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Bardgett RD, Bullock JM, Lavorel S, Manning P, Schaffner U, Ostle N, Chomel M, Durigan G, Fry EL, Johnson D et al..  2021.  Combatting global grassland degradation. NATURE REVIEWS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT.
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Sarkar V, Mahapatra C, Mohapatra PP, Nair MV, Kunte K.  2021.  Description of three new species of the genus Mata Distant, 1906 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadinae: Oncotympanini) with notes on their natural history from Indian state of Meghalaya, India.. Zootaxa. 4908(1):zootaxa.4908.1.1.
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Srinivasu BY, Arumugaperumal A, Mitra A, Muralidharan M, Das R, Mandal AKumar.  2021.  Effect of nanoparticle exposure in a living system: probed by quantification of Fetuin-B in plasma proteome and kidney tissue imaging using MALDI imaging mass spectrometry in a rat model. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH. 23
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Hoban S, Bruford MW, W Funk C, Galbusera P, M Griffith P, Grueber CE, Heuertz M, Hunter ME, Hvilsom C, Stroil BKalamujic et al..  2021.  Global Commitments to Conserving and Monitoring Genetic Diversity Are Now Necessary and Feasible.. Bioscience. 71(9):964-976.
Hoban S, Bruford MW, W Funk C, Galbusera P, M Griffith P, Grueber CE, Heuertz M, Hunter ME, Hvilsom C, Stroil BKalamujic et al..  2021.  Global Commitments to Conserving and Monitoring Genetic Diversity Are Now Necessary and Feasible.. Bioscience. 71(9):964-976.
Hoban S, Bruford MW, W Funk C, Galbusera P, M Griffith P, Grueber CE, Heuertz M, Hunter ME, Hvilsom C, Stroil BKalamujic et al..  2021.  Global Commitments to Conserving and Monitoring Genetic Diversity Are Now Necessary and Feasible.. Bioscience. 71(9):964-976.
Hoban S, Bruford MW, W Funk C, Galbusera P, M Griffith P, Grueber CE, Heuertz M, Hunter ME, Hvilsom C, Stroil BKalamujic et al..  2021.  Global Commitments to Conserving and Monitoring Genetic Diversity Are Now Necessary and Feasible.. Bioscience. 71(9):964-976.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
Vilizzi L, Copp GH, Hill JE, Adamovich B, Aislabie L, Akin D, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Azmai MNAmal, Bakiu R et al..  2021.  A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions.. Sci Total Environ. 788:147868.
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Hill KBR, Marshall DC, Marathe K, Moulds MS, Lee YJune, Pham T-H, Mohagan AB, Sarkar V, Price BW, Duffels J.P et al..  2021.  The molecular systematics and diversification of a taxonomically unstable group of Asian cicada tribes related to Cicadini Latreille, 1802 (Hemiptera : Cicadidae). INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS.
Hill KBR, Marshall DC, Marathe K, Moulds MS, Lee YJune, Pham T-H, Mohagan AB, Sarkar V, Price BW, Duffels J.P et al..  2021.  The molecular systematics and diversification of a taxonomically unstable group of Asian cicada tribes related to Cicadini Latreille, 1802 (Hemiptera : Cicadidae). INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS.
Hill KBR, Marshall DC, Marathe K, Moulds MS, Lee YJune, Pham T-H, Mohagan AB, Sarkar V, Price BW, Duffels J.P et al..  2021.  The molecular systematics and diversification of a taxonomically unstable group of Asian cicada tribes related to Cicadini Latreille, 1802 (Hemiptera : Cicadidae). INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS.
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Ebeling A, Strauss AT, Adler PB, Arnillas CA, Barrio IC, Biederman LA, Borer ET, Bugalho MN, Caldeira MC, Cadotte MW et al..  2021.  Nutrient enrichment increases invertebrate herbivory and pathogen damage in grasslands. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY .
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Arnillas CAlberto, Borer E, Seabloom E, Alberti J, Báez S, Bakker J, Boughton E, Buckley Y, Bugalho MNuno, Donohue I et al..  2021.  Opposing community assembly patterns for dominant and jonnondominant plant species in herbaceous ecosystems globally. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION .
Arnillas CAlberto, Borer ET, Seabloom EW, Alberti J, Báez S, Bakker JD, Boughton EH, Buckley YM, Bugalho MNuno, Donohue I et al..  2021.  Opposing community assembly patterns for dominant and nondominant plant species in herbaceous ecosystems globally.. Ecol Evol. 11(24):17744-17761.
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Arnillas CAlberto, Borer ET, Seabloom EW, Alberti J, Báez S, Bakker JD, Boughton EH, Buckley YM, Bugalho MNuno, Donohue I et al..  2021.  Opposing community assembly patterns for dominant and nondominant plant species in herbaceous ecosystems globally.. Ecol Evol. 11(24):17744-17761.
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Gerkin RC, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Joseph PV, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, Steele KE, Farruggia MC, Pellegrino R, Pepino MY et al..  2021.  Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms. Chem Senses. 46
Gerkin RC, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Joseph PV, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, Steele KE, Farruggia MC, Pellegrino R, Pepino MY et al..  2021.  Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms. Chem Senses. 46
Gerkin RC, Ohla K, Veldhuizen MG, Joseph PV, Kelly CE, Bakke AJ, Steele KE, Farruggia MC, Pellegrino R, Pepino MY et al..  2021.  Recent smell loss is the best predictor of COVID-19 among individuals with recent respiratory symptoms. Chem Senses. 46
