Advt No.28/2024 : Appointment of a Facility Assistant (MGEF) on Contract basis

Advt No.28/2024: Appointment of a Facility Assistant (MGEF) on Contract basis dated 28th August 2024 

National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), a premier research invites eligible and interested candidates for the post of a Facility Assistant for Mouse Genome Engineering facilities (MGEF).

Post: Facility Assistant

Number of vacancies: 1 No

Age limit: 45 years as of 01.07.2024 (subject to relaxation as per GoI norms)

The appointment will be a fixed-term position initially for one (1) year and renewable annually subject to the outcome of a performance assessment. The position comes with consolidated pay based on qualification and experience, subject to institutional guidelines. 

The Mouse Genome Engineering Facility is a well-equipped state-of-the-art functional facility for the generation of transgenic and gene-edited mouse models. The main operational domains of the MGEF Facility are:  1) To generate genetically edited mouse models using CRISPR technology; 2) To provide the services for assisted reproductive technologies in laboratory mice to maintain and recover complicated mouse lines; 3) To conduct training and workshops.

We are seeking a highly motivated Facility Assistant (MGEF Facility) to support the Mouse Genome Engineering Facility (MGEF) as a molecular biologist as well as laboratory animals-assisted reproductive technologies.

Qualification and Experience:

BE/B.Tech/M.Pharma/Masters in any biological sciences and life sciences with prior experience in handling laboratory mice or rats with experience in molecular biology techniques is desirable. 

Job Responsibilities:
•    Coordinate and participate in the daily operations of the mouse genome engineering facility for managing and executing molecular biology activities related to mice model generation
•    Experience in molecular biology techniques such as PCR, DNA/RNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, genotyping
•    Perform molecular cloning, and gene-targeted vector construction for mice model generation
•    Basic understanding of CRISPR technology, designing strategies for the generation of CRISPR- mediated animal model generation, In house CRISPR guide synthesis and validation
•    Experience in rederivation, In Vitro Fertilization, genotyping, Mouse sperm and embryo cryopreservation and breeding services
•    Colony management, post-surgical animal monitoring and care
•    Maintenance of cryo database on animal Colony management software
•    Accurate recording keeping as per Standard Operative Procedures.
•    Communicating project status and results with clients.

Consolidated Salary: Salary will commensurate with experience and qualification.

Last date for receipt of Online application: 9th September 2024.

General Instructions:
1.    The Selection process may consist Written test and interview. Any change in the recruitment process will be intimated to the candidates in advance. The institute reserves the right not to fill the above posts herein advertised in case suitable candidates are not found. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.

2.   You are requested to upload your CV/resume AND a MANDATORY one-page COVER LETTER written by the candidate describing your background and the reason and interest for applying to this position. 

Save the CV and Cover letter as one file and upload in the space provided for the CV/Resume. 

Please note that candidates applying without a proper cover letter will NOT be considered.

3.    Incomplete applications and online applications without uploading the supporting documents in support of their Educational qualification with marks, Date of Birth, Caste Certificate, Experience certificate along with pay drawn, etc. shall not be considered.

4.     Candidates who are eligible for further age relaxation as per the extant rules of TIFR or GoI are required to submit applications by POST, along with a copy of the relevant certificate in support of age relaxation (for example ex-servicemen, persons with benchmark disabilities, etc.).

5.    The Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the no. of posts to be filled or not to make any recruitment to any post(s), or not to offer the appointment without assigning any reason. 

6.    The Institute strives to have a workplace where there is equality of diversity and candidates of all classes, caste, gender and religion are encouraged to apply for the position. 

7.    Applications from the candidates will be accepted ONLY ON-LINE, except for those who are seeking age relaxation as per extant GoI & TIFR rules are required to submit applications in the prescribed format by post must reach to Head, (A&F), National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, GKVK Post, Bellary Road, Bangalore: 560065 by 12th September 2024. The Applications by post must super scribe the post applied for, Advertisement No. & Serial Number of the post on the envelope. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay.

8.    The decision of the competent authority will be final in the matter of selection.

9.     Any legal dispute concerning the Selection/ Recruitment process will be subject to courts having jurisdiction over Bangalore.

10.    Please visit the website regularly since all subsequent Corrigendum/Addendum/Updates will be uploaded to the website only.

11.    No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delay, conduct and result of test/interview and reasons for not being called for test/interview. Interim correspondence will not be entertained and replied to.

12.    Prescribed format for an offline application can be downloaded here:


Step 1: Interested candidates should register ONLINE through the link on our website using a valid email ID.

Step 2: You will receive a user ID and password on your registered email ID.

Step 3: Using your ID and password you can fill in the application by clicking on “Submit Application”.

Step 4: Once you fill in the application you can SAVE or PREVIEW the application. Please Note: Any corrections should be made before you SAVE the application.

Step 5: After you SAVE, you can submit the application by clicking “SUBMIT”.

Step 6: All essential certificate is proof of your qualification, date of birth, experience, etc. Should be uploaded while submitting the Online application.


Head, Administration & Finance


Posted on 28th August 2024




Note: Please use Firefox or Chrome on a desktop or laptop to submit the application and do not select the declaration until the end. (Note: Please do not fill out the application on mobile phones). If the user still submits the application, then they can only resubmit the new application using an alternate email address.