The Animal Care and Resource Center (ACRC) is dedicated in providing and maintaining healthy laboratory animals for scientists of the Bangalore Bio-Cluster (NCBS / InStem / C-Camp) as well as for scientists of other Indian bio-medical research Institutes.
ACoMaS is the integrated ACRC animal colony management and rodent cage barcoding tracking system designed to best assist ACRC users and Staff in the most humane & ethical usage of animals required for their bio-medical IAEC approved research projects.
The list and details of STOCKS available at ACRC can be found on the Strain DB/Public data menu of ACoMaS.
Please Note that ACRC is NOT a commercial provider - We can only provide a few breeding pairs according to stock availability and MTA requirements.
For any information on ACRC services, or user access to ACoMaS please contact us at: acrcinfo at ncbs dot res dot in
or visit our website: