Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Kunte K, Kizhakke AGirish, Nawge V, Futuyma DJ.  2021.  Evolution of Mimicry Rings as a Window into Community Dynamics. ANNUAL REVIEW OF ECOLOGY EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS . 52:315-341.
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Khan A, Patel K, Shukla H, Viswanathan A, van der Valk T, Borthakur U, Nigam P, Zachariah A, Jhala YV, Kardos M et al..  2021.  Genomic evidence for inbreeding depression and purging of deleterious genetic variation in Indian tigers.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(49)
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Sitaraman S, Yadav G, Agarwal V, Jabeen S, Verma S, Jadhav M, Thirumalai V.  2021.  Gjd2b-mediated gap junctions promote glutamatergic synapse formation and dendritic elaboration in Purkinje neurons.. Elife. 10
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