Instructor: Iswar Hariharan
Time: 14:00-16:00 h
Duration of the course:
27th Jan 2015 to 28th Feb 2015
Teaching Assistance: Raghu Pandinjat
Days: T
Credits: 1
Class Room: Safeda
Course Outline:

This course aims to discuss fundamental principles of growth regulation at the level of individual cells, at the level of organs and of the entire organism. We will discuss mechanisms that regulate the eventual size of organs during development as well as the growth that occurs during regeneration. While the course material will primarily draw from experiments that use Drosophila melanogaster, relevant examples from a variety of other organisms will also be discussed. The course will consist of five lectures. For students wishing to take the course for credit, there will be assigned reading associated with each lecture and students will have to deliver oral presentations and/or written work based on the assigned reading.

Course Term: Jan Term - 2015
Course Year: 2014/2015