tdT/tdT Sept7 flox/flox; Stim1 flox/flox; Ai14tdT/tdT Public Live Mus Musculus MIXED
acrc:21000240 Sept7 fl/fl; tdT/tdT Sept7 flox/flox; Ai14tdT/tdT Public Live Mus Musculus
acrc:21000217 Sept7 flox/flox Sept7 flox/flox Public Live Mus Musculus
acrc:21000370 Sftpc-CreERT2 B6.129S-Sftpctm1(cre/ERT2)Blh/J Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Recombinase-expressing, Inducible) JAX JAX#028054 C57BL/6NJ + C57BL/6J Homozygote X Homozygote black Friday, September 13, 2019 2 breeding pairs JAX When maintaining a live colony, these mice can be bred as homozygotes. Of note, the donating investigator reports that when continually maintained on the C57BL/6NCr genetic background, they observed spontaneous recombination levels up to 25%.
acrc:21000157 Shiverer C3Fe.SWV-Mbpshi/JNcbs, (C3HeB/FeJ-shiverer) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic, Spontaneous Mutation JAX JAX# 001428 Homozygote (M) x Heterozygote (F) black lack of myelin - homozygous animals begin shivering by 2 months of age Y JAX SC
acrc:24000052 Sirt1 delE2/+;Cre+;nnt+/- Sirt1 delE2/+;Cre+;nnt+/- Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Heterozygous ULLAS_TIFR HYD B6N/J
acrc:24000049 Sirt1 E4 lox/lox: Cre/Cre; nnt +/+ Sirt1lox/lox: Ert2 Cre/Cre; nnt+/+ Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Homozygous ULLAS_TIFR HYD B6N/J
acrc:21000332 Sirt1 lox B6;129-Sirt1 tm1Ygu Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targetted KI Cryo for Ullas Kolthur - TIFRmumbai - JAX JAX#008041 C57BL/6NCrl Thursday, January 12, 2017 Ullas Kolthur for Cryostocks, JAX Note from Ullas: This was continuously backcrossed with C57BL/6NCrl for 9 generations. The Cryo males are progeny of intercrossing after 9th generations.
acrc:21000336 Sirt4 (-/-) 129-Sirt4tm1Fwa Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus targetted KO Cryo for Ullas Kolthur - TIFRmumbai - JAX JAX#012756 129S1/Sv Tuesday, December 26, 2017 Ullas Kolthur for Cryo Stocks, JAX
acrc:21000335 Sirt6(+/-) 129-Sirt6tm1Fwa Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted Mutation - LacZ KO Cryo for Ullas Kolthur - TIFRmumbai - JAX JAX#006050 129:B6 Sunday, November 20, 2016 Ullas Kolthur for Cryo Stocks, JAX This mutant mouse strain contains a lacZ gene knock-in resulting in a loss of function of the targeted allele and may be useful in studies of DNA damage repair, genomic stability, and aging.
acrc:22000089 Six1-Cre; RBPj flox B6N Six1-Cre/+ (B6N) [mSix1-21-NLSCre]; B6.129S2-Rbpj<tm1Kyo>/HonRbrcNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound RIKEN-CDB to ACRC RBPj flox-RBRC01101 - PMID:17681139, RIKEN-CDB, RBPj flox from Mitsuru Morimoto
acrc:22000088 Six1-Cre;Jag1-flox B6N Six1-Cre/+ (B6N) [mSix1-21-NLSCre]; B6;129S-Jag1tm2Grid/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Compound Six1-Cre- RIKEN-CDB + from Dr Shigeru Sato in Jichi Med Univ; Jag1-flox- JAX Six1-Cre- RIKEN-CDB + from Dr Shigeru Sato in Jichi Med Univ; Jag1-flox =JAX#010618 RIKEN-CDB, JAX
acrc:21000293 SLICK-H STOCK Tg(Thy1-cre/ERT2,-EYFP)HGfng/PyngJNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing, Reporter, Inducible) JAX JAX# 12708 mixed: (C57BL/6J ; CBA) - backcrossed to C57BL/6J for 4generations by JAX Hemizygous X sibling non-carriers or Hemizygous X C57BL/6J black Thursday, September 20, 2018 2 hemizygote males JAX
acrc:21000148 Snail fl/fl, K14 Cre Snail fl/fl, K14 Cre Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus CJ
acrc:21000301 Sox10-Cre B6;CBA-Tg(Sox10-cre)1Wdr/JNcbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Transgenic (Recombinase-expressing) JAX ->NCBS JAX# 025807 B6;CBA Noncarrier x Hemizygote OR Hemizygote x Noncarrier black Thursday, September 20, 2018 1 breeding pair (Hemizygoytes) JAX The Jackson Laboratory live colony in 2017 exhibits white belly spots (not linked to presence of the transgene).
acrc:21000476 Sox10-Cre, R26R-Confetti B6;CBA-Tg(Sox10-cre)1Wdr/JNcbs, B6.129P2-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(CAG-Brainbow2.1)Cle/JNcbs -[R26R-Confetti] Public Live Mus Musculus compound JAX -> NCBS compound of JAX# 025807 & JAX# 017492 mixed JAX
acrc:21000443 Sox2 loxP STOCK Sox2tm1.1Lan/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready (e.g. floxed), No functional change) JAX JAX#013093 mixed Homozygote MALES x HET females is recommended ; HOMO X HOMO are very poor breeders YES Friday, November 27, 2020 3 Males JAX From Jax: "When maintaining a live colony, homozygous mice may be bred together. It is the experience of colonists at The Jackson Laboratory that homozygous breeding pairs produce few offspring, as does breeding heterozygous females with homozygous males. Therefore, we also maintain this strain by breeding homozygous females with heterozygous males.
acrc:21000464 Sox2 loxP, Atoh1-cre/ESR1 Sox2tm1.1Lan/JNcbs, Atoh1-cre/ESR1/Ncbs (FVB/N) Public Live Mus Musculus RIKEN & JAX compound of JAX#013093 & JAX#007684 mixed JAX Sox2LoxP HOMO X Sox2LoxP HOMO are very poor breeders- - RL
acrc:21000465 Sox2 loxP, B6J Sox2tm1.1Lan/JNcbs, B6/JNcbs(2019) Public Live Mus Musculus JAX compound of JAX#013093 & JAX#000664 JAX Sox2LoxP HOMO X Sox2LoxP HOMO are very poor breeders-
acrc:21000462 Sox2 loxP, PGKCre Sox2tm1.1Lan/JNcbs , Tg(Pgk1-cre)1Lni/Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus JAX & Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) compound of JAX#013093 & MGI:2178050 mixed Sox2LoxP/LoxP Homo X homo breeding to be avoided JAX, Pasteur Institute Paris (Yvan Lallemand) Sox2LoxP HOMO X Sox2LoxP HOMO are very poor breeders- - RL
acrc:21000463 Sox2 loxP, PLPcreER Sox2tm1.1Lan/JNcbs, Tg(Plp1-cre/ERT)3Pop/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus JAX compound of JAX#013093 and JAX# 005975 mixed JAX Sox2LoxP HOMO X Sox2LoxP HOMO are very poor breeders- - RL
acrc:21000480 Sox2 loxP; Emx2-Cre Sox2tm1.1Lan/JNcbs ; Emx2-Cre [Riken] Public Live Mus Musculus JAX -> NCBS & RIKEN-CDB compound of JAX#013093 & CDB0020K mixed JAX, Riken-CDB (Kobe)
acrc:21000498 Sox2 loxP; Lgr5-EGFP STOCK Sox2tm1.1Lan/JNcbs; B6.129P2-Lgr5tm1(cre/ERT2)Cle/JNcbs Public Live Mus Musculus JAX compound of JAX#013093 & JAX#008875 JAX
acrc:21000250 Sst-IRES-Cre B6N.CgSst<tm2.1(cre)Zjh>/J Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Targeted (Recombinase-expressing) JAX JAX# 18973 B6N Heterozygote x Wild-type OR Wild-type x Heterozygote or HET X HET Black Wednesday, February 21, 2018 2 (HET X WT) breeding pairs JAX @JAX- Mice were bred to C57BL/6NJ inbred mice (Stock No. 005304) for many generations using a marker-assisted, speed congenic approach to generate this C57BL/6NJ-congenic strain. When maintaining the live congenic colony, homozygous mice may be bred together. Researchers may consider using heterozygous Sst-IRES-Cre mice in behavioral studies; please see strain description for more details. USB
acrc:21000035 Stim1 flox Stim1^tm1Rao/Ncbs (= Stim1 Floxed) Public Live Mus Musculus Targeted (Conditional ready, No functional change) Anjana Rao Lab, La Jolla Institute (CA) MGI:3778911 Homozygote x Homozygote black Yes 3 breeding pairs Anjana Rao Lab, La Jolla Institute (CA) GH
acrc:21000153 Stim1fl/+, tdTAi14/+ Stim1^tm1Rao/Ncbs (= Stim1 Floxed), B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J (=tdTomatoAi14) / Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX and Anjana Rao compound of JAX# 007914 and MGI:3778911 JAX, Anjana Rao Lab, La Jolla Institute (CA),, Gaiti Hasan GH
acrc:21000198 Stim1fl/fl, Pcp2Cre/+ Stim1^flox/flox, Pcp2^Cre/+ / Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus compound Anjana Rao Lab and JAX components of MGI:3778911 and JAX# 004146 Anjana Rao Lab and JAX GH
acrc:21000197 Stim1fl/fl, tdT/+, PCP2-Cre/+ Stim1fl/fl, tdT/+, PCP2-Cre/+ Public Live Mus Musculus compound GH
acrc:21000154 Stim1fl/fl, tdT/tdT Stim1fl/fl, tdT/tdT / Ncbs Public Live Mus Musculus GH
acrc:21000427 Tbet-cre B6;CBA-Tg(Tbx21-cre)1Dlc/J [ Tbet-cre ] Public Cryo-S Mus Musculus JAX -> ACRC JAX#024507 Thursday, August 27, 2020 2 sperm straws JAX to TIFRHyd, Adish Dani (TIFR Hyd) Cryo Sperm imported from JAX for Adish Dani on 27 August 2020.
acrc:21000047 TBra B6 x B6Ei.Cg-TWis/EiJNcbs (Brachyury mutant) Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Congenic Spontaneous Mutation JAX JAX# 004591 (f)TBra(het) x (m)B6D2F1; or (f)B6D2F1 x (m)TBra(het) (C57Bl/6J) Black 8 to 12 pups per litter N Global JAX/NCBS/Instem transfer agreements_2017 RS; phenotyped screening:?
acrc:21000084 TBra:Myf5nlacZ B6 x B6Ei.Cg-TWis/EiJ, Myf5tm1Pas /[Ncbs] Public Live Mus Musculus double - Targeted / compound JAX and Pasteur Institute Paris components of JAX# 004591 and MGI:1857973 [JAX# 018626] TBra X Myf5nlacZ JAX, Ramkumar Sambasivan RS
acrc:21000044 Tbx6Cre Tg(Tbx6Cre)rsa/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus Tg RS lab (Pasteur Institute Paris) B6D2 ? Tbx6-Cre X B6D2 F1 Black 8-12 pups per litter Y RS lab (Pasteur Institute Paris) RS different lines- Tbx6Cre#5 Tbx6Cre#4
acrc:21000046 Tbx6YFP Tbx6tm2(HIST1H2BB/EYFP)Pa/Ncbs Public Live, Cryo-S Mus Musculus KO, KI MGI:3798467 ; 043813-JAX (f)Tbx6YFP/+ x (m)B6D2F1 or (f)B6D2F1 x (m)Tbx6YFP/+ Black, grey or coco Y virginia papaioannou, MMRC - JAX RS
acrc:21000087 Tbx6YFP:Myf5nlacZ Tbx6tm2(HIST1H2BB/EYFP)Pa, Myf5tm1Pas /[Ncbs] Public Live Mus Musculus components of MGI:3798467 [043813-JAX ], and MGI:1857973 [JAX# 018626]