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Mirza ZA, Vyas R, Patel H, Maheta J, Sanap RV.  2016.  A New Miocene-Divergent Lineage of Old World Racer Snake from India.. PLoS One. 11(3):e0148380.
Agarwal I, Mirza ZA, Pal S, Maddock ST, Mishra A, Bauer AM.  2016.  A new species of the Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) collegalensis (Beddome, 1870) complex (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Western India.. Zootaxa. 4170(2):339-354.
Agarwal I, Mirza ZA, Pal S, Maddock ST, Mishra A, Bauer AM.  2016.  A new species of the Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) collegalensis (Beddome, 1870) complex (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Western India.. Zootaxa. 4170(2):339-354.
Agarwal I, Mirza ZA, Pal S, Maddock ST, Mishra A, Bauer AM.  2016.  A new species of the Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) collegalensis (Beddome, 1870) complex (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Western India.. Zootaxa. 4170(2):339-354.
Mirza Z.A, Sanap R.V., Kunte K.  2016.  A new species of the genus Thaicharmus Kovařík, 1995 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from northeast India. Euscorpius. 215:1-11.
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Marcel N, Sarin A.  2016.  Notch1 regulated autophagy controls survival and suppressor activity of activated murine T-regulatory cells.. Elife. 5
Gandhimathi A, Ghosh P, Hariharaputran S, Mathew OK, Sowdhamini R.  2016.  PASS2 database for the structure-based sequence alignment of distantly related SCOP domain superfamilies: update to version 5 and added features.. Nucleic Acids Res. 44(D1):D410-4.
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Mathew OKaleeckal, Sowdhamini R.  2016.  PIMA: Protein-Protein interactions in Macromolecular Assembly - a web server for its Analysis and Visualization.. Bioinformation. 12(1):9-11.
Mathew OK, Sowdhamini R.  2016.  PIMADb: A Database of Protein-Protein Interactions in Huge Macromolecular Assemblies.. Bioinform Biol Insights. 10:105-9.
Mascarenhas NManuel, Gosavi S.  2016.  Protein Domain-Swapping Can Be a Consequence of Functional Residues.. J Phys Chem B. 120(28):6929-38.
Sandhya S, Mudgal R, Kumar G, Sowdhamini R, Srinivasan N.  2016.  Protein sequence design and its applications.. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 37:71-80.
Bhatia D, Arumugam S, Nasilowski M, Joshi H, Wunder C, Chambon V, Prakash V, Grazon C, Nadal B, Maiti PK et al..  2016.  Quantum dot-loaded monofunctionalized DNA icosahedra for single-particle tracking of endocytic pathways.. Nat Nanotechnol.
Kaushik S, Nair AG, Mutt E, Subramanian HPrasanna, Sowdhamini R.  2016.  Rapid and enhanced remote homology detection by cascading hidden Markov model searches in sequence space.. Bioinformatics. 32(3):338-44.
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Dubey AK, Godbole A, Mathew MK.  2016.  Regulation of VDAC trafficking modulates cell death.. Cell Death Discov. 2:16085.
Pasha SNaseer, Meenakshi I, Sowdhamini R.  2016.  Revisiting Myosin Families Through Large-scale Sequence Searches Leads to the Discovery of New Myosins.. Evol Bioinform Online. 12:201-11.
Ghosh P, Mathew OK, Sowdhamini R.  2016.  RStrucFam: a web server to associate structure and cognate RNA for RNA-binding proteins from sequence information.. BMC Bioinformatics. 17(1):411.
Malhotra P, Udgaonkar JB.  2016.  Secondary Structural Change Can Occur Diffusely and Not Modularly during Protein Folding and Unfolding Reactions.. J Am Chem Soc. 138(18):5866-78.
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Bhagavan H, Muthmann O, Brockmann A.  2016.  Structural and temporal dynamics of the bee curtain in the open-nesting honey bee species, Apis florea. Apidologie.
Mani S, Thattai M.  2016.  Wine glasses and hourglasses: Non-adaptive complexity of vesicle traffic in microbial eukaryotes.. Mol Biochem Parasitol.
Choudhury SDey, Mushtaq Z, Reddy-Alla S, Balakrishnan SS, Thakur RS, Krishnan KS, Raghu P, Ramaswami M, Kumar V.  2016.  σ2-Adaptin Facilitates Basal Synaptic Transmission and Is Required for Regenerating Endo-Exo Cycling Pool Under High-Frequency Nerve Stimulation in Drosophila.. Genetics. 203(1):369-85.
Swaminathan V, Kalappurakkal JMathew, Mehta SB, Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Koga N, Baker DA, Oldenbourg R, Tani T, Mayor S et al..  2017.  Actin retrograde flow actively aligns and orients ligand-engaged integrins in focal adhesions.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(40):10648-10653.
Swaminathan V, Kalappurakkal JMathew, Mehta SB, Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Koga N, Baker DA, Oldenbourg R, Tani T, Mayor S et al..  2017.  Actin retrograde flow actively aligns and orients ligand-engaged integrins in focal adhesions.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(40):10648-10653.
Swaminathan V, Kalappurakkal JMathew, Mehta SB, Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Koga N, Baker DA, Oldenbourg R, Tani T, Mayor S et al..  2017.  Actin retrograde flow actively aligns and orients ligand-engaged integrins in focal adhesions.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(40):10648-10653.
Banerjee DSankar, Munjal A, Lecuit T, Rao M.  2017.  Actomyosin pulsation and flows in an active elastomer with turnover and network remodeling.. Nat Commun. 8(1):1121.
Mirza ZA, Patel H.  2017.  Back from the dead! Resurrection and revalidation of the Indian endemic snake genus Wallophis Werner, 1929 (Squamata: Colubridae) insights from molecular data.. Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal. :1-7.
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Malhotra P, Jethva PN, Udgaonkar JB.  2017.  Chemical Denaturants Smoothen Ruggedness on the Free Energy Landscape of Protein Folding.. Biochemistry. 56(31):4053-4063.
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Mirza ZA.  2017.   Description of a new species of Liocheles Sundevall, 1833 (Hormuridae) from India. Zootaxa. 4365(2):217-230.
Mirza ZA.  2017.  Description of a new species of Liocheles Sundevall, 1833 (Hormuridae) from India.. Zootaxa. 4365(2):217-230.
Mukherjee S, Dohno C, Nakatani K.  2017.  Design and Synthesis of Cyclic Mismatch-Binding Ligands (CMBLs) with Variable Linkers by Ring-Closing Metathesis and their Photophysical and DNA Repeat Binding Properties.. Chemistry. 23(47):11385-11396.
Jabir MV, N Chaitanya A, Mathew M, Samanta GK.  2017.  Direct transfer of classical non-separable states into hybrid entangled two photon states.. Sci Rep. 7(1):7331.
Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Mehta SB, Kalappurakkal JMathew, Swaminathan V, Koga N, Lambert TJ, Baker D, Waters JC, Oldenbourg R et al..  2017.  Direction of actin flow dictates integrin LFA-1 orientation during leukocyte migration.. Nat Commun. 8(1):2047.
Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Mehta SB, Kalappurakkal JMathew, Swaminathan V, Koga N, Lambert TJ, Baker D, Waters JC, Oldenbourg R et al..  2017.  Direction of actin flow dictates integrin LFA-1 orientation during leukocyte migration.. Nat Commun. 8(1):2047.
Nordenfelt P, Moore TI, Mehta SB, Kalappurakkal JMathew, Swaminathan V, Koga N, Lambert TJ, Baker D, Waters JC, Oldenbourg R et al..  2017.  Direction of actin flow dictates integrin LFA-1 orientation during leukocyte migration.. Nat Commun. 8(1):2047.
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Iyengar SB, Sumanta B., Barua D, Mishra C, Sankaran M.  2017.  A dominant dwarf shrub increases diversity of herbaceous plant communities in a Trans-Himalayan rangeland. Plant Ecology. 218(7):843–854.
Sowdhamini R, Mizuguchi K.  2017.  Editorial-Sequences and topology.. Curr Opin Struct Biol.
Patel RP, Wutke S, Lenz D, Mukherjee S, Ramakrishnan U, Veron G, Fickel J, Wilting A, Förster DW.  2017.  Genetic Structure and Phylogeography of the Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) Inferred from Mitochondrial Genomes.. J Hered. 108(4):349-360.
Bangalore MPrakash, Adhikarla S, Mukherjee O, Panicker MM.  2017.  Genotoxic Effects of Culture Media on Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.. Sci Rep. 7:42222.
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Suryawanshi KR, Redpath SM, Bhatnagar YVeer, Ramakrishnan U, Chaturvedi V, Smout SC, Mishra C.  2017.  Impact of wild prey availability on livestock predation by snow leopards.. R Soc Open Sci. 4(6):170026.
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Barnosky AD, Hadly EA, Gonzalez P, Head J, P Polly D, A Lawing M, Eronen JT, Ackerly DD, Alex K, Biber E et al..  2017.  Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems.. Science. 355(6325)
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Gangadharan B, Sunitha MS, Mukherjee S, Chowdhury RRoy, Haque F, Sekar N, Sowdhamini R, Spudich JA, Mercer JA.  2017.  Molecular mechanisms and structural features of cardiomyopathy-causing troponin T mutants in the tropomyosin overlap region.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Gangadharan B, Sunitha MS, Mukherjee S, Chowdhury RRoy, Haque F, Sekar N, Sowdhamini R, Spudich JA, Mercer JA.  2017.  Molecular mechanisms and structural features of cardiomyopathy-causing troponin T mutants in the tropomyosin overlap region.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
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Mirza ZA, Bhosale H, Patil R.  2017.  A new large species of gecko of the genus Hemidactylus Oken, 1817 (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae) from the Eastern Ghats, India.. C R Biol.
Giri VB, Bauer AM, Mohapatra PP, Srinivasulu C, Agarwal I.  2017.  A new species of large-bodied, tuberculate Hemidactylus Oken (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Eastern Ghats, India.. Zootaxa. 4347(2):331-345.
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