Journal Article
Somasundaram S, Véry A-A, Vinekar RS, Ishikawa T, Kumari K, Pulipati S, Kumaresan K, Corratgé-Faillie C, Sowdhamini R, Parida A et al..
2020. Homology modeling identifies crucial amino-acid residues that confer higher Na+ transport capacity of OcHKT1;5 from Oryza coarctata Roxb.. Plant Cell Physiol.
Sellamuthu G, Jegadeeson V, Sajeevan RSivarajan, Rajakani R, Parthasarathy P, Raju K, Shabala L, Chen Z-H, Zhou M, Sowdhamini R et al..
2020. Distinct Evolutionary Origins of Intron Retention Splicing Events in Antiporter Transcripts Relate to Sequence Specific Distinctions in Species.. Front Plant Sci. 11:267.