Journal Article
Srivathsa A, Sharma S, Oli MK.
2020. Every dog has its prey: Range-wide assessment of links between diet patterns, livestock depredation and human interactions for an endangered carnivore.. Sci Total Environ. 714:136798.
Srivathsa A, K Karanth U, N Kumar S, Oli MK.
2019. Insights from distribution dynamics inform strategies to conserve a dhole Cuon alpinus metapopulation in India.. Sci Rep. 9(1):3081.
Srivathsa A, Rodrigues RG, Ben Toh K, Zachariah A, Taylor RW, Oli MK, Ramakrishnan U.
2021. The truth about scats and dogs: Next-generation sequencing and spatial capture-recapture models offer opportunities for conservation monitoring of an endangered social canid. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. (109028)