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2016. Contrasting effects of defaunation on aboveground carbon storage across the global tropics.. Nat Commun. 7:11351.
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2018. Conservation lessons from large-mammal manipulations in East African savannas: the KLEE, UHURU, and GLADE experiments.. Ann N Y Acad Sci.
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2019. Frost maintains forests and grasslands as alternate states in a montane tropical forest–grassland mosaic; but alien tree invasion and warming can disrupt this balance. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY.
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2021. Varying impacts of logging frequency on tree communities and carbon storage across evergreen and deciduous tropical forests in the Andaman Islands, India. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. (118791)
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2022. Chronic browsing by an introduced mammalian herbivore in a tropical island alters species composition and functional traits of forest understory plant communities. BIOTROPICA .
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2022. Human–elephant conflict mitigation as a public good: what determines fence maintenance? Ecology and Society. 27(3)
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2023. Patterns and consequences of invasion of tropical montane forests by Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. in the Western Ghats. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION .
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2024. Climate and vegetation collectively drive soil respiration in montane forest-grassland landscapes of the southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 40
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