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Osuri AM, Ratnam J, Varma V, Alvarez-Loayza P, Astaiza JHurtado, Bradford M, Fletcher C, Ndoundou-Hockemba M, Jansen PA, Kenfack D et al..  2016.  Contrasting effects of defaunation on aboveground carbon storage across the global tropics.. Nat Commun. 7:11351.
Goheen JR, Augustine DJ, Veblen KE, Kimuyu DM, Palmer TM, Porensky LM, Pringle RM, Ratnam J, Riginos C, Sankaran M et al..  2018.  Conservation lessons from large-mammal manipulations in East African savannas: the KLEE, UHURU, and GLADE experiments.. Ann N Y Acad Sci.
Veldman JW, Aleman JC, Alvarado ST, T Anderson M, Archibald S, Bond WJ, Boutton TW, Buchmann N, Buisson E, Canadell JG et al..  2019.  Comment on "The global tree restoration potential".. Science. 366(6463)
Griffith DM, Lehmann CER, Strömberg CAE, Parr CL, R Pennington T, Sankaran M, Ratnam J, Still CJ, Powell RL, Hanan NP et al..  2017.  Comment on "The extent of forest in dryland biomes".. Science. 358(6365)
Joshi A, Ratnam J, Paramjyothi H, Sankaran M.  2024.  Climate and vegetation collectively drive soil respiration in montane forest-grassland landscapes of the southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 40
Anujan K, Ratnam J, Sankaran M.  2022.  Chronic browsing by an introduced mammalian herbivore in a tropical island alters species composition and functional traits of forest understory plant communities. BIOTROPICA .