ADBS-IBAB Workshop on Genome/Transcriptome Sequence Analysis


Call outline: “Accelerator program for Discovery in Brain disorders using Stem cells” (ADBS) and “Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology” (IBAB) organizes a 3-day Workshop on Genome/Transcriptome Sequence Analysis. The main focus of the workshop will be on variant calling, population genomics and differential gene expression analysis.

Participants will be given complete hands-on experience on the tools used to analyze the data. Invited lectures from experts in the field of genomics will be a part of the workshop.

Date: November 13th-15th, 2019

Venue: Raspuri, NCBS, Bangalore

Who can apply: The training program is primarily targeted to post-doctoral fellows, Ph.D students, SRFs and JRFs who wish to employ genetic variants and/or differential transcriptome to understand human diseases.

Selection procedure: An expert committee will screen the applications and the selection is based on qualification, prior experience and a statement on the requirement of expertise from this training program for ongoing research and future prospects.

How to apply: Please apply via the Google form at the link below

The deadline for the receipt of complete application is 18th Oct, 2019. Incomplete applications will not be processed for selection.

There is no registration fees for the workshop. Accommodation will be provided for all selected candidates.

For poster: Click here

For further queries, please write to us at:

List of Selected Candidates

About ADBS

The Accelerator program for Discovery in Brain disorders using Stem cells (ADBS) is a new scientific venture to understand mental illness by harnessing the power of modern human genetics and stem cell technology.

Contact Us

National Centre for Biological Sciences,
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Bellary Road, Bangalore 560065,
Karnataka, India
Phone: 91 80 23666001 / 02 / 18 / 19
Fax: 91 80 23636662
Email: adbs at ncbs dot res dot in